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全国18岁以上居民超重率30.6%,肥胖率12%;18岁以下居民肥胖人群达1.2亿 Eighteen years old the residents were overweight rate 30.6%,The obesity rate 12%;Obese people under the age of eighteen to 120 million


肥胖:大吃大喝惹的祸(聚焦·科学饮食(上)) obesity:Stoke to blame(Focusing · scientific diet(on))


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In the past ten years,Chinese average growth almost equal to the weight of westerners in the past 30 years the average growth of body weight.Since 2000,Our country adult/The weight increase is greater than the height increase


The Spring Festival,Zhejiang's Mr. Lin is spent in binge.He said:"The New Year,Don't binge didn't atmosphere,Don't push cup in lamp that really can't,Otherwise I'm sorry a table good food."


To return home for the New Year,Avoid to and friends get together sometime.Mr. Lin grade cast for three meals.The noon eat of include dongpo pork legs/Fish head bean curd/Gently string beans/Two steamed steamed dumpling and seaweed glutinous rice rolls,Eat in the evening is chicken feet/Pig bag/Beef tripe/ribs/American ginseng stew wuji soup.Do not know how much to eat,Also don't know to drink how much.The stomach packed,The second day still feel abdominal distension.


Chinese have experienced years of hunger,Do not have enough to eat memory still linger,A lot of people eat to"Very satisfied"That is the true enough,Like real full abdomen feeling.


In a state-owned enterprises XiaoFang work,Often eat to the full to panic.If you go to eat buffet,Must be helped out of the wall.Each time finished eating the,Are scold you are"ChiHuo",Than pigs also can eat,Can eat up a swelled head,Is the pipe not his mouth.Square meal after,XiaoFang can't sit,More can't stand,Can only lay on my side,So only a little stomach comfortable.A few years down,Neckline tight,Openning narrow,Tie my shoelace feel suffocated.To eat many,Natural eat fat.


Every ten years in China a country residents nutrition and health survey.In 2002,,Our country, nearly 300 million people are overweight and obesity,Eighteen years old the adults are overweight rate was 22.8%,The obesity rate is 7.1%.From 1992 to 2002,Residents in our country the number of overweight and obesity increased by 100 million people.


Starting from 2000,The national constitution monitoring every five years a.[The 2010 national civil constitution monitoring bulletin]display,In 2010,,Adults and the elderly obesity rates were 9.9% and 13.0% respectively,More than 2005 respectively 1.9 and 1.7% growth.Since 2000,Our country adult/The weight increase is greater than the height increase,Present a overweight and obesity rate sustained growth.


According to the 2010 national disease monitoring area and risk factors for chronic disease monitoring results show that the main:According to the Chinese adults are overweight and obesity decision criteria,In 2010,,Eighteen years old and above residents were overweight rate 30.6%,The obesity rate 12%.Men and women are not difference rate of obesity.


[The national physique monitoring and evaluation research]Experts say ZhouQin ruby,The number of overweight than the number of obesity,This means that there will be more and more people"preparation"Fat up.


In Shanghai"Healthy weight of 100 tons"activities,A total of 42893 people sign up for,Which conform to the requirements of the activities of 36841,Take part in the second compound called 16962.There are 12836 people to ease the weight,Total weight 30520.63 kg,Shanghai the city"thin"Thirty tons.


Before reform and opening up,People's weight has been partial thin.But after the reform and opening,Especially in the last twenty years,The rate of obesity and overweight people growth rate.Sports science research institute researcher/Mass sports research center, deputy director of wang mei puts her said:"In the past ten years,Chinese average growth almost equal to the weight of westerners in the past 30 years the average growth of body weight." 


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Due to the high energy of residents diet/High fat,With less physical activity,With the number of residents chronic sharply in recent years.Nearly half of state-owned adults when overweight,Burden of medical insurance will be back


The 43-year-old ZhangFengZhong in a state-owned enterprise to work,Height is only 1.6 meters,Weight 89 kg,Was calls"Small meatball".Body heavy,High blood fat,With moderate fatty liver,This is all stoke to blame.He often think of the first oldies:"Obesity is a will breathe a pain.Meat live in my body all the corner...It flow in the blood rolling back and forth,Regret not lose weight will be pain,Hate don't go on a diet will be pain,Want to thin the most painful not thin." 


Stoke is a health hazard of behavior.The human body's digestive system formed and eating behavior adapt to the rules.If suddenly change their eating behavior,A short time to eat too much food/Drink a lot of drinks,Beyond the body to the ability to digest food,Often can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction.


The Chinese CDC nutrition and food security MaGuanSheng deputy director said,After the feast on gastric pressure increases,Can cause acute dilatation of the stomach.into,The human body in a short time needs a large number of digestive juice digest food,This will obviously increase the burden of the pancreas,Make duodenal internal pressure increase,Thus increases the occurrence of acute pancreatitis or the risk of acute cholecystitis.


Often binge,Weight will increase quickly,A short period of time will be overweight or obese.Obesity itself is a kind of disease,At the same time or high blood pressure/Chronic illnesses such as diabetes risk factors.In diabetic/Cardiovascular disease and cancer patients,Overweight and obese are higher than the proportion of people of normal weight.Research shows that,Every increase weight 1 kg,The risk of diabetes, at least a 5% increase;Obese people happen Ⅱ diabetes risk is three times the normal weight.


The ministry of health data shows,Due to the high energy of residents diet/High fat,With less physical activity,With the number of residents chronic rising sharply in recent years.At present and years old and above the residents,The prevalence of hypertension was 18.8%,Number 160 million;The prealence of diabetes was 2.6%,More than 2000 people;The prevalence of dyslipidemia was 18.6%,Number 160 million.These chronic diseases will become the main consumption of medical and health resources disease.


