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邓小平母校百年校庆 百名将军捐赠书画101幅--亲稳舆论引导监测室

邓小平母校百年校庆 百名将军捐赠书画101幅 17日上午,曾担任小平办公室警卫秘书的张宝忠中将(左)向广安市政府赠送书画作品。 17 morning,Deng xiaoping once served as the office of the secretary ZhangBaoZhong guards will(left)To give the government of calligraphy and painting. 邓小平母校百年校庆 百名将军捐赠书画101幅


A calligraphy field.

  捐赠作品 Donated works


Yesterday morning,100 general and other domestic painting and calligraphy masters/Famous donated to the waste of calligraphy and painting a total of more than 200 picture,In order to express the deep memory of deng xiaoping raised and the cross section of middle school student's best wish alumni reunion


Usher in the Alma mater of one hundred birthday,Cross middle school teachers and students both at home and abroad to invite alumni meet waste,Altogether will create the glorious future


today,Deng xiaoping's Alma mater cross sichuan middle school will have one hundred years anniversary.yesterday,One hundred celebrities hometown into deng xiaoping raised,to"As love together Chinese painting and calligraphy artist cross middle school in one hundred anniversary of the donation XiLieZhan works"Opened the curtain of the celebration activities.In deng xiaoping's library,Artists have a thought,Will send a blessing on the paper on ink.It is reported,In the exhibition at the opening ceremony,Sichuan middle school education development foundation waste were received general and artists donated works.


Calligraphy and painting master site offering a blessing with powerful calligraphy/Integrated with ink and wash……in"As love together Chinese painting and calligraphy artist cross middle school in one hundred anniversary of the donation XiLieZhan works"on,Many domestic famous artists gather,With a pen,In the rich in mo xiang,Deng xiaoping raised the Alma mater cross school best wish render in the paper of ink.


"Bamboo dew wind rain banana leaf;ChaYan QinYun loud."The tang dynasty famous calligrapher LiuGongQuan seed/Beijing LiuGongQuan painting and calligraphy institute LiuGuoQing also came to the cross,With the atmosphere of the majestic wei rubbings body to write down the lines.


"Very honored to deng xiaoping's Alma mater,As a cross section of middle school education development fund consultant,I have a responsibility to do something for the school.wind/Loud moral cross middle school children to study hard,Day day up."Now the 69 - year - old age LiuGuoQing,Have to attend the Beijing Olympic Games related activities of foreign dignitaries sent off"blessed"word;And the film[Private teenager]Four characters,Is it personally inscribed title.

  中国国家画院书法篆刻院长曾来德以一幅《蜀山圣境图》赠与广安市政府。“圣人、圣地、圣山、圣水,广安这方圣地走出了伟大的人物,也造福了后人。在广安中学建校一百周年之际,我们通过这样的方式,祝福小平故里。同时,我们今日捐赠的部分作品,还将捐给刚刚成立的四川广安中学教育发展基金会,用于艺术教育事业发展。”  百名将军捐赠书画101幅昨天上午,中国将军书画研究院执行院长张永金代表100名将军,向邓小平的母校广安中学百年校庆送来大礼:捐赠书画作品101幅。

China is a country of calligraphy seal cutting CengLaiDe with a picture[Cypresses diagram of shushan]The gift of government."saint/Holy land/Holy mountain/water,This holy cross out of the great man,To the later generations.In the middle of the one hundredth anniversary of the cross,We in this way,Blessing hometown deng xiaoping raised.At the same time,Today we donated works,Also will go to just established waste sichuan middle school education development foundation,Used for art education career development."General donation of painting and calligraphy 101 yesterday morning,China's general painting and calligraphy institute ZhangYongJin executive director of general on behalf of 100,Deng xiaoping's Alma mater to cross middle school one hundred anniversary gift sent:Donated 101 picture of calligraphy and painting.


100 general and other domestic painting and calligraphy masters/Famous donated to the waste of calligraphy and painting a total of more than 200 picture,At the same time in the exhibition hall of deng xiaoping's library,In order to express the deep memory of deng xiaoping raised and the students waste good wishes.


78 - year - old secretary deng xiaoping raised again cross back to watch movie deng xiaoping raised documentary/Visit former residence of deng xiaoping raised……"Cross to five times the,Always remember my old chief comrade deng xiaoping raised."Walked into the former residence of deng xiaoping raised,The 78 - year - old will,Deng xiaoping once served as the office of the secretary guard ZhangBaoZhong brings back a lot of memories.

  张宝忠是黑龙江人,1954年起在邓小平身边工作,历任卫士、警卫员、警卫参谋、警卫秘书。他感叹:“我20岁就开始跟着首长。我感到非常荣幸,能一辈子跟着他,这是我的幸福。”走进广安中学,看到学生们个个生气盎然。他更是寄语学生们“好好学习”。  海内外校友今日母校重逢据了解,广安中学百年校庆系列活动包括:“世纪之约·缅怀世纪伟人邓小平、张澜书画艺术大展”、“学校文化战略建构与校长文化修炼”报告会、“世纪之约·续写教育春天的故事”主题文艺晚会等。该校还将启动“五个一百加一万”工程,即100名将军、100家名企、100位名人、100所名校、100家社会组织共建小平母校,10000名校友共建母校。

ZhangBaoZhong is heilongjiang province,Since 1954, deng xiaoping's side in work,Successive titanium/bodyguard/Security staff/Guard secretary.He said:"I am twenty years of age began to follow heads.I feel very honored,Can follow him all my life,This is my happiness."Cross into the middle school,See the students all exuberant.He is message to the students"Good good study".Alumni reunion at home and abroad today Alma mater to understand,Cross middle school one hundred anniversary series activities include:"The century about · remember the great man, deng xiaoping/ZhangLan painting and calligraphy art exhibitions"/"School culture construction and the principal strategic culture cultivation"report/"The century about · continue education story of spring"Subject literature evening party, etc.The school will start"Five rebekah ten thousand"engineering,The 100 general/100 companies/100 celebrities/100 school/100 social organizations build deng xiaoping raised his Alma mater,10000 alumni build Alma mater.


Cross middle school founded in 1912,Has been 100 years of history.A century,For the country has trained tens of thousands of people.At present,The sichuan province approved by the department of civil affairs,The inheritance of traditional cross middle school good education,Schools have launched to"Wide to do good,Content with heart"As the core concept of sichuan middle school education development foundation waste,For the social from all walks of life care/Support to the development of the school set up a good platform.

  廖小兵华西都市报记者杜灿 汪仁洪 摄影报道

LiaoXiaoBing of west China city newspaper reporter DuCan WangRenHong photojournalism

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