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国家卫计委:全国已报告96人染H7N9 死亡18人--亲稳舆论引导监测室
On 19 April 16 to 20 April 16,The national report new cases of human infection with H7N9 bird flu cases in 5 cases.Among them,1 case of Shanghai,1 case of jiangsu province,3 cases in zhejiang province.
National health development planning commission report last night,Up to now,China has reported 96 confirmed cases,Among them 18 deaths,Nine people recover,The rest of the 69 people receiving treatment in all medical units.Cases in Beijing(1 case)/Shanghai(33 cases,11 cases died)/jiangsu(23 cases,3 cases of death)/zhejiang(33 cases,3 cases of death)/anhui(3 cases,1 case of death)/henan(3 cases)Six provinces and cities.
又讯 4月18日,江苏省卫生厅通报了南京新确诊1例人感染H7N9禽流感病例。南京市卫生局副局长许民生表示,该病例已经痊愈。此时,距她出现发热伴流感的症状仅仅4天。“她没有进行抗病毒治疗,其康复准确原因尚不明确,可能与年龄、治疗时间有一定关系。”许民生说。据《扬子晚报》
On April 18, and -,Jiangsu province health department notified by nanjing, 1 case of human infection with newly diagnosed H7N9 avian influenza.Xu Minsheng, deputy director of nanjing bureau of health said,The case has been recovered.At this time,From her fever associated with symptoms of the flu only 4 days."She has no antiviral therapy,The rehabilitation accurate reason is unclear,May be related to age/Treatment time has a certain relationship."Xu Minsheng said.According to the[Yangzi evening news]
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H7N9 strain arrived in Taiwan
据新华社电 由大陆提供的H7N9禽流感病毒株20日运抵台湾,这是两岸首次进行生物病原检体交换。
Xinhua electrical H7N9 avian influenza strains provided by the mainland 20, arrived in Taiwan,This is the first time on both sides to exchange biological pathogenic specimens.
Taiwan epidemics command center expressed thanks for this,Think it will help maintain the health of the people on both sides,Also let cross-strait bilateral cooperation on the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases into the new stage,Looking forward to both sides can continue to cooperation in the future.
According to the center,Virus strains to proliferation,To test the sensitivity of the existing test reagents;At the same time,Will conduct H7N9 biological characteristics of bird flu virus and related research work.H7N9 avian influenza virus culture in biosafety level 3 laboratory operations,All operating procedures will be strictly carried out in accordance with the biological safety codes.
另据通报,台已接获多例H7N9禽流感疑似病例报告,除5例正在检验外,其他均已排除H7N9禽流感感染。新京报讯 (记者魏铭言)
The other is reported,Taiwan has received many cases H7N9 report suspected cases of bird flu,In addition to the 5 cases are being tested,Other H7N9 bird flu infections have been ruled out.Beijing - (The reporter wei MingYan)
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