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中新网北京2月19日电 (记者 杜燕)北京市人力资源和社会保障局今天表示,今后,在京民办医院医务人员的职称评价标准条件与公立医疗机构水平相当,参评同级别职称人员的评价标准一致。
Beijing Beijing on February 19, (Reporter DuYan)Beijing human resources and social security bureau said today,In the future,In the private hospital medical personnel's professional title evaluation standard conditions and public medical institution level quite,The contestant with the level of professional titles in evaluation standard.
Beijing human social security bureau/City health bureau jointly issued[Beijing social capital held medical institutions health professional and technical personnel title examination and review the provisional measures].According to the way,And in Beijing area private hospitals in the work of the medical professional and technical personnel,As long as to meet the conditions,All can be independent to title examination and review.The move to break the private hospital medical staff eligible title of barrier to entry,Break census register/Unit duty amount and structure proportional limit,Through the private hospital medical personnel to participate in title appraisal channel,Make private hospital medical staff can be in Beijing to participate in title appraisal,And professional title evaluation standard conditions and public medical institution level quite/Evaluation standard in.
Beijing human social security bureau said,Along with the medical and health system reform unceasing deepening,In recent years the rapid development of private hospital.At present,Beijing private hospital has more than 3000,Accounted for one third of the total number of the medical institution,Beijing palace health hospital/Beijing countries to hospital of traditional Chinese medicine are herein.The health of employees more than 40000 people,Accounted for 17% of the total number of health workers in the city has become a private hospital of Beijing medical service supply of important medical resources,To ease the contradiction between supply and demand of medical service has played an important role.
but,after,Private hospital personnel to participate in title appraisal,By registered permanent residence/File and conditions,To attract foreign outstanding medical talents,Hindered the development of medical professional talents.
Beijing human social security bureau said,Way more,For private hospital health professional and technical personnel team construction to provide powerful talent evaluation support,To promote the rapid and sound development of the cause of private hospital,Speed up the formation of diversified do medical pattern.
It is reported,The published[way]Has been clear about the Beijing private hospital medical personnel professional qualification system,Set up a total of five levels,respectively:Primary and(Medical assistant/The nurse/YaoShi/JiShi);Primary teacher(physician/Nurse practitioner/pharmacists/technician);intermediate(The attending physician/Competent physician/nurse-in-charge/Competent pharmacists/Competent technicians);flows(Of doctor of vice director of/Nurse practitioner, deputy director of the/Pharmacists, deputy director of the/Technician, deputy director of the);Is senior(Chief physician/Director nurse practitioner/Assistant doctor/Director technician).
Declaration is senior/Four health professional and technical qualifications of the personnel,The assessment units and personnel file location talent service audit,The medical institution in area county human social security and health administrative department for approval and issue a letter of entrusted,The city health bureau to review.Through the review obtain corresponding professional qualification personnel,The municipal bureau of health the municipal human social security bureau acceptance/Record and presented a qualification certificate.
Declaration primary and/Primary division and intermediate health professional and technical qualifications of the personnel,In the personnel files of the counties and intermediate test applied to take the national health professional and technical qualification test/Examination of doctors' qualifications/The nurse qualification test,Pass the exam shall obtain corresponding initial/Intermediate professional and technical qualifications,By the national test organization to issue the corresponding qualification certificate.
Obtain professional titles,By the place the unit according to the actual situation,independent/Preferred employment,In the project funding/Personnel training and incentive for enjoy the city level professional and technical personnel with the same treatment.In addition,Through the private hospital title appraisal channel made after the title/Flow to the municipal public hospital personnel,Can be in call unit of professional and technical posts structure scale range,With professional and technical posts in level of employment conditions,Employment and wages in cash.
It is reported,At present,Beijing health technology series title appraisal results/Ability as the core talent evaluation guide,Will ethics/Work performance/Professional achievements and technology innovation as an important assessment elements.Performance including declaration staff development and completion of the MenZhenLiang/surgical/Quality of diagnosis and treatment/Patient satisfaction/Service grassroots community and have the professional knowledge level content;Professional achievements mainly include reporting staff to create a common prevention/diagnosis/Treatment of clinical treatment technology and technology(patent)invention,Host or bear important scientific research projects(subject)Completion of,Obtain important science and technology award/Published books and papers, etc;Technology innovation including declaration can reflect professional level and working ability of the important disease diagnosis example,If I was in charge of emergency and severe cases in the rescue/Difficult cases,And in which made great/The key technological breakthroughs, such as the actual case.(finish)
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