Obesity and AIDS/Poison attack and alcohol addiction,And as the world's four major medical social problems,Become the world's fifth largest cause of death risk,Around the world every year at least 2.8 million people died in overweight or obese.According to the world health organization estimates,Obesity-related medical costs account for the developed countries of the total amount of the medical treatment charge 2% to 6%.

  “虽然很难精确测算有关超重肥胖的实际医保开销,但与超重肥胖有关的疾病大多是慢性的,而非急性病,这就意味着需要长期的治疗与恢复。中国政府在这个问题上的开销还是相当可观的。” 美国北卡罗来纳大学跨学科肥胖症研究中心主任巴里·波普金教授说。

"Although it is difficult to accurately measure the overweight obesity actual health care spending,But being overweight and obesity related diseases are mostly chronic,Rather than acute disease,This means that require long-term treatment and recovery.The Chinese government on this issue, or spending considerable." The university of north Carolina interdisciplinary obesity research center director Barry pop king said.


Pop gold and the Chinese CDC cooperation has launched a China health and nutrition survey.The research on China's 300 community of 29000 people for 22 years follow-up survey,Record its weight/Diet and exercise level change.Research shows that,Because of overweight and obesity in economic burden and cost are also rising sharply,$2000 in 49 billion,To 2025 dollars.


The ministry of health disease prevention and control bureau deputy director KongLingZhi has said,Our country finance of chronic disease prevention and control efforts to increase year by year,In 2012, 330 million yuan allocated special funds for the prevention and control of chronic diseases.


"We see is the unprecedented things,It happened in a population of 1.3 billion.Nearly half of state-owned adults when overweight,Can imagine China burden of medical insurance will be back."Pop jin said,"In view of China's obesity epidemic of fast pace,China and obesity related consumption catch up with the United States is just a question of time." 


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with"Little overweight"Dramatically increase,China youth physical decline for 25 years,The power/speed/explosive/Endurance and physical quality comprehensive glide.Feast on not only led to the obesity,And increased economic and medical burden,Have the harm and the no


11 years old nini most afraid Chinese New Year.Friends and relatives a home,She was afraid to see people hide in the toilet,Worrying about other people laughing at her fat.Nini is famous in the class"Big stomach king",One can eat seven chicken leg.Eat less,Can't stand is hungry.Rope skipping/Activities such as running all failed,In the classroom and the last two line,Just tired panting,Full head big sweat.


Beijing union medical college hospital clinical nutrition division chief physician in kang pointed out,Some people think that as long as eat too much/Eat well,Nutrition is enough,Body bar,This is a misunderstanding nutrition.In fact,binge,Eat not when/No scientific,Not only the nutrients can be absorbed by human body and use,Cause nutritional enormous waste,Will eat out of diabetes/hypertension/High blood fat, etc to metabolic diseases.


Young strong is strong in China,"Young fat fat is China".From China centers for disease control and prevention of data display,Our country under the age of eighteen obese has reached 120 million.


with"Little overweight"Dramatically increase,China youth physical decline for 25 years,The power/speed/explosive/Endurance and physical quality comprehensive glide.Capital institute of physical education secretary of the party committee LiHongJiang pointed out,For example Beijing,High school students in Beijing last year medical percent of pass is only ten percent.

  从1985年起,我国每5年开展一次《中国学生体质与健康调研》。根据调研,“80后”男生要比“70后”男生高3厘米,重3.8公斤,“90后”男生比“80后”男生高1.9厘米,重 3.6公斤。身高增长“前快后慢”,到“90后”一代速度已经明显放慢,体重增长则“前慢后快”。在机能、素质方面,“90后”则呈现全面下降趋势,耐力下降尤甚,部分年龄段甚至退回到了“70后”当年的水准。

Since 1985,Every five years in China to develop a[Chinese students' constitution and health research].According to the research,"After 80"Boys than"After 70"Boys high 3 cm,Weight 3.8 kg,"After 90"Boys than"After 80"The boy is 1.9 cm,heavy 3.6 kg.Height growth"Ago after fast slow",to"After 90"Generation rate has obvious slow down,Weight gain is"Slow, quick before".In the function/Quality aspect,"After 90"The present overall downward trend,Endurance drop what especially,Part of the age and even returned to"After 70"The level.


MaGuanSheng said,Adolescent obesity have great health concerns.Research has shown that,45% to 50% of primary school children are obese and 60% to 70% of the high school students to obese adults still obesity.On the other hand,It can also cause a lot of psychological behavior problems and social maladjustment.Compared with normal weight peers,Obese adolescents more easily in low spirits,Formation inferiority mentality and the closing character.


Many organizations detection are reflected,Nowadays teenagers physical deterioration is very serious.Parts of the draft work in medical percent of pass is to drop year by year,Fatty liver/hypertension/Overweight, etc"affluenza"Be recruiting check-up unqualified new factors.


[The 2010 national civil constitution monitoring bulletin]display,Work in physical activity are greatly reduced,Plus the amount of energy to improve/Factors such as work busy,Lead to adult body quality worse and worse,Prematurely senile.In 2010,,Adults physical quality of the grip strength/Back force/ZuoWeiTi proneness indexes, such as average slightly lower than in 2005,More lower than in 2000,A declining trend.

  马冠生指出,大吃大喝不仅催生了肥胖病,导致国民身体素质下降,而且加重了经济和医疗负担,有百害而无一利。(记者 王君平)

MaGuanSheng pointed out that,Feast on not only led to the obesity,Lead to the national physical quality decline,And increased economic and medical burden,Have the harm and the no.(Reporter WangJunPing)
