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试管婴儿绝非想做就能做 Test-tube baby is not want to do can do
不孕不育治疗乱象堪忧,国家卫生行业标准有望近期出台 Infertility treatment is a mess,National health industry standard is expected to be introduced in the near future
Recently the ministry of health and the general logistics department of the ministry of health held a joint meeting of the relevant points out,At present assisted reproductive technology service market appear illegal sales promoting ovulation drugs/The illegal trade in eggs and chaos phenomenon.How to regulate infertility treatment reignite the public attention.At present the status quo of medical treatment of patients with infertility?Cause infertility is the main reason for that?Test-tube baby if you can promote the use of...Aiming at these problems the focus of public concern,Reporter recently interviewed province experts.
10对夫妇至少有1对不孕 Ten couples at least 1 to infertility
"According to relevant data show,At present our country of a crowd of about 230 million people,There are nearly 10 million infertility patients,And every year by hundreds of thousands of speed increasing."Shandong university affiliated hospital medical department director of the reproductive TangRong said,that,Our country every ten to couples of child-bearing age 1 in fertility problems to face.But according to not complete count,The JiuZhenLv infertility patients is still very low,Only about 14%.
TangRong said,Sterility patients is on the rise for many reasons,The main and reproductive age delay and dirty sex/Inappropriate abortion or drug abortion and the increased,"Worth stressed the point that older now/Secondary infertility increased year by year,Especially white-collar gens,Young when busy fight career,Contraceptive or after pregnancy induced abortion,Thirty years later, or even later want to children,But then missed the best reproductive age,And the work pressure and eager for the child's mental pressure is big also,Will lead to lower fertility."
Save the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, director of the center for reproductive even party also said,At present reproductive age delay is an important reason for sterility,She said,"The best female reproductive age from 25 to 30 years old between,The late may be deferred to 35 years ago,But many patients are more than 35 years old."
Even party said,After 35,Ovarian function began to decline,Eggs aging,Endometriosis/Pelvic inflammatory disease, such as increased risk,All of these may lead to infertility."Too late birth will also increase the baby deformity rate,Will also increase the risk of pregnancy mother."
In addition,Environmental pollution/Drinking smoking also seriously affected the male sperm quality."Twenty or thirty years ago,The male sperm quantity is generally 60 million/ml to qualified,Now 20 million/ml even‘hero’the."Has been engaged in professional reproductive 30 years or so even party exclamation said,Human reproductive capacity declined.
不规范治疗将小病治成大病 Is not standard treatment will ailment to a serious illness
"Specific to each couple the cause of infertility may differ in thousands ways."Shandong university of Chinese medicine the second affiliated hospital of fertility SunWei said,Cause the cause of infertility mainly several categories.One is the egg/Sperm production and class,The second is tubal/Vas deferens obstruction,The third is hereditary congenital developmental deficiencies and autoimmune factors.
And specific to each reason may have many kinds of pathogenic factors."For example, women's ovulation obstacle,Many factors can cause."SunWei said,Some of the reasons the ovulation obstacle in the present science and technology conditions also look not clear,"As polycystic ovary,Can be both a genetic factors,And environmental factors."
Even so,She says the patient also don't have to worry about."In fact some cause check the treatment also play less than much effect."She continue to polycystic ovary for example said,After chromosome check,May find what segments of genetic problems,But this not directly help to treatment."The patients through the present intervention can completely to a child."
"In China in order to further standardize the diagnosis and treatment of infertility,We are shandong university affiliated hospital as a reproductive lead unit,Contact nationwide experts are discussed/Formulated by the joint hearing[infertility(brood)Disease diagnosis]National health industry standard,Already in December 2012 passed the standard review board approval,Is expected to be released in the near future application."TangRong said,How to regulate check/Diagnosis sterility,Formulate standard treatment path,Let the patient is the key to less detours.
There are many sterility couple was not a problem,But because of the treatment can lead to serious consequences."For example, some women ovarian problem,To some hospital after careful inspection on the operating table,In the treatment of ovarian drilling,Actually this kind of treatment is easy to cause complications,Lead to problems such as tubal adhesion."SunWei said,In fact the obstacles for ovulation infertility problems,Combine traditional Chinese and western medicine is a good idea,Chinese traditional medicine recuperates the,Western medicine to promote row.
