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儿科医生短缺 0.23个医生如何保障1000个孩子健康--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Shortage of pediatricians,As well as other problems of the medical field,Mostly medical excessive marketization/Relying too much on market means relationship caused by the mediation of medical services.In the public increase in health spending co., LTD,Need of public finance investment.
The National People's Congress/Capital institute of pediatrics virus research director Qian Yuan said,According to 2005 figures,0.23 per 1000 children only a pediatrician,While developed countries is 1.36.For multiple sample survey of hospital data show,Pediatrician door per day/Reach every doctor 50 ~ 60 er visits children,In the peak is 100 patients.
Take children to see a doctor,Is a formidable task for urban young parents,A word is"squeeze",Two word is"Waiting in line".Registered mail/To see a doctor/The item/Take the medicine/An injection...Rounds the team down,A day in the past.0.23 a pediatrician how to safeguard the health of 1000 children?Don't line up to blame.
"Pediatrician shortage"freezing,Rome was not built in a day.Reason is not complex,Pointing to a pediatrician.Children's diseases is relatively simple,Auxiliary examination less/The relatively small dose;Pediatric fee is relatively low,Only according to the principle of charging adults relative to reduce pricing;In addition,Pediatric human cost is high.If a hospital performance according to the department of economic income,A pediatrician/The nurse bonus is low.
Income is less,technology/responsibility/More pressure.Now the children,Mostly only children,The apple of her parents' eye,On a pedestal is afraid of hurt too much,In his mouth was afraid of,Higher requirement for medical workers.Some young parents hide children suffer a little injustice,Small disputes will be its hair,A disturbance,Cause huge trouble to medical workers,Due to a lot of doctors"Talk about son colour change",Avoid the auspicious."8 cure RMB 100000 yuan"Is a typical example.
Insider punningly pediatric said"pediatric",Pediatric values not only in the hospital,Its subject status also are affected,Is seen as a"Chicken ribs".In order to broaden the marketability,The ministry of education in 1998[Professional directory of undergraduate course of common colleges and universities]The adjustment of,Adjust pediatric specialty as a professional,Stop enrollment since 1999.then,The cradle of Chinese pediatrics doctors were closed.Pediatric doctor's dilemma,Finally by means of marketization of education,Conduction to the personnel training level,And talents are in short supply will worsen the shortage,Make this industry into a vicious circle.
Children are the future of humanity,Is an important resource of social sustainable development.The development of children,Is the national economic and social development and civilization progress of silhouette.The state council in August 2011[China's child development programs(2011-2020)]The first is its overall goal"Improve the basic medical and health care system covering urban and rural children,Raise the level of children's physical and mental health".clearly,Only 0.23 per 1000 children in China the status quo of a pediatrician,With this the wrist has a gap.
Shortage of pediatricians,As well as other problems of the medical field,Mostly medical excessive marketization/Relying too much on market means relationship caused by the mediation of medical services.Treatment of medical treatment charge less, a pediatrician in children - nobody will dry in pediatrics,Interest so naked to manufacture the pediatrician imbalance between demand and supply,Is worth reflecting in the medical management department.In the public increase in health spending co., LTD,Child health care service calls administrative means to intervene,Need of public finance investment,To alleviate doctor-patient relationship between the conflict.
On the one hand, to increase investment,To strengthen the construction of children's medical and health service network,Guarantee level 2 or more comprehensive hospitals and health care of women and children at or above the county level must be set in pediatrics,And to increase the number of professional children's hospital;On the other hand,Strengthen children's health related to science and technology research,Promoting the transformation of achievements,Promotion of appropriate technology;Encourage children's drug research and development and production,Improve children's drugs directory.At the same time,Improve the pediatrician,To strengthen the construction of talent team,Rapid reverse talent shortage.
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