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Clinch a deal now go up drop all over each other
⊙记者 朱楠 ○编辑 龚维松
Reporter ZhuNan ○ ⊙ GongWeiSong editor
After months of continuous rise in volume,Property market began over McLaren-mercedes' kimi raikkonen。From the tracking data to see,Last week the national 58 city real estate market trading week annulus comparing fell 6.8%,In the regulation tightening policy pressure and hot weather double factors,In July, clinch a deal the characteristics of market off-season performances。A line in major cities,Because of the Shanghai municipal government, strict implementation of the property market regulation firm attitude,Make property market turnover echo fell back。
According to the real estate tracking data display monitor tower,Last week the national 58 the urban commercial trading week annulus comparing fell 6.8%,And there is a line closed up the city、two、Three line differentiation of city down,Just a little three city volume weeks were up 3.4% month-on-month and fell 8.7% and 7.8%。
And a line in the city,There are also other obvious now go up drop differentiation。Among them,Shanghai is the only apparent last week, the volume of decline of a city。Because of the toughest language on the last Friday of the regulation strictly notice,Make new push to change last weekend project influence,Nearly two weeks in a single week Shanghai volume are dropped back to 170000 square metre,And in a single week since June, the volume of 200000 square meters in most maintain high。By July 29 days Shanghai new clinch a deal the commodity residential house of 789000 square meters,Is the same period in June dropped about 16%,July landslide already in place overall clinch a deal。
Note the,Shanghai July 29 days before the Shanghai property market overall average continue to rise steadily,Now has 24400 yuan/square metre,House prices upward pressure gradually appear may be of the Shanghai municipal government, further shall strictly implement the important reasons for the housing market adjustment and control policies。
And Beijing and shenzhen two big a city but volume up not down。According to the Beijing live is built appoint the nets sign data statistics,Last week, Beijing new commodity residential nets sign quantity is 2778 sets,A week before the annulus comparing rose 40.2%。In shenzhen,According to the monitoring data of centaline property display,Last week cycle for 786 sets of bridal chamber to clinch a deal,Annulus comparing rose 27.60%。
“高层的屡屡喊话表明楼市调控的大方向不变,但地方政府对调控政策的执行态度更直接影响到当地楼市的成交量。” 德佑地产分析师陆骑麟表示。
“Top of the property market regulation that often be the general direction of the same,But local government to control the implementation of policy attitude more directly affect the local property market volume of sales。” On real estate analyst on lu's Charlie said。
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