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槟榔果中有致癌成分 嚼槟榔可能引起口腔病变--亲稳舆论引导监测室
槟榔是否致癌?Data from the central south university xiangya hospital dental show,Every year the division for chewing betel nuts were directly or indirectly lead to oral diseases,Need more than hundred cases of surgical treatment of patients,Roughly one-third is diagnosed with oral cancer.The division of oral medical expert professor Peng Xieying said,Chew betel nut is fibrous become the only factor of the oral mucosa,While the disease is cancer before the high risk of malignant transformation,And carcinogenic ingredient has the genetic toxicity of areca nut.
刚刚在湘雅医院接受了手术的汤先生今年47岁,From liling,He is a typical"smoke/wine/Betel nut not separation".According to he,He sometimes drinks/When the smoke,A can be a two packs of betel nut chewing,The end of the day to chew off five or six packages.From the initial oral cavity inflammation,Was finally diagnosed with gingival carcinoma.The pain from the left maxillary gum swelling,Slowly spread to the entire left cheek and neck,Until half face internal and external all tumors.
"The carcinogenicity of betel nuts have been confirmed by many test institute."Peng Xieying said,They had to eat every day more than 5 disc betelnut inspection personnel and no eating betel nut,Found in 3015 in chewing betel nut,29 cases of oral submucous fibrous,Of the 627 people without chewing betel nuts not found patients with the disease.
湘雅医院专门成立了口腔癌前病变研究所,Start for in-depth study of this disease.Experts on 152 chewing betel nuts and 137 without chewing areca were investigated,The former accounted for 84.4% of the oral mucosa lesions,While the latter only 37.2%;While another group of studies,Chew betel nut is the 66% of lesions of the oral mucosa,Including oral submucous fibrous(OSF)Accounted for 13%,White spot is 3.9%,Compressed moss was 5.2%,No chewing betel nut with lesions of the oral mucosa is only 1.5%.Many evidence to support the chewing betel nut increases the risk of oral cancer.
彭解英解释,天然槟榔里的槟榔碱和胆碱等虽然具有危害性,但纯粹的药理作用对身体的伤害并不大,若每天大量嚼食,在强碱环境下,才会慢慢烧坏口腔黏膜这样的敏感组织。槟榔咀嚼物中致癌因子还来自于添加剂。该院专家通过对添加剂及混合物的研究证实,这些添加剂中含有的致癌因子和基因毒性剂都存有潜在的致癌性,“主要成分石灰对口腔黏膜组织有刺激,如果吃多了槟榔或者含量超标,就会造成PH值超标失衡,也会烧坏口腔”。(记者 唐江澎 通讯员 罗闻)
彭解英解释,天然槟榔里的槟榔碱和胆碱, etc.虽然具有危害性,But pure pharmacological effects on the body of damage is not big,If every day a lot of chewing,In alkali environment,Will slowly burn out such sensitive tissues of the oral mucosa.Betel nut chewing in carcinogenic factor also comes from the additive.The hospital experts confirmed based on the research of the additives and the mixture,These additives containing carcinogenic factor and genotoxic agent has more potential carcinogenicity,"Main ingredients of lime can irritate the organization of the oral mucosa,If eat many betelnut or levels,Can cause excess PH imbalance,Will burn out the mouth".(Reporter Tang Jiangpeng correspondent to smell)
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