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制售抗癌假药暗流涌动 知情人士称利润比贩毒高--亲稳舆论引导监测室
打击制售抗癌假药应多部门协作、多地区联动,从源头入手实施链条监管,通过立体打击不断压缩制假售假生存空间。 Blow to produce anti-cancer counterfeit drugs should multi-sectoral cooperation/Many regional linkage,Carry out chain regulation, from the perspective of the source,Through three-dimensional living space in the continuous compression of counterfeit goods.
Along with the rising incidence of cancer/Anti-cancer drug social demand continues to increase,A growing number of criminals, turning to the expensive anti-cancer drugs,Through the production and sale of counterfeit goods for"Better than drugs"Of the profits.From the public security in recent years/Master of the agency,Parts of producing anti-cancer counterfeit drugs illegal and criminal activities has a tendency to increase,And the form of hidden/Methods professional,There are even a lot of big amount to tens of millions of dollars involved.
制售假药仍暗流涌动 To produce fake drugs are still simmering
At present producing anti-cancer activity fake drugs mainly divided into generic existing anti-cancer drugs,Pretend to be selling the real thing;Make the so-called special medicines or health products,Propaganda effect for cancer patients;Trafficking in India/Some South American countries/Without my agency nuclear group of anti-cancer drugs,And so on.
Lin Ming, director of the zhejiang province tumor hospital pharmacy department told this reporter,Many anticancer efficacy not not only ensure fake drugs,Production environment is not standard,Some even contain hormones.Not only will delay treatment,Can also lead to deterioration or even death.
At the end of November 2010,Shandong province public security department received a assigned by the ministry of public security"China medical supply and demand network sales of counterfeit drugs"Relevant clues,This is the first time in shandong province found that cases involving anti-cancer counterfeit drugs,After continuously stepping up his efforts,In the past two years the province public security department and continuous detection"2, 24"/"On March 23"Four such as anti-cancer chaoyang,These cases involving more than ten million yuan in all.
According to statistics of shenzhen municipal people's procuratorate,From 2009 to 2009,Shenzhen had approved arrested on production/Selling counterfeit drugs with 17 cases of 25 people,In the first half of 2011 alone have 11 pieces of 14 people,Anti-cancer counterfeit drugs to 4 pieces 7 of them.Under the high pressure on the police in their fight against,To produce fake drugs are still"undercurrent"surge.
On January 11, in the afternoon,Your correspondent in an interview in Beijing cancer hospital outpatient service hall,Some of the issue"Rental buildings"Card per capita said"Can help to contact to buy cheap medicine".One of the northeast accents zhou women listen to reporter to buy"The treatment of lung cancer treatment",Make a phone call after quoted at 3400 yuan a bottle.The reporter know,The treatment quality goods generally priced at 5000 yuan of above.
On January 15 in tumor hospital affiliated to sun yat-sen university in guangzhou north nine yuanta pharmacy at the door,A woman will be your correspondent pulled into the drugstore"clinic",Another claim to be"The north liu, director of the hospital"Woman is selling to the reporter a reel anti-cancer drugs,And said"This medicine is for any cancer treatment effect".
On January 19,,Near some pharmacies in shandong provincial hospital,This reporter received a few pieces of to"Beijing 301 hospital doctors"Recommended in the name of the flyer of anticancer drugs.Work in the cancer treatment more than 30 years of provincial hospital cancer center officials said on the flyer,He had never heard of these"Famous doctor".And at the gate of the shandong province tumor hospital,A piece of"Shandong province November November tumor research institute, jinan hospital of traditional Chinese medicine""The cure cancer"Advertising is very eye-catching.Provincial tumor hospital officials said:"The private hospitals stand billboards all the year round here,Have caused many patients go to a doctor,The hospital is very helpless."
Your correspondent some anti-cancer drug name search on the Internet,Find many claims to sell"Cancer drug smuggling"/"Special anticancer drugs"The web page.Random dialing"Beijing grand pharmaceutical"/"LeKang tumor pharmacy"Contact person's mobile phone,Each other are called"Can be long-term supply of herceptin/Mabthera imports such as anticancer drugs,And take the goods from Beijing hospital".When the reporter to field trips,They are not on"Wait to be familiar with"prevarication,Is to"Don't meet each other for good"Refused to.
利润比贩毒还高 Profit is higher than drug trafficking
A corporate brand protection manager told this reporter that such a case:The company had seized a five-second false injection for the treatment of breast cancer,The magazine sells for 8500 yuan,But it is tap water,Plus the packaging/Artificial fee only 5 yuan a box.