目前看试管婴儿是健康的 Now see test-tube baby is healthy
Although the test-tube baby can round a lot of couples to the child's dream,But there are also a lot of infertility couples worry:"Test-tube baby is their children?""Test-tube baby would not health ah?"
this,TangRong said,It is true in many patients exist such worry.She explained that,Have aptitude for assisted reproductive technology institutions in the test-tube baby when do,Strictly implement the ministry of health standards and regulations,The public health administrative department will also to these institutions regularly conduct supervision and inspection(check),To ensure the safety of the implementation of the technology.
For test-tube baby healthy,TangRong said,The Nobel Prize awarded to the father of test-tube baby,This suggests that the technology has been very mature,Also is to the test-tube baby full affirmation.But the technology application of short time after all,A little baby is to influence all have no,She is said still need time and related research to further inspection.
TangRong said,Want to do test tube requires strict clinical symptoms,Not patients require will give them to do.According to introducing,The ministry of health human assisted reproductive technology rules and regulations,Test-tube baby is mainly suitable for the fallopian tube factors for sperm and egg difficult to meet and get along well;Ovulation obstacle;Endometriosis;Less the man/Weak sperm disease;Immunity sterility, etc.
"When twenty? Seven, twenty? Eight patients,If sterility can drug therapy/Observing effect,But if it was from old age,Ovarian function is low,Should take assisted reproductive technology as soon as possible."Qilu hospital diagnosis and treatment DengXiaoHui sterility, director of the center said,According to the diagnosis and treatment standard,For some older patients,They will be properly relaxed prove assisted reproductive technology,"Women after 35,Assisted reproductive technology success rate will decline,Forty years old later success rate is low."
For the attention of the test-tube baby success rate,According to TangRong introduced,As a result of each different reproductive center technology maturity,The success rate and the floating at the meeting,They hospital success rate by 50% on average,Many factors influence the success rate,A key one is the age,The older the lower success rate.
为要双胞胎做试管婴儿不可取 To the twins do test-tube baby not desirable
In the provincial capital several have aptitude reproductive auxiliary center,The reporter sees,Almost every day is packed.Although most of them are couples with infertility,But also have individual health couple thought through the test tube babies conceived a twins.
"Heard that do test-tube baby can twin,So want to ask."Traditional Chinese medicine in the province reproduction and genetic center,Reporter met from Mr Zhang of liaocheng,"Listen to friends and relatives said,Many people do test tube is was pregnant with twins."
this,DengXiaoHui said,She in the outpatient service does come across such patients,Think in this way a future life twins.
It is reported,For test-tube baby to conception,General provisions below 35 years old can put two embryos,35 years old can put three embryos.so,Test-tube baby twin ratio really than natural pregnancy.
"but,Do not want to do test tube babies can do,It has strict indications."DengXiaoHui said,For those who attempt to by this means the birth of twins health couple,Won't give them to do the surgery.
其实对于不孕夫妇,专家也不鼓励怀双胞胎。“怀双胞胎其实有很大的风险。”唐蓉说,怀双胞胎容易造成早期流产、畸形儿,且婴儿死亡率、早产率都高。“双胞胎早产率要比单胞胎高10%,早产儿很容易伴随各种发育不全带来的疾病,而且要在温箱里呆很久,花费也很大。此外,生双胞胎也会增加母亲的危险,孕妇易患妊娠高血压、产后出血等。”(记者 李钢 郭静)
Actually to infertility couples,Experts also do not encourage twins conceived."With twins actually has a lot of risk."TangRong said,With easy to cause the twins early abortion/oaf,And infant mortality/Premature birth rate is high."Twin premature birth rate to 10% higher than single baby,Premature easily with various hypoplasia bring diseases,And in the oven for a long time,Cost is very big also.In addition,The birth of twins will also increase the risk of mother,Pregnant women with gestational hypertension easily/Postpartum hemorrhage, etc."(Reporter LiGang GuoJing)
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