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山西春季气温多变 突发性耳聋患者骤增--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新网太原3月11日电 (范丽芳)20度以上的高温持续了两天后,山西多地最高气温骤降10℃以上。11日,记者从当地多家医院了解到,因近日山西气温多变,各大医院“突发性耳聋”患者明显增多。
Beijing, taiyuan, March 11 (Reuters) (Fan Lifang)More than 20 degrees high temperature lasted two days,Shanxi to the highest temperature above 10 ℃.11,,The reporter understands from local hospitals,Because of the shanxi temperature changeable recently,Each big hospital"Sudden deafness"Patients significantly increased.
11 in the morning,Shanxi medical university first hospital otolaryngology section there were long lines outside,Morning in the diagnosis of,There are five hearing loss to the patient,Through inspection diagnosed as sudden sensorineural deafness,Recently it has 8 cases were diagnosed"Sudden deafness"And receive treatment in hospital.
According to public information,One for every 5000 Chinese people will occur sudden deafness.The etiology and pathology of sudden deafness is not clear so far,But many may cause of the disease.According to the observation,Many people have had a cold before onset/Have a fever/nervous/tired/emotional/The phenomenon such as excessive drinking.
"Recently the weather is hot and cold,Morning and evening temperature difference is meeting influence the circulation of the blood,It can also cause sudden deafness,And local blood supply shortage caused by the sudden deafness ears also relatively common in urgent."The hospital otolaryngology doctor wang jianming, director of the division is introduced,More performance for tinnitus,Especially when the phone can't hear clearly.
Sudden deafness is a kind of otology diseases,Especially suddenly happened/Unknown cause of sensorineural hearing impairment,In patients with hearing a sudden drop in a short time,Can be associated with tinnitus and dizziness.In recent years,As the working pressure/Life is not law,Sudden deafness disease populations tend to be younger,24 to 45 years old of young adults in sudden deafness."Because these people working pressure/competitive/Work to socialize more,Many body function disorder/Blood circulation disorder, etc,Easy to cause sudden deafness."Wang jianming said.
According to introducing,Sudden deafness only a handful of the self-healing tendencies.Sudden deafness within one to two weeks of treatment,More than 85% recovery rate;Within one month after onset of treatment,The cure rate significantly decreased;Drag the longer treatment time,The lower the chance of cure,Some even lost his hearing.Expert advice should always pay attention to control our emotions,Avoid excessive overworked and mental strain,smoking/Give up drinking.(After the)
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