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慢性咽炎成讲话族职业病 腹式发音可节约嗓音--亲稳网络舆情监测室
The more holidays,The tour guide/Stores promoters/Hotline customer service representative to speak non-stop from morning till night.Chronic pharyngitis is the speech of the occupational disease.The doctor suggested,Speak to learn to conserve voice,Might as well try"Abdominal voice"method,Demonstrated gas sink,Speak slowly,Tone to reduce.If pharyngitis attack,Don't blindly use of antibiotics,Don't use a single variety of YanHouPian as for a long time"Chewing gum",Eat all the time.
代表人群: On behalf of the people:
The tour guide/Stores promoters/Hotline customer service representative health concerns:The vocal cords is damaged/Chronic pharyngitis health warning:Don't abuse antibiotic pharyngitis acute attack,YanHouPian not as"Chewing gum"
The tour guide/Stores promoters/Hotline customer service representative
健康隐患: The health risks:
The vocal cords is damaged/Chronic pharyngitis
健康提醒: Health reminder:
Don't abuse antibiotic pharyngitis acute attack,YanHouPian not as"Chewing gum"
案例: case:
带团三天,嗓子“起火” Three days of tour,My throat"A fire"
"We are in holiday both hope and fear:More than business,High income,But too tired.Go out with transplanting,My throat is a came back‘The strike’the."From five years tour guide xiao lu said,In addition to the vocal cords is easy to damage,Chronic pharyngitis is the guide of the occupational disease.It seems to xiao lu,A commentary on local conditions and customs in fact isn't exactly hard work along the way,The most trouble is to don't listen to tour guides say hello/Requirements of"Individual tourists",Often need to earnestly to explain half a day,Have to keep diffuse anger and urgent.With big the sun said to the end,His throat and heart are like to put the fire,And dry and astringent,Hot and pain.
Every day to stay in an air-conditioned room kept talking,My throat is also toxic.Bank hotline customer service representative small west said,Hotline work no rest day,Bank branch to rest during the holidays,Hotline at work are more busy."In the second year of my work have chronic pharyngitis,Almost no one shall not be pharyngitis around colleagues."Said the little west,Boat-fruited sterculia bubble water/Throat medicine...Using what,But pharyngitis acute attack or regularly.Some brand HouBao her bag stock,"Pharyngitis attack,Two days to eat a large box."
专家分析: Expert analysis:
说话多、语速快、大嗓门易中招 To speak more/Speed is fast/Loud voice inform
"To speak more/Speed is fast/Loud voice,This is a tour guide/promoters/Customer service representative of occupational disease."Sun yat-sen university, third affiliated hospital of doctor of vice director of otolaryngology wang tao concluded,This way of talking is not only easy to cause the vocal wear,Also causing pharyngitis,Pharyngeal mucosa hyperemia/Swelling of the,Mucus gland secretion,Show the throat dry/itch/heave/Burning pain,Discharge is much,Easy to retch/nausea,There is foreign body sensation.
Working environment is also triggers.Long-term dust in large outdoor or the operation of the air conditioning room air humidity is low,Human respiratory tract mucous membrane is easy to dry from the surface,Elasticity decreased,The dust in the air/Bacteria such as easy to adhere to the mucosa,Once the mucosa damage,The mucosal hyperemia,Attached to the surface of the bacteria can easily invade the body,Cause of chronic pharyngitis, acute attack.Job is busy/Mental stress is professional address family easy to provoke the cause of the chronic pharyngitis.
健康指引: Health guidelines:
多饮温水开加湿器 Drink more warm water open humidifier
It is difficult to cure chronic pharyngitis patients,Can only try our best to prevent and improve.Patients with chronic pharyngitis to talk a bit more/Eat excitant food/fatigue/Depressed or when the weather changes,Can accentuate illness.Have a speech to report to the hospital for ten times a year,For pharyngitis.Some people bad breath are derived from the long-term pharyngitis,To the life/Work adversely affected.
Wang tao, advice,First of all want to change the way of speaking speech.Don't talk non-stop for a long time,Said a words can pause,A sip of water to wet my whistle.Speak slowly,Tone of voice is not too high,More avoid tore open his throat,Were hoarse, Shouting.
Speech can practice and effort"voice",That is"Abdominal voice",With celiac pronunciation,Reduce the wear of the vocal cords.Particular way is:First try to abdominal breathing,By walking/When running singing with adjustable smooth breath,Enhanced resonance sound.
Nourish throat is also very important.Wang tao, suggested that drinking boat-fruited sterculia more at ordinary times/honeysuckle/Green tea/licorice/Chrysanthemum and other drinks,Speech should be a small amount of drink more warm water,Eat less as far as possible or avoid cold drinks and ice cream,To avoid the smoke/wine/spicy/Too hot to stimulate the food.In addition,Eating pig's feet and other food containing high collagen,The fish/An animal's gut/Seafood and other foods that are rich in B vitamins,Throat mucosa repair to have some help.
Work in an air-conditioned room can open humidifier,Or put a basin of water in air conditioning.Exposure to dust or chemical gas,Should be taken to wearing a mask/Masks and other protective measures.Pay attention to combining exertion and rest,Less to stay up late,Ventilation in the acute stage go less bad karaoke.To be in a good mood,He still air/irritable,Often give oneself do psychological decompression.
护咽也要“围魏救赵” Protection of pharynx also want to"WeiWeiJiuZhao"
If you want to improve pharyngitis,Sometimes want to do"WeiWeiJiuZhao"The solution.
"If you have sleep apnea and stomach esophagus reflux,Chronic pharyngitis will break out repeatedly."Wang tao pointed out that,Snorers air repeated stimulation of the throat caused by mouth breathing during sleep,The stomach esophagus regurgitation in patients lying down when sleeping at night,Corrosive digestive juice regurgitation upwards,To stimulate the throat mucous membrane,Which may lead to a sore throat/Oral appear peculiar smell.The breeding ground for bacteria in oral cavity,Invasive pharyngeal down sometimes,Caused by pharyngeal infection.
so,Have a stomach esophagus reflux/Sleep apnea/Allergic rhinitis/Oral disease,To treat the disease as soon as possible,To the throat"During the".Pay attention to oral hygiene,Get into the habit of morning and evening to brush your teeth,After dinner can use brackish water or compound borax mouthwash.
小贴士: Tips::
慢性咽炎别长期吃一种药 Don't take a medicine for a long time chronic pharyngitis
Feel sore throats,Many people's first reaction is"antibiotics".In fact,Chronic pharyngitis is not as acute pharyngitis,Is not necessarily caused by a bacterial infection,Use of antibiotics is useless."Frequently, acute chronic pharyngitis.Unless a blood test showed an elevated index,And sore throat continues to worsen,Otherwise, chronic pharyngitis is not necessary to use antibiotics."
选用咽喉片也有讲究。有抗炎杀菌作用的咽喉片,如含碘华素片,不要经常吃,以免造成口腔菌群紊乱。有人习惯长期吃一种咽喉片,医生推荐几种咽喉片轮流上阵,效果更好。文/记者任珊珊 通讯员李文敏、江澜
Choose YanHouPian also has exquisite.YanHouPian has anti-inflammatory bactericidal effect,Such as HuaSu containing iodine tablets,Don't often eat,So as not to cause oral flora disorder.Someone used to eat a YanHouPian for a long time,Doctors recommend several YanHouPian play in turn,The effect is better.Wen ren shan correspondent Li Wenmin/reporter/Jiang Lan
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