According to the national cancer registry[2012 Chinese cancer registration report]According to,Our country is about 3.12 million cases of new cancer cases every year,Registration data from nearly 20 years,Cancer incidence in our country/Rate of mortality and younger"Three lines"Higher trend,Only in Beijing from 2001 to 2010, the incidence of lung cancer will increase by 56%.
Rising incidence increased demand groups,Virtually provides the sale of counterfeit goods"The market".
Shanghai municipal food and drug supervision bureau Wang Youzhi JiZhaChu commissioner said,Some patients and their families fears the JinKouYao too high price,Can't afford to buy a medicine from the formal channels,Shifting purchases to acquaintances"Recovery of medicine"/"Drug smuggling",Even superstitious some false advertising online,To the criminal suspect.According to your correspondent,Treatment of lung cancer drug commonly used authentic Yi Rui sand bottle 5000 multivariate,Monthly expenses for medicine up to more than 15000 yuan.While another is used to treat breast cancer drug herceptin authentic medicine unit price of 15000 to 20000 yuan.
Guangzhou city public security bureau cracked production together in April 2012/Selling fake cancer vaccine,Principal li yong told reporters in a detention center,His will be false"caltex"Anti-cancer vaccine with a carton of about 4000 yuan price to sell to the agent,Agents and sales at the price of 10000 yuan to the beauty salon,Beauty salon end in 23800 yuan to sell to the guests.
"Profit is better than a drug,Risks have to steal to rob".In an interview,Some of the basic-level public security policemen to the criminal suspect covert operations/Not easy to detect chagrined:Small number of cancer counterfeit drugs"The value is big",Easy to transport good storage,When trading single line contact is not easy to be found.Jinan public security bureau of public security police detachment four deputy district chief lee said:"Many suspects could step two bottles of anti-cancer counterfeit drugs,And the patient agreed time and place.The ease with which a bottle of can earn tens of thousands of dollars,Risk is smaller than stand a robbery."
Technical barriers to low/Raw material easy to get/Life is easy to implement,Is cancer one reason for the illegal activities of multiple fake drugs.Guangdong lingnan pharmaceutical co., LTD. Deputy general manager Xu Wenkai said,Many chemical companies now provide chemical intermediates are used as raw materials for producers of fake drugs,Criminals just through simple purification,Have got a drug class API,To buy their own equipment for pharmaceutical tablet/Partial shipments/The packing,"To produce anticancer barriers to counterfeit drugs has little".Which have been uncovered in the hangzhou city public security bureau in 2010"Zhou Guyi producing anti-cancer chaoyang"In the,The raw material comes from a chemical plant in Shanghai,Price is 50000 yuan per kilogram(Drug materials normally with mg).
“三节棍”打击未形成合力 "this"Blow form resultant force
Some basic-level public security policemen said,Production sales of counterfeit crimes usually sentencing the following 3 years,Is difficult to form effective deterrent,Lead to repeated high crime rate.Deputy chief of the bureau of public security office of zhejiang province Ding Shihui told this reporter,Together in the supervision of cases of counterfeit human blood albumin,He found that the principal had previously for the same crime in prison."This kind of‘Repeat offenders’Now more and more."
Our reporter interviewed several law enforcement officials said,[Criminal law amendment(eight)]Implementation has been nearly two years,But in view of the production/Selling counterfeit crimes new judicial explanation has been slow.Guangzhou city public security bureau of food and drug investigation team division marshal Gong Wenwu told reporters,In some detective work,Piled up in the criminal suspect the home anti-cancer counterfeit drugs,Or the car is equipped with super constants anti-cancer medicines,But if there is no evidence that the manufacturing or trading, etc,Police officers are hard to take measures.
In addition,To produce anticancer counterfeit drugs out of department/Area of resultant force is not enough,"Like to play billiards with this",The effects co., LTD..Shandong province public security department to the food and drug crime investigation team deputy chief Zhang Yuebo and deparment Chen Yuehua, deputy director of zhejiang province food and drug bureau said,For some on false information online,If in the province,Can also be coordinated attachment sites/Revocation of advertising,But if the server is in the field or even overseas,Probing the difficulty of the work will be doubled."Producing anti-cancer for cross-regional crime more fake drugs,Around for blow job seriously,Law enforcement efforts,Therefore become many case‘Broken case’."
监管应从源头入手 Regulation should from the source
The public security/Drug safety departments in the industry,Blow to produce anti-cancer fake drugs is a social systems engineering,Should be multi-sectoral collaboration/Many regional linkage,Carry out chain regulation, from the perspective of the source,Through three-dimensional living space in the continuous compression of counterfeit goods.
