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解放军总医院副院长范利委员 The people's liberation army general hospital Fan Li, vice President of the committee


临床医师职称考评偏颇做法应遏制 Clinicians should contain the title appraisal bias approach


"Clinical medicine is experience,Good clinician must go through clinical practice,Need to bit accumulation of clinical experience/Continuously review and continuous improvement.But the current clinical physicians responsibility.it appraisal bias exists in the light of clinical practice and capacity,This bias is the result of directly:Medical quality landslide/Scientific research and eager/Thesis fraud deluge/The doctor team instability and other serious harm."In recent days,Fan Li committee, vice President of the PLA general hospital in science and technology daily reporter interview to at present our country current physician title promotion evaluation bias is extremely concerned.


Fan Li said,Some clinicians 80% time for research,And clinical experience is little,"Not invasive surgery doctor","Not a doctor of internal medicine specialist"Is no anecdotes.In recent years, medical safety situation is not optimistic in our country,The doctor-patient contradiction is very prominent,To some extent is don't have enough idea and effort with their doctors to careful clinical and humanistic care on patients.

  “医学科研新的突破不是一件容易的事情,需要长时间沉下心来去尝试去探索去钻研,一些医院医师晋升职称标准中对科研课题、奖项和论文的过高要求,违背科学研究的客观规律性,导致科研不端行为的产生。”范利说。她建议,临床医师职称晋升考评总体思路应该大大增加临床能力考核的权重,以临床能力为主,科研学历为辅。可以根据医院的性质对医生进行分类,对研究型和临床型医生晋升职称评审标准要有区别。基于临床实践的科研和成果,和医生根据临床经验和体会写出较高水平论文的医学应该积极倡导和大力支持。国家可以制订临床医生职称晋升指导标准,由各地区根据实际情况决定具体标准,无需采用一把尺子来度量“一刀切”。(记者蒋秀娟 通讯员罗国金 王佳斌)

"New breakthroughs on medical research is not an easy thing,Need long time focused and try to explore to study,Some hospital physicians, promotion of scientific research subject in title standard/Awards and paper too high requirements,Contrary to the objective regularity of scientific research,Lead to the generation of scientific misconduct."Fan Li said.She suggested that,Clinicians responsibility.it for examination and assessment of the overall train of thought should be greatly increases the weight of the clinical ability assessment,Give priority to with clinical ability,Research degree is complementary.Can be classified according to the nature of the hospital doctor,Type of research and clinical doctors promotion title appraisal standard should have the difference.Based on the clinical practice of scientific research and results,And doctors according to the clinical experience and experience to write a high level of medical papers should actively advocate and support.Countries can develop clinical guidelines for doctors responsibility.it,Specific criteria decided by regions according to the actual situation,Don't need to use a ruler to measure"One size fits all".(Reporter Jiang Xiujuan correspondent Luo Guojin Wang Jiabin)
