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食品安全法“规定不详” 多头管理被指成安全漏洞--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Online sales of food into the scope of monitoring,Plug in the supervision of food safety a loophole.But reporters who the personage inside course of study/Law enforcement personnel and experts,The consensus that:Food safety another big loophole more need to be paid attention to,That is much department management of food safety chain present chaos shape,Each department supervision responsibilities unrealized"Seamless connection".


 □问题1 - question 1

  食品安全法被指“规定不详” Food safety is refers to"Regulation is unknown"


[Food safety]Did not to"Food production/Food circulation/Catering service activities"There were detailed explanation,In the concrete implementation situation may arise when shuffle.


According to the problem of food safety supervision department,A insiders call a spade a spade,"The most fundamental reason is that the legal provisions".The people responsible for the monitoring of food for a sample,[Food safety]provisions,Qualitative inspect/Commerce and food and drug supervision and administration departments of food production, respectively/Food circulation/Catering service activities implement supervision and management.but[Food safety]Did not to"Food production/Food circulation/Catering service activities"There were detailed explanation,Although the implementation regulations have some interpretation,But is still not elaborate,This will lead to in the concrete implementation may arise when shuffle situation.


The people said,Once appear, food safety accidents,A lot of people are targeted supervision department,But in fact the most fundamental problem is that the provisions of the law on.


There are some basic regulators said,Due to many departments supervision,Is very difficult to coordinate,"Bull supervision must be as a department supervision".Commerce in the market such as researchers found the problem,Find the qualitative inspect branch to coordinate the supply is investigated,Qualitative inspect branch will think standard is formulated by the department of health,They also can't coordinate.


At present,Every place have a food coordination office,But it is noted that,Food co., LTD., do the coordination function.

  □问题2 - question 2

  流动摊贩食品监管几成空白 Flow monitoring of food vendors several into blank


No corresponding professional knowledge and professional equipment,Urban management how to regulate?


Every arrive the summer,Beside the street restaurant owners have moved to the outdoor desks and chairs,To meet the needs of the diners summer hot summer days,But to worry about food safety:Charcoal stove the meat string are not ripe is spotted with dust;Some cold dish on,Flies with chopsticks"Fly together"...


Currently the solicit opinion"Beijing food vendors supervision and management measures"Put forward,Area county urban management department is mainly responsible for the area under its jurisdiction food vendors daily supervision and inspection,In the area under its jurisdiction and food safety case.The current supervision situation how?


Some basic urban management team said,Once found a unlicensed peddlers selling food,They are all according to without according to manage to deal with,Direct ban.But for these vendors have sell food whether qualified,They also can't is investigated.One is the regulations do not award such power,Then they also no professional knowledge.Urban management team and when in unlicensed peddlers,Often people by vendors and questions,Think food and did not find out the problem,Shouldn't ban.And in addition to urban management department,Did not see other departments unlicensed peddlers supervision of food safety.


To be on the introduction of the New Deal,Some urban management team said doubts,No corresponding professional knowledge and professional equipment,Urban management how to regulate?

  □问题3 - question 3

  “无缝衔接管理”未实现 "Seamless connection management"unrealized


"Railway police,Each tube a"The bull that appear in the supervision chain"Non-professional regulatory measures"/"Be nobody's business zone"and"Kick a ball event"A let the personage inside course of study is the most headache problem.


A new national standard in the ministry of health for the personage inside course of study says,Day by day the serious food safety problem is lack of honesty and production operators/The management is not standard,And with the current regulatory system/Laws and regulations standard etc system is not sound/Responsibility does not reach the designated position/Regulation is not right and so on,Such as the food additives industrial raw material/Illegal excess adding additives, etc,Actually can smoothly through the layers of inspection,To enter the market by the media after exposure to cause related department to pay attention to,for"Crack down on"and"Industry reorganization".


"Railway police,Each tube a"The bull that appear in the supervision chain"Non-professional regulatory measures"/"Be nobody's business zone"and"Kick a ball event"A let the personage inside course of study is the most headache problem.The personage inside course of study introduces,According to the[Food safety],Qualitative inspect/commerce/Food and drug three departments tube food safety,The state council and the provincial health administrative departments shall be responsible for food safety comprehensive coordination within its jurisdiction,But after they have all statutory duties expansion.Such as Beijing,Education commission/Public security/commerce/Health and so on all is food safety comprehensive coordination department,But each department to clarify the responsibilities stay on paper.


Health supervision department a line law enforcement officials said,"Farmer's market/The supermarket of food safety supervision in our opinion is the most simple,The key is not to the food poisoning,That do not cross contamination/Do life practice apart,This is the most basic requirements,But now how tube?Supermarkets and farmer's markets are built laboratory,So-called to vegetables food pesticide residue of rapid detection,But this is immediately entry food ah,Detection problem again how?Finishing check here when,The car problem food is sold out".


