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中新社天津2月21日电 (记者 田齐)实施《天津市人体器官捐献条例》推动会21日在天津医科大学举行。中国红十字会常务副会长赵白鸽说,今年要实现器官捐献信息的全国联网,唯有这样,才能保证器官捐献的科学、公开、透明。
China news agency tianjin February 21 (Reuters) (Reporter TianJi)implementation[Tianjin human organ donation regulations]Push will be 21 in tianjin medical university held.The Red Cross society of China executive vice President zhao said,This year to realize the organ donation information network throughout the country,Only then,To guarantee the scientific organ donation/public/transparent.
Zhao baige said in the meeting,This year the human body organ donation work will spread to all the provinces.The next step is to establish human organ donation of supervision over the work of the system.
On March 1,'s[Tianjin human organ donation regulations],China is the first specialized citizens after death the human body organ donation of local laws and regulations.[regulations]provisions,A close relative of the organ donor in illness treatment need to accept the human organ transplantation,Can prioritize;Civil affairs departments from donor basic funeral expenses,And to provide convenient conditions for the funeral.Tianjin Red Cross will also set up special funds,On economic difficulties of the implementation of humanitarian aid donor family,And to provide appropriate humanitarian concern.
[regulations]clear,Tianjin Red Cross and the Red Cross society of the districts and counties is human body organ donations of the registration organ,Shall publicize the contact address and contact way.Citizens have the will of organ donation,Shall be by myself in writing to the registration organ donation intend to express,And deal with the formalities that register.Gifts will express one spouse/Adult children/Parents should respect their contributions will.Gifts will after registration,I can demand a change or cancellation of registration.Medical institutions to donors remains for ethical principle of medical treatment,Respect for the dignity of the donor.
According to introducing,Since 2010,The Red Cross society of China by the ministry of health entrusted to carry out human organ donation work,At present there are 19 provinces(city)Carry out human organ donation pilot work.So far,Has been in place for 641 cases of organ donation,Large organs donated 1756,Saved thousands of lives.(finish)
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