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公立医院保基本 高端医疗需求怎么办--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Health care can change?This is not only ordinary people concerned about the topic,Is also a representative of National People's Congress/CPPCC member concerned topic.
Government work report,Education investment in China has reached 4% of GDP.In the national committee of the Chinese medical and health sectors,A lot of people are talking about,State spending on health care whether should continue to increase.
A few days of discussion,In two perspectives.
Part of the thought,Health care should be the government spending,The doctor keeps up.Another part of the members is considered,Completely rely on the government investment cannot solve the existing medical and health fields,Or through a more effective way to stimulate the enthusiasm of the doctor.
"I support the latter view."The CPPCC national committee/Deputy health minister huang jiefu told reporters,Health system of cadres always said no money,In fact is good health systems have no design,Most of the time don't know where are you going to spend money.
It seems to Huang Jiefu,For health systems,More important is the cultivation of medical market,Not always want to the country for money.
To make such a conclusion,Huang Jiefu is not without basis.
In 1995,,Taiwan began to implement universal health insurance.At that time,Hospital in Taiwan,80% is a public hospital,Problem is not less than the mainland.After 18 years of development,Taiwan's healthcare system has become a sample let the envy of many countries, public hospitals and private hospitals have switched positions,Private hospitals as part of the 80%.Huang Jiefu said,Taiwan is in accordance with the laws of the market.
"Society enjoy high level of medical treatment of people."Huang Jiefu said,Now the Chinese to the United States for surgery,To the beauty of Singapore,To Hong Kong to have children,A great demand for high-end medical.While China has a lot of high level doctors,Squeeze in public hospitals,High-end medical market cannot develop.
United family hospital is a quite large scale joint venture hospital in Beijing.The hospital director, told reporters,The problem now is that all the people in China are squeezed in a public hospital,Cannot be carried out in accordance with the law of market regulation,Causes all sorts of strange phenomena.
It seems to the dean,Is to protect the basic positioning of public hospitals,Ensure that all people can enjoy the most basic health services,And for the rest of the medical market,Want to run by private hospitals.
We have learned,Just international medical tourism market,Currently has hundreds of billions of dollars of consumption.China cannot share,It is utterly ZhiFuFang.
The CPPCC national committee/Peking University, director of cardiology blood also has studied this problem,He told the reporters,The market is very big,But there is no mechanism to activate.
According to the national bureau of statistics data released,China's GDP per head reached $6100 in 2012.The digital let Huang Jiefu believe,China already has enough spending power to shore up the basic medical service outside of the medical market.
Worry is that in reality,If the majority of hospital changed from public to private,Hospital public welfare will not be able to achieve.
"This is a myth,Is not a market economy, there is no public welfare."Huang Jiefu said,Chang gung memorial hospital is a private hospital in Taiwan,But now is the most public hospitals in Taiwan.and,When wang founded the first chang gung memorial hospital,Thought it wouldn't be a profitable business,But from the chang gung memorial hospital opened up,Wang had no additional input.
Medical market in the mainland,Although there are file support folk capital into,But for many years,Civilian battalion hospital slow development."A few years ago,Wang also to enter the mainland of the medical market,The result is disappointed."Huang Jiefu said.
Huang Jiefu told reporters,He was opposed to the hospital to pursue benefit maximization,But the same as other industries,Medical and health industry, too, should operate according to market rule.
本报北京3月13日电 李松涛
Our newspaper Beijing on March 13 (Reuters) Li Songtao
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