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声音嘶哑超过一个月要特别警惕 声音嘶哑超过一个月要特别警惕
60岁大妈疑因 60岁大妈疑因
长期吸入厨房油烟 长期吸入厨房油烟
导致喉癌 导致喉癌
杭州60岁的李女士半年前出现嗓音嘶哑,Around family and friends think that Ms. Li normally a"Verbal diarrhoea",Let her say less words,Voice will be better.but,Half a year has passed,Ms. Lee has no signs of improvement,Recently appeared instead of swallowing the obvious foreign body sensation.To the hospital,Ms. Li made a relevant examination diagnosed with throat cancer.
喉癌一般都是以男性居多,Why never smoke and drink Mrs Lee will be suffering from throat cancer?
杭州市第一人民医院耳鼻咽喉科医生江波说,Smoking is a risk of laryngeal cancer risk factors,Generally more than ninety percent of the patients with laryngeal cancer has a long history of smoking,Because of toxic substances such as nicotine and tar in tobacco direct invasion throat for a long time,The laryngeal mucosa adverse stimulation for a long time will be developed into the throat.The longer smoking history/The greater the amount of,The greater the harm.but,Jiang doctor introduction,Ms. Li's throat cancer may be associated with her long-term inhalation of lampblack of the kitchen.In recent years,The prevalence of female larynx have obvious rising trend.
根据发生部位的不同,Clinical will be divided into glottis carcinoma laryngeal cancer/The glottis carcinoma and the subglottic area on the area,The glottis carcinoma accounted for about 50% of the total laryngeal cancer to 65%,Early can make patients phonation disorders that voice,Ms. Lee is belong to the glottis carcinoma.
早期发现喉癌并不难。如果肿瘤长在声带上,患者会出现声音嘶哑、咽喉疼痛、刺激性干咳等症状。如果长在声带旁,则会痰中带血、咽部有异物,严重者可能引起呼吸困难或颈部出现肿块。因此,建议40岁以上的人如果声音嘶哑超过一个月,或痰中带血超过一星期,总感觉咽部有异物,最好尽早去医院接受检查。早期发现的喉癌患者,90%通过微创治疗可以达到治愈的效果。 □通讯员 张颖颖 本报记者 黄淼君
早期发现喉癌并不难.If the tumor on the vocal cords,Patients may appear hoarse/A sore throat/Irritating symptoms such as dry cough.If long beside the vocal cords,Blood in the sputum/There's a foreign body in pharyngeal,Severe cases may cause difficulty in breathing or neck mass.so,Suggest a person if hoarse over 40 more than a month,Or blood in the sputum for more than a week,Have felt a foreign body pharynx ministry,Had better go to hospital for check as soon as possible.Early detection of patients with laryngeal cancer,Treated by minimally invasive treatment can achieve the effect of 90%.□通讯员 张颖颖 本报记者 黄淼君
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