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China's organ donation system of information management to years running.When the,Human organ donation volunteer information,Will implement the national network.

  今天,卫生部和中国红十字会将共同召开人体器官捐献工作视频会议,在全国各省(自治区、直辖市)推广人体 “器官捐献”和“器官合理有效分配”工作。会议将部署各地省级红十字会,尽快成立统筹人体器官捐献的专门机构,负责器官捐献的社会宣传动员、报名登记、捐献见证,配合卫生部门做好器官分配,以及牵头做好器官捐献者逝世后的救助和缅怀工作。

today,The ministry of health and Red Cross society of China will jointly human organ donation work video meeting,In the provinces(The autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the central government)Promotion of the human body "Organ donation"and"Organ is reasonable and effective allocated"work.The meeting will be deployed across the provincial Red Cross,As soon as possible, set up specialized agencies as a whole the human organ donation,Responsible for social mobilization of organ donation/Sign up to register/Donate to witness,Cooperate with health authorities in organ allocation,And lead to do a good job of relief and honor organ donors after death.


Reporter yesterday learned from China's human organ donation management center,In the future,China's organ donation information management system and has been staging, organ allocation and sharing system in China,Two sets of parallel network covering the whole country will be.Organ donation coordinator from identifying potential donors donation information system,And complete the related legal work coordination,Involved in witnessing a death and donations;Sure after donation,The organs of voluntary donation information automatically into the distribution system,Through the computer,Automatically assigned to the needs of patients.


In our country each year about two/Three hundred thousand patients waiting for organ transplants,But truly implement organ transplants each year about 10000 units,Most organs for transplant rely on death row,Organ trafficking behavior also happen from time to tome.


In March 2010,The ministry of health and Red Cross society of China in tianjin/Guangdong and other 10 provinces(area/The city)To carry out the human organ donation.So far,19 provinces(Municipalities directly under the central government/The autonomous region)Organ donation system have been established,Built at the beginning of the organ donation coordinator team of nearly 300 people.In the year to February 21,Our country has implemented the organ donation in 641 cases,Donated organs in 1756,Has saved thousands of lives.


 ■ 北京情况 S situation in Beijing

  北京将建器官捐献管理中心 Organ donation management center will be built in Beijing


As the other cities,Beijing is expected to be officially completed in years organ donation management center.The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Red Cross said,This is starting organ donation work hand-in-hand with Beijing municipal bureau of health."After the completion of the center,Will integrate more than 20 organ transplant hospital in the city,Publicly dedicated hotline,Using the unified platform to accept organ donation volunteer registration and contact."The head is introduced,The center consists of ethics committee/Organ donation assessment panel/Organ transplantation assessment panel and organ donation coordinator team.Organ donation coordinator is a full-time job,Mainly from the Red Cross volunteers.


The city Red Cross is to carry out the body donation/Organ donation legislation research.


 ■ 相关新闻 S news

  多地方为器官捐献立法 Many local legislation for organ donation


On March 1,,tianjin/Jiangxi will implement local laws about human body organ donation.


Among them,[Tianjin human organ donation]clear,Volunteers behind the donation of body organs,Ill need organ transplants in the future when their relatives,Have priorities in the organ distribution system the right to receive organs.


[Body donation regulations in jiangxi province]Is the organ donation should be brought into the body donation as a whole legal framework,provisions"Was not clear don't donate body after people die,Their spouses/Adult children/Parents and other close relatives can be agreed to donate their body."

  中国人体器官捐献管理中心介绍,2003年,深圳出台全国首部人体器官捐献移植地方立法,此后,福建、湖北、江西、天津、河南等多个省市,为器官捐献开展立法工作。目前,现行国家《人体器官移植条例》也已由卫生部启动修订工作。(记者 魏铭言)

China's human organ donation management center is introduced,In 2003,,Shenzhen issued the first donation of organs transplanted local legislation,Since then,fujian/hubei/jiangxi/tianjin/, and other provinces and cities in henan,Work for organ donation in the legislation.At present,The current state[Human organ transplant ordinance]Revision has been started by the ministry of health also.(Reporter wei MingYan)
