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  10月18日上午8点40分,中俄界江黑龙江上,随着黑河海事局指挥船“海巡3201”上指挥人员的一声“演习开始”, 2012年无国界应急救援演练拉开帷幕。

On October 18, at 8 a.m. and 40 points,China and Russia on JieJiang heilongjiang,Along with the heihe river maritime bureau control vessel"Sea patrol 3201"On a sound command personnel"Exercise began", 2012 years without borders emergency rescue exercises the curtain.


This drill simulated a ship ELuoSiJi passenger ship from blah GeWeiShen Scott port to China on heihe river port,A ELuoSiJi passenger medical emergency,Are in urgent need of medical assistance.Exercise for 40 minutes,Successful simulation distress/Fast customs clearance subjects such as drills.

  中俄界河水域具有特殊性,一旦发生突发事件,参与救助的船舶、人员将会离开各自口岸,频繁在国境线穿梭,这不仅需要国际间的合作,更需要国内各有关部门,特别是海事、边检、海关、检验检疫等部门的紧密配合。2011年9月,黑河海事局与黑河边检部门、黑河海关、黑河进出境检验检疫局签订了建立水上应急救援协作机制的协定,随后又与黑河海关签订《共创“平安界河”合作协议》,至此,中俄界河首条应急救援绿色通道正式开通。界河水域一旦发生突发应急事件,四方将迅速启动应急预案,开启“绿色通道”, 为水上应急救援提供优质高效服务,最大程度地控制水上突发事件扩展,减少人员伤亡和财产损失。

Boundary between China and Russia has particularity waters,Once the accidents,Participate in salvage ship/Personnel will leave their port,Frequent cluster shuttle,This not only need to international cooperation,Need more domestic all relevant departments,Especially the maritime/Frontier inspection/The customs/Inspection and quarantine departments closely.In September of 2011,Heihe river maritime bureau and heihe frontier inspection department/Heihe customs/Heihe river entry-exit inspection and quarantine signed to establish water emergency rescue mechanism of collaboration agreement,Then and heihe river customs sign[create"Peace boundary between"Cooperation agreement],So far,First boundary between China and Russia emergency rescue the green channel the official opening.Boundary river waters once produce unexpected emergency events,Four party will quickly start emergency plan,open"Green channel", For water emergency rescue to provide quality and efficient service,The biggest degree ground control water emergencies expansion,Reduce casualties and property losses.
