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开盘保底销售6成仍不满意 合肥开发商在担心什么?--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  现如今开盘能销售6成算是不错的销售成绩了,然而在合肥一家开发商来看,“开盘销售6成太少了,销售目标是8成到9成。”自信话语的背后却仍透露着一丝隐忧。 [合肥楼市成交量继续放大 个盘热销楼市回暖已成定局>>>]

Nowadays opening can sales 6 into a good sales result,However, in the hefei a developer to see,“Opening sales 6 into too little,The sales target is 8 into to 9 into。”Self-confidence behind words still reveal a secret worry。 [hefei property market turnover continue to enlarge a plate sell like hot cakes market thaw has become a foregone conclusion>>>]


楼市回暖 开发商对销售仍不满意 The property market milder developers to sales is still not satisfied

  按理说楼市回暖成交量上升对开发商来说是件求之不得好事,然面在合肥一家开发商来看,销售转好固然可喜,但仍达不到销售预期,积极备战将到来的销售高峰,最大化去化房源才是当务之急。 [滨湖单周备案逼近千套 合肥个盘突出促销量“井喷”>>>]

By rights market milder turnover rise to developers is a most welcome good thing,But the surface in hefei a developer to see,Sales turn good is gratifying,But still can not reach the expected sales,Actively prepare for the upcoming sales peak,Maximization to change houses is the top priority。 [binhu weekly record approximation thousand sets of hefei a dish outstanding to promote sales“blowout”>>>]


开盘保底销售6成仍不满意 合肥开发商在担心什么?

(7月的合肥楼市 HOUSE365资讯中心) (7 months of hefei market HOUSE365 information center)

  目前合肥市场上,一次性开盘能销售超过6成以上的楼盘并不多,多数楼盘开盘当天去去化50%已是相当不错的成绩,除个别刚需盘,如禹洲天境项目详情业主社区相册样板户型视频地图项目详情业主社区地图屡次热销的楼盘开盘能达到70%以上的去化率外,其余楼盘尤其针对一次性推盘量较大的楼盘,能销售6成已相当困难。[合肥楼市回暖回不到2011 置业从刚需蔓延至改善需求>>>]

At present the hefei,One-time opening can sale more than 6 into more building is not much,Most of the building opening day to turn 50% is already quite good results,In addition to the individual just need to disk,If YuZhou heaven realm project details owner community photo album model family video map project details owner community map often sell like hot cakes of building opening can reach more than 70% of the rates to go outside,The rest of the building is especially for one-time push plate in large quantities of the building,Can sales 6 into already quite difficult。[hefei market milder back to less than 2011 home buyers from just need to spread to improve demand>>>]


Hefei some developers said,Generally a huge jump in the launch of the less,Recognize and raise the customer more cases,Sales of houses it easier to reach six into more sales,To push the building in large quantities,In the limited just need to market environment,Must want to have enough prospective customers to achieve sales so well。


“According to our current price and recognize the number 6 raise sales into is no problem,But we still hope to sales better。”The developers think a person in charge,The property market milder just need to disc sales 6 into is not difficult to do,How to just need to disk famous make out,Keep sales lead are the most important。


“Opening want to sell good understandable,The downside sales can sell to 6 was still not satisfied,The property market milder, more and more developers appetite!”Net friend“Curtilage small seven”So exclamation。


后市难测 合肥开发商在担心什么? The market outlook in hefei developers are worried about?


A lot of people will ask,The downside developers sales 6 into what is not satisfactory?Now the property market environment,Still is mainly run quantity,Can quickly go quantity can't delay。


The so-called the concrete problem is made a concrete analysis,Each of the actual situation of building face difference is very big,The marketing strategy is endless also and same,Hefei is the developers to“Sold into the downside 6”Not satisfied with an important reason is developers launched houses in large quantities,One-time push plate if can not reach the expected sales words,Late on building public plan and capital pressure will face the severe test。


“We are in the basis of the six into through various marketing methods in the opening in the original basis to impact a 20-30% of total sales。”Developers representative think,The property market thaw is indisputable fact,The problem is in their for limited just need,Market outlook are,If a sell not over,The back of the day is very sad。


Developers sales bad days sad it's the truth,Reporters from the current will push dish hefei several developers contact to know,Developers to grasp the market outlook is still not enough confidence,Most of them worry about the property market milder just for a while,The more severe market environment or will come,So while milder can one-time digestion all houses will go to the digestion,And don't want to wait to avoid“Night long dream more”。

  “不仅是对后市信心不足,现在各家楼盘都在抢客源,竞争相当激烈,如果仅满足于6成销量,那原本可以增涨的客户销量就会流失,损失的是自己。”该楼盘负责人表示。(HOUSE365 资讯中心)

“For the market outlook is not only a lack of confidence,Now each building are the source of tourists,The competition is quite fierce,If satisfied with just six into sales,That could increase customer sales will bleed,Loss is myself。”The project person in charge said。(HOUSE365 information center)
