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Call a spade a spade to eat things
There are many rumors about gout patient not to eat food,Such as the"Can't eat with beer and seafood"/"Can't eat soy products"/"Cannot drink hot pot soup"/"Can't drink sweet drinks", etc..These rumours,How true or false,Gout patients diet really? What are the taboos?
Gout is closely related to uric acid.The body produces purines,From food ingestion purine,Purine metabolism produces uric acid,Under normal circumstances from the urine uric acid by the kidneys.But if there is excessive purine,Uric acid will have a lot of.Too much uric acid,Or the discharge of uric acid pathway,Will accumulate in the body.Accumulation to a certain concentration,Uric acid crystallization precipitation,Will lead to gout.
People is not easy to change the body to produce purine,But can avoid high purine diet to reduce the uric acid.In the Chinese common food,Animal is the highest category in the purine content water,Such as the liver/The waist/heart/The brain/The pancreas, etc..In addition,game/The goose/Some species of fish(Such as sardines/herring/Salmon, etc.)/Scallops also this category.Usually one hundred grams of these food contain purine can reach more than 200 mg.Followed by all kinds of meat,Such as pork/beef/mutton/Aquatic products, etc.,Each hectogram usually contain purine between 100 to 200 mg.Dry soybeans also have more purine,But after soy content is not high,With oatmeal/broccoli/peas/spinach/Green peppers/Bananas and other fruits and vegetables.
Although do not contain alcohol and sugar purines,But they will affect the uric acid metabolism,Increase in blood uric acid levels,So the gout patients also should try to avoid.
In the widespread gout diet taboo,Seafood and beer either eat together or separately,Are high risk factors,Similar to the"Arsenic with dichlorvos cannot eat";"Can't eat soy products"With scientific evidence,Epidemiological survey found,Soy products and other purine content"higher"Of fruits and vegetables,No increase in blood uric acid levels,Some surveys show even soy products high consumption crowd,Lower blood uric acid levels;Sugary drinks add blood uric acid have scientific evidence to support;Hot pot soup often contained more purine,Gout patients should be avoided.
Comprehensive the above,Gout patients(Or high uric acid in the crowd)Can diet principle is briefly as follows:To avoid all kinds of animal's gut/The brain/game/Some seafood and fish/Beer and other alcoholic beverages,(While not all contain high purine of seafood and fish,But if you don't remember clearly,You should better avoid);Control high sugar food/White rice flour/Saturated fat and all kinds of meat;Recommend eating whole grains/Whole grain, etc./Low-fat and nonfat dairy products/Plant protein food/A lot of water.(Cloud not intentional)
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