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  中新网2月20日电 据中国政府网消息,国务院办公厅近日发布关于巩固完善基本药物制度和基层运行新机制的意见。意见强调,严禁将医务人员收入与药品和医学检查收入挂钩。

February and, according to the Chinese government network news,The general office of the state council recently issued about consolidating improve essential drugs system and the basic operation mechanism is opinion.Opinion emphasize,It is strictly prohibited to the medical staff income and drugs and medical examination income hook.


Opinion pointed out that,To strengthen the medical and health institutions at the grass-roots level evaluation.Innovation appraisal system,The number of service quality/Patient satisfaction/Task completion status and urban and rural residents health status as the main evaluation content,The assessment results to the public,Total wages and performance/Financial aid/Medical insurance payment and hook.Relying on the information means,Strengthen quantitative assessment/Effect assessment.


Opinion request,To implement the basic medical and health institutions term target responsibility system.Basic medical and health institutions shall take the public selection/Preferred way of produce.The term target responsibility system,The basic medical and health institutions in the department in charge of examination,The assessment results and its income and the appointment and removal of the hook.It is strictly prohibited to will of the person in charge of the income and basic medical and health institutions and economic income hook.


Opinions put forward,To improve the medical and health institutions staff treatment.Basic medical and health institutions within the approved your balance in accordance with the provisions in the extraction worker welfare funds/Award fund.The various localities should proceed from reality,In the smooth implementation of the performance salary basis,Combined with the medical staff working characteristics,An appropriate increase in JiangLiXing performance wage scale,Reasonable open the income gap,Reflect more pay for more work/Optimal performance for optimal.Basic medical and health institutions shall be responsible for the employment personnel assessment and reward and punishment,According to the assessment results timely issue performance salary.Income distribution to a line/Key position/Business backbone/Outstanding contribution to such personnel tilt,It is strictly prohibited to the medical staff income and drugs and medical examination income hook.

  国办:促进临床首选基本药物 保证安全有效价廉  

map:Promote clinical preferred essential drugs safe effective price

  国办:全面实施一般诊疗费 原则上10元左右

map:The full implementation of the general fee in principle ten yuan

  国办:严控国家基药目录增补数量 禁止权限下放

map:Tight control of national base medicine catalogue supplemented quantity banned authority down


map:Strict investigation and published delay payment basic drug payment behavior

  国办:优先采购国际水平仿制药 提高基本药物质量

map:Give priority to purchase the international level generics to improve the quality of basic drugs


map:Encourage conditional area appropriately raise the pay of provide for the aged of rural doctors


Medical students to the Midwest township health center work 3 years will receive tuition subsidies


map:Basic medical and health institutions regular public financial balance, etc

  官员称基本药物制度在基层实现全覆盖 仍需巩固

Officials say the essential drugs system in the basic unit to realize full cover still need to consolidate


Development and reform commission (NDRC):Basic drug centralized purchasing is the world prices drop practices


Officials say the primary care regression public welfare and have cauldron rice no inevitable relation

  官员称基层仍是中国卫生事业薄弱环节 历史欠账多

Officials say the base is still the weak link of China health history more greatly
