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钟南山发问假药广告泛滥 称曾一天三次被代言假药--亲稳舆论引导监测室
According to the voice of China[News late peak]reports,The National People's Congress/Academy of engineering academician zhong nanshan Revelations,He had a day in the three media,To see him"be"Endorsement of drug advertising,But are fakes.After some investigation found zhong,Only last year,In the media published qualitative 179000 TiaoCi drugs for false advertising,This let zhong and many of his peers are angry and helpless.False drugs advertisement poison people,Is a life threatening event.How to put an end to the false drug advertising?How can counterfeit drugs through layers of review,Openly on the media page?What is wrong?
zhong:Beijing on February 3, involved in false advertising has three is mine,Zhong nanshan what drug use is spirit.Many friends ask me is be not,If it is me,Will buy more,I am in distress situation.This kind of circumstance is illegal or unreasonable?What is this,I really don't understand.
Let zhong don't understand is,Why are there so many fake drugs to the factory,You can go on sale,Even in the media.What is wrong?
zhong:These fake ads will be dead!What is one plus one strong man,The stuff with a high dose of viagra,Ate a heart failure the dead soon after.This is an offence in law,As a doctor,,Look at very distressed.
According to zhong,Published last year in the media can be concluded that as many as 179000 TiaoCi is fake advertising.Before the two sessions,Zhong again took to the streets to do investigation.The day on February 3,Zhong nanshan collected 88 copies of newspapers in Beijing,There are 36 false drugs advertisement.The National People's Congress/Engaged in the pharmaceutical industry wei swallow said,Due to information asymmetry,Often the more exaggerated advertisement says,Ordinary people, the more believe.
He swallows:First health itself is the asymmetric information of a business,Grasping this medical small advertising is catch people's state of mind,So their market must be very hot,Do the false the hyperbole,People want to try.
Is not only a zhong,Over the years,Celebrities for the infringement of rights and the drug companies to court news we see an endless.Celebrities do false endorsement,Let companies earn plate.Consumers of victims/Patients and their families on the pain,Is turning a blind eye.
How to put an end to the false drug advertising?How can counterfeit drugs through layers of review,Openly on the media page?Fake advertising,Is the problem?
Zhong to complaints,But this complaint,But let the strong, dare to conquer medical difficulties,Have a bitter could not say.
zhong:The latest is a have a lot of complaints as to the identity of the newspaper,It says we have a specific agency contract,Have my autograph.Lawyers to find a way to find an autographed copy,The signature is not my signature,Copy my signature of the,To go looking for the newspaper,Said it's not my thing,We have a contract with signature.
How to calculate the real?Journalist survey found that,Drugs to advertising,First to the department of industry and commerce for examination and approval,And often focused on the business of examination and approval of the ministry of commerce and industry,If there is a license medicines?Is in line with the advertisement law?For the drug itself is safe and reasonable,Outside the business professional.So there is on behalf of the suggestion,Drug advertising can increase the food and drug administration for examination and approval of the professional segment.The National People's Congress/Yancheng city centers for disease control and prevention director shen coming in,On the national two sessions this year,It is widespread attention and false drugs advertisement.Shen said in,Both companies and the media there is interest on both sides.
Shen in:Factory is willing to spend a lot of money on advertising,Improve its sales.Many media survival may be largely from the advertisements,In order to advertising,Some also lax on guard a pass.According to the current advertisement law,Its advertising there are many programs on drug control,But it is easy to break,Regulation is also exist.
Deputy to the National People's Congress Jiang Ming advice,Should perfect the legal system,For the manufacturing of counterfeit drugs and published fake advertising media,To monitoring the grueling.
Jiang Ming:Economic sanctions,Suddenly taken sick,That he wouldn't do that.Singapore management so clean,Just spit a mouthful of phlegm,There is RMB 5000 yuan fine,You are the one mouthful phlegm can't literally feel sick.According to the country of this kind of circumstance to see now,Must be punishment enough.
Yao Zhibin even suggest director of health department of guangdong province,Should cancel all medical advertisements,In order to avoid future trouble.No matter how,In the false drug before disappearing,How can people avoid the economic loss and personal injury?The National People's Congress/Henan province administration for industry and commerce bureau chief Zhou Chunyan reminders.
Zhou Chunyan:Don't trust this kind of therapeutic medical drug advertising,Because of the,As long as the ads involving product efficacy of violation of advertisement law.(The reporter ShuJingJing)
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