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癌症女教师8次化疗仍上讲台 视上课为抗癌药--亲稳舆论引导监测室

癌症女教师8次化疗仍上讲台 视上课为抗癌药记者聊天时,郭姿总是笑眯眯的 While chatting with reporters,GuoZi always smiling


This year at the age of 40 GuoZi is LiChengOu king shed person town experimental primary school teacher。When summer vacation though,But teachers are school curriculum research。Yesterday morning,The reporter saw GuoZi in school,She was wearing a black dress pink dot attacks,A pair of sparkling bowknot sandals,Chat with journalists always smiling,Let a person feel very kind、optimistic。But who once thought,Is such a beautiful female teacher,It is a cancer patients,Already done two major surgery and eight chemotherapy,But she doesn't willing to put down the lesson plan,Do not want to leave her students,Still fighting in three feet platform。


躺在病床上想着学生 Lying in bed thinking of students


出院后主动申请重回岗位 After discharge to return to active apply for jobs


GuoZi king shed person in the town center elementary school when the teacher for 20 years,The 17 years as a teacher in charge。2004 years after find out ovarian cancer,Considering the GuoZi body reason,School leaders have deliberately removed from her teaching post,Let her at ease cure。But in chemotherapy,GuoZi has been worried about the students。Two times after chemotherapy,Strong GuoZi actively looking for the school leader applied to return to school。She could not stand RuanMoYingPao,The principal agreed to let she taught product life lessons,Teaching quantity is not big,Time to relax。Can GuoZi but again asked let her take the original class,And continue to shift the director。During morning independent study、Reading class、Calligraphy class、Traditional of literacy class、She a week to 12 section。


2007 years,GuoZi already had two operations and eight times chemotherapy,But her body after the first time better and back to the school,And to continue in Chinese teaching work。“I just enjoy standing on the platform of feeling,As long as I see the students,What ailment all have no。”GuoZi said。


化疗后全身麻木 After chemotherapy body numb


走路掉鞋都感觉不到 Walk off the shoes all felt it


yesterday,Reporters noticed that,GuoZi left leg knee and a big scar,Miss guo said shyly:“That was a few days ago carelessly come downstairs on empty fell down。But very normal,Because after chemotherapy,I often whole body numb。”


GuoZi said:“I feel now hands like wearing gloves,The foot is like a thick socks,The body is numb。Many places are bloated body,One click a pit。”Miss guo told reporters,Have a lesson,She and her children together upstairs,Shoes off on the stairs,But she didn't feel completely。now,GuoZi sometimes night wear shoes at night,Must turn on a light,See just know put on,Or simply can't feel。


- 亲人诉说 -relatives tell


家人说她是“两面派” Family said she is“double-dealing”


对学生温柔,在家却是暴脾气 On students' gentle,At home is suddenly and violently temper


The reporter understands,GuoZi husband HanJiLei is education workers,And is generally accepted“Achieved husband”。Especially wife fell ill,He took on more responsibility。Not only scored the all the housework,When his wife lost his temper,He is also to patient persuasion own house/apartment。

  “郭姿是个敬业、要强的人,她工作20年来,不管在学校工作多累,回家从来不会抱怨,但得病后,病痛的折磨让她越来越痛苦,但脾气不能冲学生发,所以我和儿子就成了‘受害者’。我们都说她是‘两面派’,在学校对学生很温柔,回到家就变成了‘暴脾气’。”韩其磊对记者说。(文/图 记者 张雯雯 )

“GuoZi is a professional、Strong people,She work 20 years,No matter how tired to work at school,Home never complain,But after the sick,Sickness torture let her more and more pain,But temper cannot blunt students hair,So I and son become‘victims’。We all said she is‘double-dealing’,In the school to the student is very gentle,Back to the home becomes‘grumpy’。”HanJiLei told reporters。(Wen/graph ZhangWenWen reporters )
