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有些过敏会头疼 别当感冒治--亲稳网络舆情监控室
The allergen in the environment is becoming more and more complicated,This is not people who are allergic,Also have allergies.The symptoms of allergic rhinitis,With cold and far too much alike,If the disease,Allergic rhinitis may develop into bronchial asthma,A friend,Be sure to keep in mind!
1 过敏和感冒形成机制不同 1 allergic and cold forming mechanism is different
Case 1:A sophomore female qingming outing came back,A stuffy nose/Runny nose/Have a cough/Have a headache/sneezing.She thinks she"Catch a cold"the,To the pharmacy to buy medicine to eat,Don't want to more advanced disease.Go to a doctor,A diagnosis of"Pollen allergy".
Why so many people have allergies,But as case 1,Thought he was going to"Catch a cold"the?
The reason is,There are many similarities between allergic rhinitis and cold,Such as the,Will sneeze/Runny nose/Nasal congestion, etc..but,The mechanism of these symptoms,But each are not identical.
Catch a cold,Is a respiratory virus,After adhesion of airway epithelial cells/Infection and replication of virus particles,Cause respiratory inflammation,Therefore symptoms such as stuffy nose runny.
What about allergic reactions?
Allergies and sensitive and inflammatory process.
sensitization:Allergic constitution first exposure to certain allergens in the environment(Such as dust mites./Pollen and mold, etc)after,The body produces a large number of specific immunoglobulin E(IgE)antibodies,The antibody combined with mast cells and other immune cells,To make the body sensitization.
inflammatory:When the body again after exposed to the allergen,IgE antibodies will immediately with allergens,And make the mast cells"To take off the particles",Release of histamine and leukotriene inflammatory mediators.These medium cause expansion and increased permeability of small blood vessels,Smooth muscle spasm and gland secretion increased, etc,The resulting runny nose/A stuffy nose/sneezing,Even asthma and other allergic symptoms.
2 过敏和感冒症状有区别 Is there a difference 2 allergies and cold symptoms
Both because of the different pathogenesis,Symptoms or a big difference.
Is the difference between a typical"itch".
Who has a cold with a stuffy nose/Mainly dry throat pain;And allergic rhinitis,Because of allergic inflammation medium(Such as histamine)Stimulate the peripheral nerve,Always have nasal itching symptoms.Mild person,Nasal discomfort/Have a itch;The person that weigh is nasal itching to bear,Will be accompanied by eye/ear/The throat/Itching on the hard palate, etc,Often attached to play several or even dozens of sneezing,A large number of clear watery nose will automatically flow out.
"Runny nose"There are differences between.
Allergic nasal discharge flow water;And caught a cold,Can be made of black stuff into green purulent nasal discharge.The reason is,In order to deal with the cold virus,Neutrophil ran out in the first place,Although it is belong to the white blood cells,But it is green.
The biggest difference,Still have you"Systemic symptom".
Catch a cold(Especially for pandemic influenza),There are obvious chills/Hair high fever/Go limp/Muscle pain/Have a headache/Sore throat/Systemic symptoms such as gastrointestinal discomfort;And allergic rhinitis,Only show the nasal symptoms or comorbid asthma or allergic skin,No fever also not afraid of cold.
Moreover,,Catch a cold,Runny nose and congestion, nasal symptoms tend to be persistent;And allergic rhinitis,Paroxysmal in its attack,May only attack once or several times in a day,Early in the morning is more apparent,After the attack,Good as normal people.
Can't tell how to do?As soon as possible to go to the hospital to do check.
3 有的“头疼”也是过敏 3 some"Have a headache"Is allergic
Case 1 think of themselves"Catch a cold",Is an important reason"Have a headache".
Allergies can also have a headache?
An allergic reaction,Can be affected to the whole body each system,Various organs.In addition to the AD/rhinitis/Outside the asthma,Can also cause allergic gastroenteritis/Allergic conjunctivitis/Sympathetic ophthalmia/And recurrent otitis media with effusion (ome) stomatitis, etc.If a small blood vessels throughout the body,Will cause anaphylactic shock.
If happens in the nervous system,Can cause headaches.
V. a headache as a result of an allergic reaction,It is not uncommon clinically.
个案2:一位小年轻说:我不敢吃辣椒、花生和瓜子,一吃就头疼,身上就痒,长荨麻疹,眼睛也痒。 头疼看神经内科,吃许多药不见效。
Case 2:A teenager said:I can't eat chili/Peanut and melon seeds,As soon as you eat have a headache,Body is itching,Long urticaria,Eyes are itchy. Headache, nerve internal medicine,Eat a lot of medicine doesn't work.
Case 3:male,22 years old.He said,After a few days ago I softened the hair,Just a little headache,To see a doctor,Let me see,Is allergic.I'm dizzy,I'm a headache!,Back pain,Sometimes on both sides of the pain.
4 物理、化学、精神刺激也致敏 4 physical/chemical/Mental stimulation and sensitization
Outside the direct stimulation of allergens such as pollen,Nonspecific factors from in vitro,Such as physical/Chemical stimulus,Or from the body of the endocrine and spiritual stimulation,May also be aggravated.