The researchers say,Rapid testing results of higher positive rate,Accurate results should pass laboratory inspection,Three days later can be announced,"This are at best a risk monitoring,But in less than what the actual effect,Is superficial."Make health supervision department staff don't understand is,Farmer's market in the main flow of meat and eggs is one of all kinds of restaurants,But as the restaurant food safety the gatekeeper,But they are difficult to master farmer's market sales products of food safety present situation,"This joint not only this one".


The personage inside course of study says,The present food safety regulation is not only scattered/But also deviated from its source,The real tube food should be tube food nutrition and health conditions,"Primary and middle school students now obesity/nearsightedness/Low physical/Run sudden death from physical deterioration and nutrition diet balance not relevant.Its students who love to eat ah,To buy a hamburger school/Booth pancakes/GanChiMian,But this age group is the organ development,If there is no high quality protein intake,The constitution can good yao?"But in the whole process of food safety supervision,Just is the"fundamental"ignored.


□举措 - move

  清理食品安全“杂标” Clean food safety"Miscellaneous standard"


The national various and food related"Safety standards"But up to 5000 or so.Different connotation of the present situation of the law enforcement standard coexist to bring a lot of difficulty.


The general food from sales to the entrance of the whole chain,Involves qualitative inspect/commerce/Health and many other departments,Supervision links/Chain length,Easy to produce the supervision dead Angle,Hide the food safety hidden trouble.For that matter,To ensure food safety,Perfect the mechanism is fundamental,make"standard"Is the precondition.


end,The ministry of health food standards start cleaning found,In addition to the ministry of health issued food safety compulsory standard outside,Department of agriculture/Qualitative inspect branch/Ministry of commerce/Business department/Industry associations and so on also have and food safety related recommendation or industry standard,The national various and food related"Safety standards"But up to 5000 or so.


"This gives us a lot of difficulty of law enforcement,For instance in a restaurant when health check,When told that their does not meet the national standards,The other said follow is the industry standard",Health supervision and law enforcement officials said,Different connotation of the present situation of the law enforcement standard coexist to bring a lot of difficulty.


"A kind of food,More standard"A shape has attracted the attention of the ministry of health,And to take action.In the recently released new revision of the national food safety standards --[Food contamination in limited]in,In the cleaning up before the basis of food standards,Integrated revision for lead/cadmium/mercury/Arsenic 13 kinds of pollutants in the grain/vegetables/fruit/meat/Aquatic products/spice/drinks/Alcohol and other more than twenty kinds of food limited provisions,Deleted selenium/aluminum/Fluorine indexes,A total of more than 160 set a limit index.this"New gb"From June 1st,.


The ministry of health in the end of January held in Beijing food standard cleaning work conference said,According to the[Food safety]and[The state council on strengthening the food safety work decision],Make announce the[The national food safety standards"1025"planning]and[Food standard cleaning work plan],Decided to use three years time to current nearly 5000 item of edible agricultural products quality and safety standard/Food hygiene standards/Food quality standards and industry standards enforcement content to clean up,And complete the relevant standards of the integration of work.


By 148 from agriculture/qc/health/Business and other related departments and scientific research colleges and universities/Industry associations related fields authoritative experts have"head",Points product groups/Food additive group/Food related products group/The production and business operation standard group/Physical and chemical inspection method group/Microbial inspection method group/Special dietary foods group/Toxicology evaluation program group, eight working group,Points for students majoring in food safety standard cleaning integration work.

  将定食品微生物限量 Microbial limit will be set food


Formulate unified"gb"In the future will be the regulatory process to realize"Must be enforced/barriers".


cleaning"Miscellaneous standard"At the same time,As a food safety standards/revised/Such as promulgated by the ministry of health of the statutory duties also to speed up to promote a new round"gb"appearing.


Reporters learned that in,Beijing health supervision have lead for catering industry ready-to-eat microbial limit standard laboratory research work has already been done,The aim is to the catering industry all hot food/Cold dish/Half hot food, such as a quality standard,The range of this kind of food production/supervision/check/Provide a basis for management, etc.This standard will be demonstrated by the experts/revised/After publication,This year on.


So the scale of the food safety standards for the cleaning,In the industry experts believe,Is undoubtedly the national level to improve the food safety problems attention degree and control level of a signal.On the one hand,Led by the ministry of public health of food safety gb to clean up the country to reflect the existing food health problems"Gates is lax"worry,Formulate unified"gb"In the future will be the regulatory process to realize"Must be enforced/barriers";On the other hand,The move or become to change the current food safety problems"Bull management"Symbol of status,Each department for many years"For a period of/Said tube are tube,Said, no matter whatever"The condition or will change,Two in the country after the super-ministries reform,The food and drug supervision bureau is expected"At the helm"Management food problem.


This LiQiuMeng YuanGuoLi concludes our reporter
