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农妇用止咳糖浆药瓶装农药 患病丈夫误服险丧命--亲稳网络舆情监测室


老婆把农药装进止咳糖浆瓶 The wife put chemicals in cough syrup bottle


新洲一男子误服“百草枯” New one. A man"paraquat"


幸亏农药加了水 不然真就要了命 Thanks to the pesticide with the water or true to life


Cough more than,Drink cough syrup,But the bottle is filled with incredibly is a highly toxic pesticide.8,NSW farmers because of the mistake paraquat,Be sent to the center hospital in wuhan city,Lucky enough to pick up back to a life.


57, Mr. Luo have bronchitis,These days the honour,Cough badly.8 after lunch,Saw a brown bottle in the corner,Seems to drink cough syrup left before,He picked up a bottle drink a mouthful,Can be just the entrance,Have a strong NongYaoWei,Immediately spit it out.


Afterwards, he asked his family what is in the bottle,A listen to frighten him in a cold sweat.The original bottle is filled of herbicides"paraquat"!Turned out to be his wife see garden there are a lot of weeds,The unused medicine bottles on a few caps paraquat,A bottle of herbicide against water again.


Mr. Luo to rinse your mouth,Brush my teeth for a few times,Or is it like its throat"Fire in it",In a local hospital after gastric lavage,Immediately transferred to the further treatment center in wuhan city hospital emergency departments.


"Paraquat is a kind of extremely toxic herbicides,Poisoning death rate as high as 90% above,Fortunately, herbicide is diluted,Toxin is greatly reduced."Affin said, director of the hospital emergency department,There is no certain cure for treatment of paraquat,Only 5 ml of lethal dose.It can cause kidney in the first place/The liver/Many organs such as lung injury,Pulmonary fibrosis,Eventually die of respiratory failure.Affin said:Because of taking paraquat sent to the hospital,There is almost no,Mr. Luo has been very lucky.


In the emergency intensive medical care unit,The doctor in addition to old gastric lavage/Inject antidote,Also took blood perfusion technique,Introduce his whole body blood perfusion,Over and over again blood will poisoning"cleaning",Eliminate the toxin inside body.After two days of treatment,Mr. Luo has basically recovered.

  专家提醒,家中的农药、洗涤剂等有毒化学用品一定要妥善存放,最好放置在它的原包装容器中,切忌放在存放食品或药品的瓶子。一旦误食农药,应及时就医。(通讯员李蓓 记者祁燕)

The expert reminds,The chemicals in the home/Toxic chemicals such as detergent must be properly stored,The best placed in its original packaging container,Avoid by all means in stored food or medicine bottles.Once eat pesticides,Should be timely medical treatment.(The correspondent Li Bei QiYan journalist)
