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October 8,The traffic department of transportation to national transportation system cadres and workers issued letters of consolation,To the Mid-Autumn festival/National Day holiday hold position/Selfless dedication they express our heartfelt thanks and sincere sympathy.The following is the text of sympathy:


The national transportation system of the cadres and workers:


你们认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院部署要求,全力以赴做好交通运输工作,确保了交通运输平稳有序运行,交通安全形势总体稳定。特别是今年中秋、国庆长假期间,各地认真贯彻落实国务院关于重大节假日免收小型客车通行费政策,完善方案、优化组织,综合施策、积极配合,精细管理、狠抓落实,广大干部职工放弃休息、坚守岗位、顽强拼搏、竭诚服务、无私奉献,保证了公路安全畅通,实现了免费政策的预期目标,推动了经济社会发展,促进了社会和谐,为人民群众安全便捷出行作出了重要贡献。在此,向全国交通运输系统干部职工,表示衷心的感谢并致以诚挚的慰问! You conscientiously implement the party central committee/The state council deployment requirements,Go all out to transportation work,Ensure that the traffic transportation smooth and orderly operation,Traffic safety situation overall stability.Especially this year Mid-Autumn festival/National Day long vacation period,Conscientiously implement the state council on all major holidays will be exempted from the mini-bus tolls policy,Perfect scheme/Optimization organization,Comprehensive ShiCe/Actively cooperate with,Fine management/Guarantee the implementation,The general cadre staff give up the rest/Hold position/indomi-table/Sincerely service/Selfless dedication,To ensure the smooth highway safety,Realize the free policy anticipated target,To promote the economic and social development,Promote the social harmony,For the people safety convenient travel made important contributions.In this,To national transportation system cadres and workers,Our heartfelt thanks to you and sincere sympathy!

  不断提高交通运输公共服务的能力和水平,是交通运输部门的重大任务。希望交通运输系统广大干部职工认真总结经验,振奋精神,再接再厉,以科学发展为主题,以转变交通运输发展方式为主线,坚持稳中求进的工作总基调,继续推进“十二五”规划实施,不断推进交通运输科学发展安全发展,以优异的成绩迎接党的十八大胜利召开! Continuously improve transportation public service ability and level,The ministry of transportation is a major task.Hope transportation system the general cadre staff seriously sum up experience,revivify,do,With scientific development as the theme,To change the development mode of transportation as the main line,Adhere to the WenZhongQiuJin work always fundamental key,Continue to promote"1025"Planning implementation,Continuously push forward the transportation science development security development,With excellent performance to meet the party's eighteen big victory held!   



                            Transportation ministry unit of the People's Republic of China


                            On October 8, 2012
