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Hangzhou people ZhouGongLiang 60 years old this year,Live a lifetime of he never dreamed that,One day he will be the defendant。The developers think that year and ZhouGongLiang sign the contract that buy a house is invalid,Hence to the court,ZhouGongLiang return the house within a time limit and required to move out。
时隔多年突遭起诉 2001年5月20日,周红亮花了23万元,向开发商浙江华夏城乡建设开发公司购买了一套面积为97平方米的住房也就是他们全家人目前居住的婺江路38号1幢3单元602室。
At these years was indicted on May 20, 2001,ZhouGongLiang spent 230000 yuan,Zhejiang China to developers urban and rural construction and development company bought a area of 97 square meters of housing is their entire family now lives of wu jiang road 38 1 a 3 unit. Room 602。
ZhouGongLiang buy this house is actually in the village of houses near river。The group of seven in the house building more than 300 sets,By zhejiang China and nearly jiang village common development,Part by zhejiang China dominate and availability of foreign sales。These house sales, it is already a house,But it does not have house property card,Developers can deal with future promise the person that buy a house property card。
ZhouGongLiang signed with the developers of the contract that buy a house is so of the agreed:“House property card for the,By municipal government relevant documents and in the spirit of i. terms to deal with。By now nearly jiang village house property card,City room canal to the issue of house property card,Be responsible for handling by party a。”ZhouGongLiang bought this house,Currently only has nearly jiang village house property card。But for a variety of reasons,House property card has not ZhouGongLiang run down,And he in this situation and other more than 200 households。
June 29, on that day,Not for a long time with the owner, the developer of the contact,Suddenly to ZhouGongLiang had called home。“The other told me,After two days will have a summons to my house。I've never played the lawsuit,Don't know what a summons。”The ms zhu got the phone call,A start and not the developers's words to heart。
Until July 2 court personnel will notice sent,ZhouGongLiang a talent that his prosecution by developers。Developers to demand the return of a house,The lawsuit request more let ZhouGongLiang feel WuLeiHongDing。
诉前调解不欢而散 7月5日上午,浙江华夏起诉周红亮房屋买卖合同一案,在上城区人民法院7号庭进行诉前调解。周红亮妻子朱女士以及另两名委托人参加了调解,浙江华夏法人代表没有露面,只派出一名代理律师“应战”。此外还有10多名业主,旁听了调解会。
Before the lawsuit huff mediation on 5 July morning,Zhejiang huaxia prosecution ZhouGongLiang building business contract a case,In the uptown to the people's court for 7 court mediation before filing a lawsuit。Ms zhu ZhouGongLiang wife and two other client to the mediation,Zhejiang Chinese legal representative appeared,Only be sent a lawyer“battle”。In addition to more than 10 owner,Audit the mediation。
The judge said that,Zhejiang China in the lawsuit against the two owners,But and another owner have reached a settlement,So the defendant only one red next week。
浙江华夏在诉状中称,周红亮当年向其购买的房屋是集体土地,双方买卖行为违反了《中华人民共和国土地管理法》的相关规定,故请求法院判决确认双方当初签订的 《房屋购买合同》无效,双方应返还各自取得的房屋和房款。也就是说,周红亮应该把房子还给开发商,开发商则将周红亮当年支付的23万元购房款归还周红亮。
Zhejiang China said in a complaint,ZhouGongLiang that year to buy houses is the collective land,Both buying and selling a violation《The land administration law of the People's Republic of China》Relevant provisions of the,So request the court to confirm the signing of the first sentence 《Housing purchase contract》invalid,Both sides should be returned and the houses of the obtained their house。That is,ZhouGongLiang should give the house back to the developers,Developers will ZhouGongLiang pay 230000 yuan in the purchase ZhouGongLiang return。
ZhouGongLiang client is for zhejiang Chinese lawyers questioned the complaint,Think developers knowingly business conduct illegal,But the house sold to the person that buy a house,The illegal behavior deserves to be punished。But developers not only had not been any punishment,But on the judge to request contract shall be invalid,To gain more than 10 years of rising house prices have windfall profits,Once the idea for support,Is the developers of connivance illegal activities。
And as a stakeholder other owners,Also on the spot to zhejiang China lawyer put forward their suspicions:“If you win the lawsuit,You are the next step is we have to court?”Zhejiang China is still not a lawyer to give any answer。
“If developers must have the house back,You will ask what kind of request?”The judge asked if trying to mediate ms zhu,It is also one of the most key problems of mediation。Zhejiang China lawyer also said,Ms zhu can request to developers。Ms zhu put forward on the spot of real compensation、Cash compensation scheme to wait for a few kinds,But because the two sides gap,Finally mediation will end。According to the law,Before the lawsuit conciliation fail case,Will enter the litigation procedure。
lawyer:The person that buy a house can recover the price difference to developers
Violation of the related building business law,Whether this can be for developers,The purchase contract declared invalid?this,Zhejiang century XiaoLin lawyers law firm hand to put forward the objection。
“Contract that buy a house and land management method, the resistance,Developers are openly sellers,A fraud to suspicion,Should say the person that buy a house is the victim。In this case, if the person that buy a house found their own rights and interests damaged,Can the grounds to the court,Requirements that contract shall be invalid。”XiaoLin lawyer told reporters,In the judicial practice declared invalid contract is a contract of the subject of damaged party interests,In order to safeguard the rights and interests of their own to take a method。In this incident,Development business interests is not damaged,And still the guilty party,Shall not be entitled to court and asked declared contract shall be invalid。
In addition,XiaoLin lawyers still think according to《Contract law》,Developers shall bear the liability for fault to a contracting。The so-called contracting negligence liability,It is to point to in the process of contract,A party for against the is the basis of the principle of honesty and credit generated obligations,And the other party of the trusty interest of loss,And shall bear the liability for damages。In this incident,If developers to the person that buy a house with a legitimate property sales is the commodity house,So obviously value-added space house prices than it is now much higher,So the person that buy a house can be without recourse to developers of price difference。Even if developers to recover sold this house,Back to home buyers should not just at the beginning of the purchase,And now the same or similar reference shall be made to the location of the commodity house prices。
截至目前,周红亮尚未收到法院的开庭通知。 蒋敏华
So far,ZhouGongLiang has not received the notice of the court hearing。 JiangMinHua
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