Guangzhou Chinese prescription of modern Chinese medicine research and development co., LTD., chairman and general manager Huang Xiang and others advice,Should improve the regulatory system of chemical production and sales activities,The source of living API production sales:On the one hand,Based on chemical plant production of active pharmaceutical ingredients"intermediates"In the review/Spot check mechanism,Specific control API"intermediates"The number of production and variety;On the other hand,For active pharmaceutical ingredients"intermediates"The whereabouts of the/Purpose to strict regulation,Protected from being criminals to produce counterfeit drugs.
Ding Shihui advice such as,Should be clear network service providers to release drug information strict scrutiny/Real-time monitoring of the responsibility,Network supervisor departments formulate specific measures for supervision and warning or penalty;Build system of information to verify,Put an end to illegal criminals through the logistics to send medicines;The certification of printing industry and distribution channels,Resolutely resist counterfeit in the actual work,Active disclosure of false.
guangdong/shandong/Hebei and other places integration related law enforcement power,In public security system, set up the food and drug investigation professional team,To crack down on the crime of producing fake medicines effect more apparent.Such as the guangzhou city public security bureau investigation team set up six months of food and drug administration,Will solve related cases in 147 cases,Transferred to prosecute the criminals amounted to more than 200.
The personage inside course of study suggests,The aggregation of professional advantage/Focus on impact of explore practice should be summed up in a timely manner/Looking for less than,And strengthen the department/Regional cooperative engagement mechanism,To improve science and technology measure,Through the joint law enforcement across the region/Criminal information sharing/The execution cohesion transfer work mechanism, etc,Implementation of chain regulation.
"Improve the illegal cost/Intensify calls,In this way can the criminal form a real deterrent."Some of the public security/The agency's relevant personage,Not only from the source to strengthen supervision,Also need to through perfect laws and regulations/Aggravating punishment measures such as true curb illegal crime.
Chen Yuehua and others advice,Reference to other stakeholders type of economic crime,Improve the production/Fixed number of year of the sale of counterfeit drugs crime sentencing and standard from fines and confiscations;Use existing law means comprehensive.
Some experts and scholars also suggest,To deal with production/Selling counterfeit drugs illegal and criminal activities to refine and improve the legal system:A fully research, combining the reality of law enforcement/To determine"Holding counterfeit drugs"Behaviour is crime;2 it is to participate in a lesser degree of criminal punishment;Three is the reference of counterfeit and inferior goods,Clarity on these quantitative standard of anticancer counterfeit drugs.
"The old judicial interpretation is difficult to apply,Should be for production as soon as possible/The new judicial interpretation of selling counterfeit crimes."zhejiang/Some Shanghai judiciary said,The current,From the national level to produce new characteristics of the new trend to strengthen the research of anticancer counterfeit drugs,Grasp the laws,To enact a new judicial interpretation as soon as possible,Vigorously promote law enforcement work.
As a main channel of anti-cancer drug sales,Hospitals and pharmacies is one of the main land of anti-counterfeiting work,The public security/Drug safety/health/Industrial and commercial/Commodity price departments shall regularly in the key link to carry out specific activities;To the hospital around"High charge medicine""Illegal clinics""Pull of physician visits"Behavior such as stepping up his efforts,To the drugstore/Outpatient department to monitor key places,Weed out patients medical environment,Eradicating soil producing fake medicines.
Jinan food and drug inspection team vice division marshal Wang Yiwei,Based on pharmaceutical production equipment/Sales of supervision system,Strictly the equipment"Export declaration";Establish each pharmaceutical equipment flow using the register on the system,Establish a mechanism for the track,By the public security/Drug safety department on a regular basis for pharmaceutical equipment production operation spot detection.
Guangdong food and drug administration inspection bureau chief Fang Hong added and some international well-known drug firms think China director,From extrusion blow to produce anticancer counterfeit drugs must also"Demand for space"Start with:Set up guide patients group and their families"Through formal channels to buy rest assured"Concept of scientific and medical treatment;Make full use of media platforms,Typical case investigation report to in a timely manner,Release purchase medicine warning,Try out prizes reporting system,Promote the resistance,Eradicating cancer of counterfeit drugs"Social soil".
Some of the pharmaceutical industry also suggested,JinKouYao price is too high,Is the cause of the people to turn to informal channels for medicine,Should from the strategic attaches great importance to and strengthen domestic r&d and production of anti-cancer drugs,By setting up a special fund/Encourage with study, etc,Roll out a batch of curative effect is better/Lower prices of domestic anti-cancer drugs.Only in this way can reduce some of the poor families of anti-cancer of counterfeit drugs"But to buy".-
文/《瞭望》新闻周刊记者 刘旸辉 扶庆 赵卓悦 周琳 岳德亮 吴书光
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