Case 4:male,17 years old,There used to be allergic rhinitis,As long as the temperature drops,Encounter cold air will sneeze/Flow clear nasal discharge water/A stuffy nose/Itchy nose and itchy eyes.
The cold air,Why can cause allergy?
The reason is,On the airway mucosa"latent"Mast cells.Cold air leading to airway heat loss,Stimulate mast cells release inflammatory meson,Lead to allergy.
Case 5:There is a sophomore,After intense exercise,Can occur with acute asthma,Chest tightness/breathing/Have a cough,Even breathing difficulties.He always thought he was going to sweat,After the wind catch cold catch cold catch a cold.
movement,Why will allergy?
The reason is,movement(Or cry laugh)when,hyperventilation,Leading to airway heat loss,Stimulate mast cells release of inflammatory mediators.
Case 6:A man traveling,Suddenly found himself forgot the salbutamol aerosol,The cough at once/Chest tightness and asthma bronchial asthma symptoms.When traveling with Mrs. Took out prepared salbutamol aerosol after for him,His cough/Symptoms such as chest tightness, and asthma,Should alleviate by oneself at once.
Visible mental factors,Is also an important triggers an allergic reaction.Other such as investment failure/marriage/Unemployment liabilities such as mental stimulation,Are likely to induce allergic asthma symptoms,Its mechanism is very complex.
Case 7:There is a high school girl,Every time menstruation always appear bosom frowsty 3 ~ 5 days before/Have a cough/asthma/Cannot lay down.She always thought that is caused to menstruation when resistance is low.
In fact,She had a"Menstruation sexual asthma",Associated with endocrine disorders.
Case 8:One of Mr.,When I was a child did not have asthma,But always cough recently/Chest tightness,After the doctor asked:He has just moved into new house decorate good.Doctors estimate and excitant gas such as formaldehyde in his new house.
Case 9:A junior majoring in catch cold catch cold catch a cold,But cold medicine eat more heavier.After an expert diagnosis,She is allergic to cold antipyretic analgesic of aspirin!
Case 8 and 9 cases were sensitive to chemicals.
5 致敏的时间有长有短 5 the sensitization time has long have short
Case 10:There is a small white collar often sleep with my friend's house dog,Have been happy,But a few days ago after dog on her bed,She was up a suit of red rash.
Why is this not allergic,But suddenly the allergy?The reason is,Sensitization when min time has long have short.
Case 11:A friend said:I was in college,There is a teacher,He has a sore throat,To hit penicillin,Did a penicillin experiment results,Anaphylactic shock death in an instant.
11 cases of allergy,Belongs to the"Speed of hair style"the.
Case 12:There is a bronchial infections,The doctor gave him"Cefoperazone sodium shu batan sodium"Intravenous drip.Use two days,I feel itchy palms,But no color change and skin rash;The third day medication,Palm itching significantly in patients with neck and hands,And consciously flustered/asthma.The reason is,Drugs caused the late-onset allergic reaction!
Sensitization occurred more than 12 hours after allergy,Belongs to the"Late onset of allergy".Case 10/Case 12 hairstyle allergy is late.
Case of 13:There are two to nanjing college students from the other cities,Among them一位到南京the第一个春天就花粉过敏the;The second student this'm glad I can adapt to the environment of nanjing,In the second year of spring,She has pollen allergy.
Why, two people have allergic time?
Because of the,If allergens concentration is high,Atopic diathesis,A few months can contact sensitization;If an allergen concentrations are low,Sensitization phase which can take several years or even decades.
6 防过敏须远离过敏原 6 anti allergic to allergens
Case 14:A freshman said:Recent half a year,Lively and healthy, she in school,Cough a every month at home,Ate a lot for the treatment of bronchitis, medicine is useless.Due to cough at night is aggravating,Can't fall asleep,Feel helpless,So like to hug the cat to sleep.The winter holiday when go to a doctor,Check routine blood,Find acidophilus granulocyte percentage has nearly reached 40%,The doctor doubt is allergic to cat hair!Let her not to contact with Kitty again.She lives to the grandma's cat,Don't cough any more.
If allergic to break out repeatedly,Best to go to the hospital do the allergen test,View is allergic to what material,Look up to,As the case of 14,Away from it.
Now human survival environment has become more and more complicated,A lot of things are people had not been met in the course of evolution,Have become allergens,So accumulating chronic stimulation,Let this not allergic,Will also be allergic to the.but,'st environment lets a person cannot leave?
One is hard to improve immunity;The second is,serious,Desensitization treatment can be adopted.
Case 15:One of Mr.,Have a headache/A stuffy nose/Runny nose,Thought has a cold,For 1 month,Illness instead more heavy,Only to find to the hospital inspection,He's allergic rhinitis has been converted to sinusitis.
If the disease,Allergic rhinitis treated not in time,Can cause sinusitis/Otitis media/Nasal polyps,Serious complicated with bronchial asthma.
A friend,Early diagnosis,Science treatment,Is the key to the prevention and treatment of allergic disease!
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