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 ▲肿胀变形的舌头让人触目惊心。 Box-and-one swelling deformation tongue let a person deceived.

  ▲舌头又疼又痒无法收回口腔内,这让3岁多的小丽丽异常痛苦。 Box-and-one tongue and pain and itching can be retrieved in the mouth,It makes more than 3 years old little lily abnormal pain.


More than 3 years old little lily(alias)Sitting in dalian medical university affiliated hospital department of stomatology a bed,A beautiful and lovely little face is full of expression of pain,The child's tongue swelling deformation,Can stretch in the oral cavity.The Spring Festival,Little lily didn't eat a meal,Drink water have to rely on straw...


Lily born with congenital tongue department hemangioma.On February 1,,The strange disease suddenly attack,Lily tongue swollen continuously,Until now this kind of situation.In addition to outside tongue swelling,Lily has sustained fever.Parents of children with her went around dalian hospital,Shanghai is to seek medical advice,Very not easy to have a home Shanghai hospital can treat the disease,But bitter no bed...


舌部血管瘤突发作 Tongue department for a hemangioma


Yesterday afternoon,In dalian medical university affiliated a hospital department of stomatology see when lily,Reporters were shocked, the beautiful and lovely little girl tongue swelling, terrible,Has become a purple,Has been stretched out in the mouth.


Lily's aunt weeks lady told reporters,Lily this year more than 3 years old,Since the childhood got a strange disease."She had congenital tongue department hemangioma."Ms zhou said.In a court of the medical diagnosis of disease on volunteers,Also clearly show the child's strange disease."At birth, we will discover the child tongue a little big,But then no one CARES."Ms zhou said.


After birth to 3 years,The child's illness is attack."When the tongue can quickly swelling,Have to stretch to the oral cavity."Ms zhou said,Before a few times are not so serious,By take Chinese traditional medicine can also improve slowly.But on February 1,,Lily's strange disease suddenly"outbreak",A short time the child's tongue is swollen became like now."The key is she still continued high fever is not retreated,Treatment is very difficult."


孩子喝水都得用吸管 The children had to be drinking straw


During the interview,Unfortunate little lily has been trying to use hands scratching his tongue."Children and painful and itchy."Ms zhou said,The day lily disease was sent to dalian medical university affiliated a court,But the treatment has not been paid off.Lily's parents find out,Shanghai ninth people's hospital professor is FanXinDong treatment of this disease authorities,Before the Spring Festival will take my daughter came to Shanghai,The doctor said after inspection,If you want to treat have to admission,But there is no beds,Let etc have beds to come to Shanghai.Helpless under,A family of three had to return to dalian,To live in a big medical school.


"Which have the Spring Festival mind......"Interview ms zhou said,Special lovely children,Love said love to laugh.But this Spring Festival children eat a rice."The tongue blocking the oral cavity,Can't swallow,Can only rely on transfusion and liquid to maintain life."Ms zhou said,Lily now drink saliva all have to straw."Look at such a small children suffer,We adults heart like a knife that cuts the same."


 热心人帮忙联系医院 Warm-hearted help contacting hospital


2 months and days,Lily family planned to seek to Shanghai again.But the child's condition suddenly change,High fever again."17 morning,The child has a fever 41 ℃."Ms zhou said,At present the child's condition is not suitable for treatment,More can't long toss to Shanghai."If the child's tongue swelling continue to go down,The next step may cause suffocation,Can have life risk."Ms zhou said,The family now worried."But even in Shanghai,If there is no bed,Children can't hospital ah."


But ms weekly in 16 through the sina micro bo to net friend for help,The child's misfortune also got the attention of many dalian enthusiast.The reporter sees,In addition to many enthusiastic provide cure hospital information of the users,Many people also provide folk prescription,More net friend encouraged a little lily:"knowing,This beautiful and lovely little girl can better."

  志愿者王官升说,为了帮助丽丽,自己正在通过各种途径和北京上海等各家医院联系,希望找到口腔科专家,治疗丽丽的怪病。如果您有相关渠道,也可以和本报联系,共同帮助不幸的丽丽能再次笑起来。(大连晚报 文/首席记者万恒实习生苏晨 -图/由家属提供)

Volunteers a surname rise said,In order to help lily,You are through various channels and in Beijing, Shanghai and other various hospitals contact,Hope to find department of stomatology experts,Lili's strange disease treatment.If you have related channels,Can also and the contact,Mutual help unfortunate lily can smile again.(Dalian evening news article/chief reporter WanHeng interns SuChen - chart/by family members to provide)
