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武汉协和否认辐射致医生集体患癌 检测结果遭质疑--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


武汉协和否认辐射致医生集体患癌 患者质疑检测结果 Wuhan union denied radiation to the doctor collective cancer patients questioned test results


According to the sound of China[News aspect]reports,recently,Fang in its individual micro bo posted a letter from two wuhan union medical college hospital department of gynaecology and obstetrics female professor's letters requesting assistance cause attention,Said in a letter,On January 7th,Wuhan union medical college hospital department of gynaecology and obstetrics three middle-aged female professor in the institute in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma,The patient and family to think is due to improper adjacent operating room ray protective measures,By the ray accumulate over a long period to influence.


yesterday(21)morning,Wuhan union medical college hospital issued a statement to this saying to the retort.In the afternoon,Hubei provincial health bureau also released a survey results.What three the same department female doctor also suffering from thyroid cancer is related with the work environment?The results of the survey to the hospital doctors can eat this?


Speaking of his wife's disease,One of them sick woman professor's husband is it leaks people Mr. Li,Is very rough.


Mr. Li:Other bad to say,At least the three professors in the same operating room nearly six years work,Their operating room is no permission/No protection.


Said in letters requesting assistance,Due to ionizing radiation is thyroid cancer happen only clear etiology,And the three female professor in addition to the work environment outside the same,No other common factor.Letters requesting assistance that,They work in the department of gynaecology and obstetrics operating room just above,Is a lack of protective measures/But the need for frequent use of X-ray machine orthopedic surgery,They think that this is the main reason of the disease.


One of the sick woman professor/Department of gynaecology and obstetrics doctor ShaHuiLan said,Although at present oneself cannot be confirmed by ray frequent influence and three the same working conditions colleagues at the same time, check out the thyroid cancer whether there is a direct causal relationship,But himself and his colleagues sick must and surrounding environment related.


ShaHuiLan:I have no way to demonstrate ray and the disease the inevitable relationship between,I can only use the most scientific way to it,It to me is influential.If it is not necessary,Also have a lot of promoting.


Beijing some famous hospital a experts say,Small range at the same time people come to the same symptoms,Will have to consider the environment factors,Including environment by ray influence whether or not.And glands are the most susceptible to the influence of radiation,Although can't say ray and thyroid carcinoma is a causal relationship,But synthetic judgment,At least is an important factor.ShaHuiLan said,In addition to their three people,Hospital surgery floor are also a lot of thyroid carcinoma diagnosed.


ShaHuiLan:On January 5, to February 7 between,Our hospital eleven table thyroid surgery,We are all the worker.There are eight thyroid carcinoma,Five professors are working in the operating room.


Yesterday morning,Wuhan union medical college hospital in its official website issued a statement,Say from December 2012 to February 2013,Hubei province disease prevention and control center to three in the operating room staff working environment and the surrounding radiation dose for 3 times detection.The results show:Union medical college hospital surgery building operating room environment with radiation levels[Ionizing radiation protection and safety of radiation sources basic standard]requirements.But patients ShaHuiLan said,Such a statement can't convincing.


ShaHuiLan:In analog form do,And is not the actual situation.


reporter:Simulation and actual conditions of state what difference?


ShaHuiLan:This can be artificial control.And there are three machines,Now how can I test on behalf of the past six years by radiation?


Yesterday evening,Hubei provincial health bureau released the results of the survey,Say patients work environment and the surrounding radiation level meet safety standards.


Hubei provincial health bureau:16 XinFangJian received,19 we will investigate the,The results of the survey has been published in hubei province health department's official website,Are boot detection,The results conform to the radiation protection of the relevant standards.


Reporters then call the hubei province health department asked,Ask the current monitoring can reflect six years long time ray influence and three doctors focus suffering from thyroid cancer relationship,And the work environment affects lead to potential disease to whether we should punish occupational disease.Health department officials said,Due to the more specific problems,Already immediately organize the professional study,Will be the first time reply.


reporter:If this happens in narrow space common symptoms,Since the peripheral have radiation source,This calculating do not calculate inductrial injury or occupational disease??


Person in charge:This I also is not very clear,Problem is too professional.But we also oblige hospital to carry out the investigation,Must protect doctors and experts.


ShaHuiLan also worry that the,In addition to their three found thyroid cancer doctor,This department many doctors have the problem of thyroid nodule,In such an environment to work will worsen.This is also the doctors common concerns.

  沙慧兰:不少妇产科女教授、女医生,都一直在这个手术室工作,年数比较长的,很多人存在甲状腺结节,不知道会不会癌变,但是影响是会延续、会累积的。十几个医生,百分之九十甲状腺结节。(记者 潘毅)

ShaHuiLan:A lot of department of gynaecology and obstetrics female professor/Female doctors,Has been in the operating room work,Years longer,There are a lot of thyroid nodule,Do not know to be able to become cancerous,But the impact will continue/Will be accumulated.Ten several doctors,Ninety percent of thyroid nodule.(Reporter PanYi)
