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政经: political:


温家宝:当前经济下行压力仍然较大 决不能让房价反弹  Wen jiabao:The current economic downside still high pressure can't let house prices rebound

    中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝7月6日至8日在江苏就当前经济形势进行调研时指出,当前中国经济运行总体上是平稳的,但下行压力仍然较大。要进一步加大预调微调力度,坚持实施积极的财政政策,特别要注重完善结构性减税政策,继续实施稳健的货币政策,有效解决信贷资金供求结构性矛盾,着力提高政策的针对性、前瞻性和有效性。 [详细]

    The standing committee of CCCPC political bureau、The state council premier wen jiabao on July 6 to 8 in the current economic situation of jiangsu survey says,China's current economic operation on the whole is smooth,But downward pressure still greater。To further increase the preset fine-tuning strength,To implement the proactive fiscal policy,Special to want to notice to perfect the structural tax cuts,Continue to implement the steady monetary policy,Effectively solve the credit funds structural contradiction of supply and demand,Strive to improve the corresponding policy、Prospective and effectiveness。 [detailed]



   财政部:上半年房地产营业税下降8.5%    The Treasury:The real estate business tax fell by 8.5% in the first half

    7月13日,财政部公布2012年6月份财政收支情况显示,6月份,全国营业税收1365亿元,同比增加238亿元,增长21.1%。而房地产营业税453亿元,增长23.6%,主要是受近月一些城市房地产市场量价齐升等拉动。 [详细]

    July 13,,The Treasury published in June 2012 fiscal balance of the display,June,The national business tax 136.5 billion yuan,Year-on-year increase of 23.8 billion yuan,21.1% increase。And the real estate business tax 45.3 billion yuan,23.6% increase,Is mainly in recent months by some city real estate market price volume JiSheng pull, etc。 [detailed]





   房企:    Room enterprises:

   7家主流房企时间过半任务过半    7 home mainstream room enterprises time more than half duty more than half

    在已公布上半年销售业绩的房企中,有15家标杆房企销售业绩飘红,合计销售金额接近2800亿元。其中,约5成房企年度销售目标完成过半。 [详细]

    In the first half have released the sales performance of room in enterprises,15 home sales performance benchmarking room enterprises turn red,Total sales amount to nearly $280 billion。Among them,About 5 into room stand the annual sales target finished more than half。 [detailed]



   大海上威尼斯热销 两天揽金20亿    The two day takes the sell like hot cakes Venice gold 2 billion

    位于启东的恒大海上威尼斯开盘,当天现场到访客户超过13000人,多栋楼宇整栋售罄,该项目开盘首日销售2509套房源,成交面积28.68万平米,成交金额达20.7亿元。 [详细]

    Located in qidong constant sea Venice open quotation,The day visiting the customer more than 13000,The whole building more than the house sold out,The project opened the first of 2509 homes sales,Clinch a deal the area of 28.68 square meters,Clinch a deal amount of 2.07 billion yuan。 [detailed]



   22家标杆房企公布半年业绩 总签约同比上涨14%    22 home benchmarking room enterprises posted a total contract performance rose 14% year-on-year

    北京中原市场研究部统计数据显示:截止日前,已经有22家标杆房企公布了上半年销售业绩,合计销售额高达4149亿,同比上涨幅度高达14%,大部分企业的销售业绩均表现良好。 [详细]

    Beijing central plains market research statistics show:deadline,Has been 22 benchmarking room announced the enterprises home sales in the first half,Combined sales as high as 414.9 billion,Rising rate as high as 14%,Most of the enterprise sales are doing well。 [detailed]







   市场:    market:

   高地价拖累北京19地王项目 销售总额不及当初土地出让金    The high price drag you total sales of Beijing and project than at the beginning of land sell one's own things

    从2009年5月21日到2010年3月17日这段房企频频抢地的时间内,北京合计有30块住宅类属性地块的溢价率超过100%,剔除个别已经退地及在建未销售的地块,合计入市地块为19宗,其平均溢价率也达到了164%。 [详细]

    From May 21, 2009 to March 17, 2010 a room to rob the enterprise frequently in time,Beijing have a total of 30 residential class attribute premium rate of more than 100% of the land,Eliminate the individual has to back and not under the land sales,Total entry for 19 Pope plot,The average premium rate was 164%。 [detailed]



   北京诞生首个限价地王 中赫26.3亿摘得万柳地块    Beijing first star was born in 2.63 billion, winner of price fixing the hittites wanliu plot

    名噪京城的万柳地王(六郎庄搬迁平衡资金用地)于7月10日最终以26.3亿“出嫁”给北京赫华恒瑞房地产开发有限公司(以下简称“中赫”),成为了首个“被限价”的地王。然而,26.3亿只相当于聘金,此外中赫还须承担起在竞拍土地上配建16400平米的“回购房”。 [详细]

    The city became king there(Six LangZhuang move balance for funds)July 10, final with 2.63 billion“married”To Beijing HeHua HengRui real estate development Co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as“Of Hector”),Became the first“Be price”Star of。however,Only the equivalent of 2.63 billion ask me never so much dowry,In addition of Hector also should undertake land auctions in PeiJian 16400 square meters“Back to purchase”。 [detailed]



   精彩评论:    Wonderful comments:

   罗杰斯:未来20年炒房地产不会赚钱    Rogers:The next 20 years will not fry real estate to make money

    世界著名投资大师吉姆·罗杰斯参加第四届中国期货(证券)资产管理大会并举办了大型专场投资报告会。罗杰斯此间表示,未来20年,炒房地产是不会赚钱的。 [详细]

    The world famous investment master Jim Rogers attended the fourth Chinese futures(securities)Asset management conference held large investment and special report。Rogers said here,The next 20 years,Speculation is not profitable real estate。 [detailed]
