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  重性精神疾病是严重危害健康、需长期治疗康复的一类疾病。今年,我省将城乡8.3 万例重性精神疾病患者治疗康复列入政府惠民办实事工程,初步确定患者稳定期维持治疗的门诊定额基本补助标准为2000元/ 年/ 人包干;急性期住院治疗定额补助实行“包干价”,三级医院7500 元,二级医院6500 元,一级医院5500 元。补助费用由医保支付,患者住院基本无需自付治疗费。

Severe mental illness is a serious health hazard/Require long-term treatment rehabilitation of diseases.This year,To urban and rural areas in our province, 83000 cases of patients with severe mental illness treatment rehabilitation on government huimin does the practical work project,Preliminary determination of stability maintenance treatment in patients with outpatient fixed basic all-in subsidy standards for 2000 yuan/person/year;Acute hospitalization fixed subsidies"Lump sum price",Tertiary hospitals, 7500 yuan,The secondary hospital, 6500 yuan,Level 1 hospital, 5500 yuan.Subsidy costs paid by medicare,The basic don't need to pay treatment patient in the hospital.


治疗实行包干价 Treatment of a lump sum price

  根据卫生部公布的15 岁及以上人群精神障碍平均患病率7%和重性精神疾病平均患病率1.34%测算,我省现有各类精神障碍患者约267 万余人,其中重性精神疾病患者约50 万人。

According to the ministry of health released 15 years of age and older 7% average prevalence of mental disorders and mental diseases, on average, 1.34% prevalence estimates,Existing in our province about 2.67 million, all kinds of people with mental disorders,About 500000 people with severe mental illness patients.

  为实现重性精神疾病患者“人人享有治疗康复”的目标,做到重性精神疾病患者 “应治尽治,应管尽管”,减少肇事肇祸事件的发生,省政府决定今年将城乡8.3 万例重性精神疾病患者的治疗康复列入政府惠民办实事工程。初步确定患者急性期住院治疗定额基本补助标准,以及稳定期维持治疗门诊定额基本补助标准。

For patients with severe mental illness"Everyone will have access to treatment"The goal of,Do patients with serious mental illness "Should be treated as cure,Pipe should be though",Reduce the hit and cause an accident the occurrence of the event,Provincial government decided to urban and rural areas this year, 83000 cases of the treatment of patients with severe mental illness rehabilitation on government huimin does the practical work project.Preliminary sure patients acute hospitalization rate basic allowances,And stability maintenance treatment clinics norm of basic allowances.

  记者昨日从云南省精神病医院了解到,目前医院针对重性精神病患者,门诊治疗费用不能报销,住院费用按医保按床日实行最高限额付费。该院医教科工作人员解释,目前住院费其实是按日“包干”,住院 90 天以内的患者,只需交纳治疗费以外的费用(如医保起付费、伙食费)即可,每月在 1000 元左右。超过90 天的,患者自付比例会逐步增加。

The journalist learned from the mental hospital of yunnan province,At present hospital for patients with psychosis,Outpatient treatment cannot be reimbursed,Hospitalization expense by health care by a bed day pay caps.The hospital YiJiao division staff to explain,Hospitalization is currently on a daily basis"Lump sum",Within 90 days of patients in hospital,Only need to pay the treatment cost(Such as health care to pay/Boarding fee)Can be,In 1000 yuan a month.More than 90 days,Patients pay proportion will gradually increase.

  “对于重性精神病的门诊患者,2000 元/ 年的补助标准基本能满足稳定期门诊维持治疗的基本费用。”此外,该院医教科工作人员分析,住院费用按年“包干”,即使患者住院时间长,也无需担心住院治疗费的问题,帮助患者减轻了不少负担。今年昆明统一城乡医保后,新农合患者也可以享受年均住院费用7500 元包干价,无需再按比例支付。

"For major psychiatric outpatients,The allowances for 2000 yuan/year basic can meet the basic fee of plateau outpatient therapy to maintain remission."In addition,The hospital YiJiao division staff analysis,Hospitalization expenses according to the years"Lump sum",Even if the time is long patient in the hospital,Also need not worry about the problem of hospital treatment,Help patients relieve a lot of burden.This year after unified urban and rural medical insurance in kunming,Nufarm patients also can enjoy annual average hospitalization cost 7500 yuan (us $lump sum price,No need to pay in proportion.


 医院表示压力大 The stress of hospital said

  但同时,新政策的实施也给医院带来了不小压力。该工作人员给记者算了一笔账,重性精神病患者从急性期到稳定期,恢复至少需要治疗一个疗程,即90 天,以城镇职工医保患者为例,按照原先130 元/ 天的报销标准,一个疗程医保可报销 11700 元。而新政策中规定的年包干价,连一个疗程的费用都不够。“根据我们医院去年针对部分住院患者的统计,重性精神病患者住院次数年均达到2.1 次,部分患者每年住院次数高达20-30 次,还有的病人是伴随着躯体疾病的,医院照样要治,而且不能多收费用,按照这样的算法,每年 7500 元的报销费用根本无法满足患者的住院治疗费用。”该工作人员称,由于实行 “包干价”,医保对患者自付费用卡得特别严,如果新政策开始实施,医院治疗费用会变得很紧张。“希望相关部门在调整补助标准时,能考虑到患者平均住院时间以及除精神疾病外的其他躯体疾病的治疗费用。” 该工作人员说。

But at the same time,The implementation of the new policy also brought no small pressure to the hospital.The staff calculated brushstroke zhang to journalists,Heavy psychosis patients from acute period to period,Recovery needs at least a course of treatment,The 90 days,Town worker medical insurance patients, for example,According to the original standard 130 yuan/day,A course of medical insurance expenses 11700 yuan.The new policies and regulations of the lump sum price,Even a period of treatment costs is not enough."Last year, according to our hospital for part of hospitalized patients with statistics,Heavy number of hospitalized patients with psychosis by an average of 2.1 times,Some patients hospitalized times as high as 20 to 30 times a year,Patients and is associated with somatic diseases,Hospital to cure,And I can't more fees,According to this algorithm,Reimbursement charges 7500 yuan a year cannot satisfy the patients' hospitalization expenses."The staff said,Due to a "Lump sum price",Health care for the patient out-of-pocket expenses Calder is particularly severe,If the new policy,Hospital treatment costs will be very nervous."Hope to related departments in adjusting subsidy standards,To consider the average length of hospital stay and patients with other body disease in addition to mental illness treatment costs." The staff said.

  另据记者了解,今年我省将完成3700 名基层医务人员精神卫生知识的培训任务,以保障重性精神疾病患者随访、康复、指导和服务管理落到实处。从基本公共卫生服务经费中,按每例250 元支付精神专科医院每年2 次患者疗效评估和1 次健康体检费用及乡村医生随访管理费用。(期俊军)

According to reporter understanding,This year will complete 3700 medical personnel at the grass-roots level in our province mental health knowledge training task,In order to ensure follow-up in patients with severe mental illness/rehabilitation/Guidance and service management into practice.From the basic public health services provision,Paid by 250 yuan per case mental hospital 2 times a year patients curative effect evaluation and a health check-up, the rural doctors follow-up of management fees.(Phase of the handsome army)
