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金华楼市,到拐点了吗 下半年或以“维稳”为主--亲稳网络舆情监测室
Zhejiang online 07 on 17-pull out the property market in the first half of the sales list,New commodity house of 3432 sets of the grade,Can say,basically“To change the price of”from。Look again at the first half of the year sales TOP10 building dish,Topped the set of blue county is fired the head of the line first half low cannon。
July has over half,In just the past weekend,The housing market is a lively,Jiangnan ever put new sunlight end dish team starts,The quality of the building green city on the restaurant also began to accept · jinhua reservation,And has been hit“bulk”Cambridge route also has new houses to walk out。
so,In the second half of the property market trends and when how?In the first half of the year also offered no buyers,When can we order?
有胆“低开”的,捞回了本 Have the guts“Low open”of,Just the
In the first half of 3432 sets to the grade to a gourd ladle soup,That is about to take“price”speak。
March ChuBao set blue county straight drop 2000 yuan/square metre,Open city“To change the price of”Sales prelude,According to real estate data showed that exchange within 24 hours,The blue county in four sets、For two months in May win to clinch a deal amount building downtown record the top spot,The first half of 422 sets of handing over the record volume。
In the first half from jinhua building dish in sales TOP10 list,Clinch a deal amount in more than 200 sets the record has 4 estate,Cambridge is walking respectively、Four seasons and domain、Hongkey city repeatedly jiangnan's shore。
Still, Cambridge · walking has been advocate dozen“Group buying war”,Slogan is“One person,Minus 0.1%”,Sales volume at present has a 8。Yue fu jiangnan out is“Door model the brand”,69 square meters to 107 square meters,Giving is the reduction in disguised form area,The record data of 241 clinch a deal,Is to go this route south yue fu of the market for sure。
The next,Hongkey city JinHuaCheng to a bank let“Whole town turns out”,In may this year the first time queuing buy overnight,The price of the head mantra enough to make people mind,Night time,Hongkey city high-rise a total of 252 sets, expand the shore,Subscribe rate is 95%。Is the current the two weeks,Weekly charts can always see hongkey city the name of the bank,Clinch a deal in the first half of the record score of 214 sets,Let this property is a little overnight flavor。
Analysis of the personage inside course of,In the first half of the property market is the smoke is constantly,From the beginning march sales market as the jet,Straight up,A June or may also record repeatedly。In a word,In the first half,Go on the amount of the price change pathway。
“This way of working is still very,To take the lead in the first half to lower the price of many open just the developers。”The surnamed zhu of the industry said,Like a bulk order、Presented area,After all is away“Low open”way,This way let the first half of the year on the market development business confidence。
刚需市场有限,下半年或以“维稳”为主 Just need to market is limited,Or in the second half of“D stability”primarily
Just opens with the second half of,New houses will vied with entering the market,Half a month,The most popular of green city on the · just when the......,Advertising is everywhere,Where will launch at the end of the west of French and court、View apartment,From on July 14, accept an appointment。In addition,July 15,,Walking out and set of Cambridge and homes,The view garden also began pushing team activities,At the end of the opening is expected to have the impression of the city is located in the south of the project。
“The first half of the year to price in the room just need to release quantity,But just need is limited,Plus seven is traditional slack in August,The second half of the market should be to keep smooth primarily。”A man surnamed weeks of the industry analysis,The jinhua won't appear the big fall rose,The second half of the price down,But basically or keep market smoothly,“To change the price of”The old way of the future is still a period of time inside of the mainstream market。
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