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北京儿童血脂异常9.8% 肥胖让儿童患上“成人病”--亲稳舆论引导监测室
When I was a kid too fat,Grow up is probably ropy"burden".With the increase of childhood obesity,hypertension/High blood fat/Ⅱ diabetes in the past that only in adulthood diseases occur in children is also a popular trend.Research shows that,The city children hypertension prevalence was 9%/Dyslipidemia is 9.8%,Ⅱ diabetes have accounted for 43% of the total number of diabetes in children.Reporter learned from the department of health,The Beijing children's adult chronic disease prevention and control office recently formally established,Set up and the prevention and control of chronic diseases group of adult children.And experts were from the first son/Beijing children's hospital/Hospital of Peking University,/People's hospital/Union medical college hospital/Capital institute of physical education/Beijing hospital stability, etc.
肥胖让儿童患上“成人病” Let children suffer from obesity"Adult diseases"
Beijing children's hospital endocrinology chief physician WuYuJun said,The child is too fat,Appeared high blood pressure/Hyperlipidemia and metabolic disease,If without intervention,Is likely to continue to the adult stage,"They are diabetes/High blood pressure and so on chronic disease reserves."And got the slow disease,Not only will increase personal health burden,Will also increase the country's health care burden.
In Beijing children's hospital endocrinology outpatient service,More than 200 catties fat children is not case-by-case.WuYuJun said,Obesity will lead not only to the metabolic abnormalities,Lead to high blood pressure/hyperlipidemia/diabetes,And may affect other aspects."Many big boy to endocrine clinic didn't come to see obesity,But to see the development."WuYuJun said,Some fat boy's parents because the child"Chicken chicken"Is too small to see a doctor,A check to discover the child blood sugar is high/Blood pressure is high,The children's parents don't think that fat is disease,Still feel the child looking dignified and strong chubby quite lovely;The girl is so fat have may be polycystic ovary syndrome,This girl long meeting not easy pregnancy,"Influence of fat than parents think big."
六年级男孩初一女孩最易胖 6th grade boy first girl most easily fat
Which age children the most easy to get fat?According to data released by the municipal bureau of health,6 grade in elementary school and junior high school is grade one detection rate of obesity"crest".the,The boy in elementary school sixth grade the highest detection rate of obesity,Reached 31.1%;The girl in the junior middle school freshman class the highest detection rate of obesity,Is 20.9%.
2010-2011 school year,Beijing primary and middle school students obesity rate was 20.7%.the,The boy obesity detection rate is 25.9%,The girl obesity detection rate is 15.4%.Primary and middle school students obesity rate increased with age in wave mode change,Primary school obesity rate increased with age and heighten,Grade 6 students reached 25.5%;The junior middle school stage obesity rate peak appeared in the first grade,26%.then,Male and female students overall obesity rate declined.High school girls obesity rate decline further,In high school boys obesity rate showed a rising trend.
本市成立儿童成人病防治办 The city was founded adult children for disease prevention and treatment
WuYuJun said,The child if simple because of less activity/Intake of big lead to obesity,Parents can give children the best year check blood sugar/Blood fat/Blood pressure/Liver function/renal,As early as possible to find health concerns,Solve the problem as soon as possible.WuYuJun once accepts a 16 years old fat boy,The child to hospital is 1.70 meters,Weight up to 96 kg,Postprandial blood glucose values have reached the criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes.WuYuJun suggest boy to strictly according to the daily intake of standard"eat",And increase physical exercise,Medicine with."That's a special perseverance boy."WuYuJun let boy after a month come again,After a month,The boy to,WuYuJun actually didn't recognize,"Like in a man."The boy's weight from 96 kg to 70 kg reduction,That is not normal each index all returned to the normal category,Then follow-up found the boy's weight and keep very ideal.but,Such weight loss"Inspirational elder brother"Is not much,More children is reduced weight in the short term,But after a period of time and rebounded.
卫生部门表示,北京市儿童成人慢性病防治办公室成立后,将通过整合首都成人慢性病及儿科防治专家及医疗卫生资源,加强对儿童成人慢性病防控工作的组织指导和综合协调,提出并实施儿童成人慢性病防控的公共政策,积极推进临床医学及技术,使本市儿童成人慢性病得到有效控制。(记者 贾晓宏)
Department of health said,The Beijing children's adult chronic disease prevention and control after the establishment of the office,Through the integration of capital will be adult and pediatric chronic disease prevention and control of experts and medical and health resources,Strengthen the prevention and control of adult children chronic work the organization, guidance and coordination,Put forward and implement children adult chronic disease prevention and control of public policy,Actively promote the clinical medicine and technology,Make the city children adult chronic disease control effectively.(Reporter JiaXiaoHong)
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