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Nanjing recently problem sesame powder led to many readers.For many readers like yourself taking traditional Chinese medicine,The security problem of Chinese traditional medicine again concern.Is medicine 3 minutes poison,Chinese traditional medicine western medicine is no exception,But a lot of toxic herbs in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an effective way to cure with good.Readers while carefully distinguish,Don't make myself"Folk prescription",Lest cause poisoning.Clinical more common/You might as well look at and easy to overlook of toxic traditional Chinese medicine.

  乌头类药物 久服容易伤神经

Take easy to hurt nerve monkshood class of drugs for a long time


[Toxicity index]U u u u


Radix aconiti/Kusnezoff monkshood/Lateral root/Snow a raccoon and so on all belongs to monkshood class of drugs.Many readers tasted or seen the proprietary Chinese medicine such as relaxes the muscles loose balls/Adjustable Dan/Large adjustable Dan/Zhuifeng pills/Notoginseng injury tablets/In aconite pill/The gold or kidney shot/Papaya pill/Right to pill/Is day have shot it.The toxic components in aconitum drugs aconitine,General toxic dose of 0.2 mg,Lethal dose of 2 ~ 4 mg.Mainly on the nervous system,Especially the vagus nerve, etc,Make its excitement after the check first,And can be directly ACTS on the heart,Produce very excited,Can cause cardiac arrhythmia,Even cause ventricular fibrillation and death.

  苦杏仁 鉴别甜杏防误食

Identify sweet apricot against eating bitter apricot kernels


[Toxicity index]U u u


A lot of friends to eat almonds,Need everyone's attention,There is a kind of bitter almond can't instead of confusion!Bitter almond main disease of lung cough/phlegm/Breathing and has a strong targeted,So the physicians embalmed as a department of pulmonary medicine use,But it has a little poison,Clinical often use for 5 ~ 15 g.We should pay attention to when buying almonds bitter sweet.Toxicity of bitter apricot kernels from the bitter apricot kernels glucoside release of hydrocyanic acid hydrolysis,This substance can block the cells of the respiratory chain,Per 100 grams of bitter almonds contain laetrile can decompose release hydrocyanic acid 100-100 mg,And 60 milligrams of hydrocyanic acid can kill people.


Two kinds of almond generally how to identify,Bitter almond taste bitter,A flat heart shape,The top tip,Base obtuse and thicker,Around slightly asymmetric;Sweet almond taste light,Large, flat,Base slightly asymmetric.

  雄黄 遇热氧化成砒霜

Realgar is heated into arsenic oxide


[Toxicity index]U u u u


Have seen[The white niang son legend new]And know the reader friend dragon-boat festival custom,Is not all strange to realgar,Many proprietary Chinese medicine containing realgar, too:Such as bezoar poison pill/Nightfall pill/Ann palace bezoar bolus/Bezoar sedative bolus/Bezoar relieving convulsion pill/Bezoar have dragon balls/Doctrine of a gun/Arsenic jujube powder.But do you know?Realgar is poisonous,General dosage is 0.05 ~ 0.1 g,Into the pill scattered use.Most clinical external fume with hifu,Pregnant women must be disabled.To preserve realgar remember to placed in a dry place,Airtight storage.Especially pay attention to not when it is heated,Because realgar after heated to certain temperature can be oxidized in the air for the toxic components of arsenic trioxide,The arsenic.Arsenic sulphide poisoning digestive system manifestation of a dry mouth sore throat pain/A burning sensation/The mouth has a metallic taste/salivate/Severe nausea and vomiting/The abdominal pain diarrhea/Serious when patients with heart failure/Respiratory failure and death.Long-term exposure can also cause skin irritation,A pimple/herpes/Acne rash, etc.

  朱砂 小孩切记要远离

Vermilion remember to stay away from children


[Toxicity index]U u u


Cinnabar has sedative/Calm the frightened,Cure madness/Into the fright/upset/insomnia/vertigo/Orders, faint, and so on,Bezoar sedative bolus/Bezoar have dragon balls/Cinnabar sedative bolus/Pop bushing Dan/Anshen pill for brain/Styrax pill/Ginseng restorative pill/Ann palace bezoar bolus/Bezoar treasure Dan/Bezoar daughter away/Bezoar relieving convulsion pill/Purple snow Dan/Large adjustable Dan such common Chinese patent medicine involve it.Some folk custom widgets and accessories may see the figure of it,Folklore is said to ward off bad luck.


But you should pay attention to,These accessories remember don't let children touch,In order to avoid the entrance poisoning.Cinnabar mercury,Easy to mercury poisoning.The digestive system toxicity characterized by nausea and vomiting/The abdominal pain diarrhea,The mouth has a metallic taste,salivate,Oral mucosal hyperemia,Gum swelling and ulcer, etc.Characterized by oliguria urinary system poisoning/proteinuria,Serious acute renal failure can occur.

  蜈蚣 泡制药酒遵医嘱

Centipede steeped for medicinal liquor etc


[Toxicity index]U u u


Centipede is one of the important animals blindly traditional medicine,Has the functions of antispasmodic/Only strengthen the pain/The effect of poison attack fights,Can be used to present concern.charlotte/epilepsy/twitching/In the tuyere slanting/hemiplegia/tetanus/Rheumatism WanBi/Treatment of migraine and poison bite, etc.Many readers of rheumatism and arthritis friends heard the centipede bubble wine folk prescription to cure disease,Although is corresponding with its medicinal theory,But the centipede is toxic,Don't know how to compatibility will be poisoning or even death!

  杨璞 整理

Yang Pu finishing
