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肌萎缩等疾病对声音产生影响 数学家靠“啊”诊病--亲稳舆论引导监测室
电子情书 You've got mail
君有疾在大脑,一听就知道 You have problems in the brain,A listen to just know
How many days maybe not,Everyone wants to call li, Max.Although the phone side he will not say,Can you just drag long tone to say at the receiver"ah",He can quickly determine,Do you suffer from Parkinson's disease.
This is the MIT media lab is engaged in the related research of Max lee's research topic in recent years, the use of voice in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.Compared to easily view assay test method,The way used in the applied mathematicians won't touch your hairs.Through a lot of data analysis,He set up a sound analysis system,As long as 30 seconds of the tape,He can let the computer judgment or not,Laboratory accuracy as high as 99%.
If a new data analysis successfully,This will be a exciting news,Especially for the more than 6.4 million patients worldwide.In Parkinson's disease incidence rate is as high as 1% of over-55s,Which also includes Max's good friend Jane, Depp, Lin.The troupes in Stuttgart, Germany has the famous ballet dancer,Suffering from Parkinson's disease later in life,Now his hands shaking,Are unable to button his own shirt buttons.
"I'm a applied mathematicians,And not a doctor,What I can do to help him to do?"Max told China youth daily reporter,"Parkinson's disease cannot be cured thoroughly at present,The best way to can be detected early,Now the only way to spend a large sum of money is to go to a clinic diagnosis nerve tests.I have been thinking about it,Can I have a cheap and simple method,Easily found Parkinson's disease?"
so,When the young to computer game made sound man,Article from the undulating audio found subversive ideas:maybe,All the secrets of good health hidden in voice?
In this way,Max, turn your attention to this a long sound"ah"On the,He believes that,Lock on the health of many private information here.Until today,People still don't know what causes the disease,Currently only know,Tend to suffer from Parkinson's disease because a group of nerve cells in the midbrain regions of the brain degeneration death occurred,This is cell death leads to the symptoms of body trembling,This is one of the important indications for Parkinson's disease.
"As Parkinson's disease can affect our limbs,It can also affect our vocal organs,We will hear different vibrato/Breathing and other voice features."He said,Relative to the subtle limb tremors,Tight system will find the clues of the voice more keenly.
In 2003,,Or doctoral student Max at a symposium on science and technology put forward a sound measure of health,Been doing voice collection analysis of Intel company took a fancy to Parkinson's disease,They dig out from more than 3000 attendees list the Max contact way,Invite him to their project.
In this way,Max took part in the data analysis for the first time.Intel gave him 50 in patients with Parkinson's disease in six months the sound data on a regular basis,There are a lot of healthy sound data interference at the same time,Let the Max use their system to determine which is case.As a result,He ruled out that because the cold system accurately/Laryngeal cavity operation or long-term sound change caused by smoking,Initial testing has achieved 86% accuracy,In later laboratory study obtained to further improve the accuracy.
now,Max is working on the second round test,Look outside the laboratory's daily in a noisy environment,Own system still can achieve the same effect.He and the MIT media lab colleagues,Set up"Parkinson's disease voice analysis preliminary actions",He made a public speech,Collect 10000 voice samples all over the world:A long sound"ah".
soon,He received more than 17000 samples.Not only received the feedback of the United States,And also after receiving of the UK/The French/Brazil/Argentina and other countries call for volunteers,Different age/People of different languages at the receiver,To pull a long sound loudly said"ah".
"Muscle atrophy disease also affect sound,So I believe that the technique might play a role in the diagnosis of other diseases in the future.Before that, of course,We also need a lot of experiments for verification."Max said.
but,Before the arrival of more likely,Max is now more willing to stay in the lab,Deal with new samples from all over the world.Although their studies have already can't help my old friend, Depp Lin from Parkinson's disease,But he still have the confidence to bring some surprise to him:"This technology can help him objectively to grasp the progress of symptoms,In order to more effectively control the dose,Even fix to take medicine of time accurately."
Max said,Wait until the second round of experiments successfully,He is going to make the system a small mobile phone software,Let everyone can use.In his description,Life shouldn't have"The doctor is difficult"This kind of misery,Don't have to faraway queue to register,Also need not to check the body spend large sum of money,Pay the charge for a few minutes,Everyone can know their own physical condition anytime and anywhere,As long as you pick up the phone,On the receiver side loudly shout a loud"ah".(As li)
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