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@ ms li:Last year I had urinary tract infection,The doctor opened co-trimoxazole for me(Sulfa drugs),And said to drink more water after taking this medicine.I strictly according to the medicine the doctor's advice,A week after the urgency/Frequent urination/Urinary symptoms such as pain,Urinary tract infection is cured.I was recently diagnosed with stomach ulcers,The doctor opened to me sucralfate some stomach medicine, etc,The doctor has ordered medication to drink less water.This let I can't understand:Ill drink lots of water to take medicine is good or less good drink some water?
Dr Chen Zuhui jinan university first affiliated hospital:Most people think that drink water more at ordinary times is good for health,Medication, of course, is to drink lots of water when the well;Also some people think that take medicine drink how much it doesn't matter,The key is as long as the medicine it will can exert effect,Therefore figure simply to save trouble"Dry swallow"settle.These ideas and practices are not satisfactory.Ill take medicine,Drinking more water is a shortcut,Because drinking more water can not only prevent drug damage to the body,Also can promote the efficacy,Such as cold remedies/Have a fever/Stone diseases drugs,Drink more water indeed have a very good effect.but,Not all medication when they need to drink more water.Some drugs because of its special way of work,When taking not only cannot drink more water,Can't even drink water,Otherwise it will reduce effectiveness,Loss treatment.When taking these drugs should not drink more water:
Some of the treatment of peptic ulcer drugs,When the medication is not suitable to drink more water.The drugs were made more suspension agent,After entering stomach into millions of tiny particles insoluble,Like powder covered on the damaged gastric mucosa,In this way can the gastric mucosa from gastric acid erosion,Slowly grow new organization,And restore its original function.When taking the drugs,If water can dilute drugs instead,Make the cover on the damaged gastric mucosa drug particles decreases,Thinning of the protective film,Thus loss of therapeutic effect.and,Take this medicine after half an hour and don't drink water,Drink lots of water for a short time,Will also see a recently formed the protective film,Make the damaged gastric mucosa to show in a corrosive acid.
吃止咳药时也不宜多喝水。常见的止咳糖浆药物较黏稠,服用后药物会黏附在咽部,直接作用于病变部位,从而起到消炎止咳作用。如果喝过多的水,会把咽部药物的有效成分冲掉,使局部药物浓度降低,影响药效发挥。如果觉得口干,应在服药半小时后再喝水。苦味健胃剂如复方龙胆酊利用其苦味,通过舌头的味觉感受器,反射性地促进胃液分泌来增进食欲,因此也不宜多喝水,以免冲淡苦味而影响药效。记者 赵兵辉
When to eat some cough medicine, also should not drink more water.Common cough syrup drugs more viscous,After taking drugs can stick in the pharynx,Act directly on the lesion site,Thus the antiphlogistic cough.If you drink too much water,The active components of the pharyngeal drug bath,Lower the local drug concentration,Impact effects play a.If you feel dry mouth,Medicine should be in half an hour before drink.Bitter stomachic, such as compound gentian tincture used its bitter taste,Through the tongue taste receptor,Reflective to promote gastric juice to secrete stomachic,So unfavorable also drink more water,So as not to dilute the bitter taste and affect efficacy.The reporter zhao hui
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