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雨雪冰冻影响交通 各地积极行动抢通保通--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


In the near future,The south more appear larger scope of freezing rain and snow weather,To transportation bring certain influence.Relevant province transport department to start the emergency plan,Active in snow bao tong,Guarantee for the safe and convenient travel.It is reported,Since jan. 8,Freezing rain and snow will once again be strengthened,Huaihe west/There will be heavy snow or blizzard northern jiangnan.Transportation department will continue to stick to jobs,Rob tong bao tong.

湖北:免费午餐显温情 跨省联动解拥堵 hubei:Free lunch show warmth across the provinces linkage congestion

  本报讯  (记者 杨丽芳 通讯员 陈阳春 简海云) 1月5日凌晨2时许,受寒冷天气影响,京港澳高速公路湖南临湘段多处桥面结冰,造成途经该路段南下的车辆大量滞留。7时许,滞留车辆已经从湖南临湘堵到了湖北赤壁,被堵车辆一字排开绵延50余公里。

Report from our correspondent  (The reporter YangLiFang correspondent ChenYangChun JianHaiYun) On January 5, at about 2 am,Affected by the cold weather,Beijing Hong Kong macau expressway in hunan LinXiang section freezes in bridge deck,Caused by the road south of vehicles stranded in large quantities.7 when xu,Stranded vehicles from hunan LinXiang plugging in hubei chibi,Blocked by traffic line for more than 50 kilometers.


On January 5, 13 when xu,Lake Beijing bead highway administration organization dozens of highways,Visit the Hong Kong and Macao highway chibi to numbering along the toll station,To retention of the company by staff distributed free lunch.The free lunch,Not only a warm tea,There are bread/Instant noodles/cookies,As well as water/Ginger soup/Mineral water and etc.


Drive from hubei wuhan to hunan changsha relatives of Mr Li and his wife,Open a $one million car,They received two free lunch.The couple said while eating:"Never think that tea and instant noodles tastes good,But now I eat special sweet,The eat the sweet,My heart warm."


Jingzhu highway administration xian ning district party secretary LiJuTao is introduced,Jan. 5 in the morning,They learn to have traffic situation,Began to prepare lunch for stranded personnel.By 14 at that day,They have 1000 distributed free tea/1200 boxes of instant noodles/Nearly 3000 loaves of bread/1200 bottles of mineral water.


To cope with Beijing Hong Kong and Macao expressway in hunan province on traffic jam caused by the road is icy,At 8 jan. 5,Jingzhu expressway management office in time and henan highway department of hubei province with yue highway/Shanghai chongqing expressway with Beijing Hong Kong and Macao highway contact highway department of interfaces,Ask them to assist in the Beijing Hong Kong macau highway in hubei butting up against moisture out of the vehicle shunt,In order to avoid plugging in Beijing Hong Kong and Macao highway numbering of vehicle is piling up,Increase traffic pressure.


At the same time,Them through Beijing Hong Kong macau highway in hubei province of variable information board,On the road"live",To remind the past around the driver.By the end of jan. 5 at about 11,Dredge measures has obvious effect,Plugging in Beijing Hong Kong and Macao highway numbering of vehicles has been slow,Jan. 5 at 19,Most vehicles are safe and orderly by dredge sections,Back on the road to hunan LinXiang direction.

浙江:六个到位 六个确保 zhejiang:Six in six

  本报讯  (记者 王缘 通讯员 翁津津) 1月3日下午起,浙江全省大部分地区普降中到大雪,浙江省交通运输系统力争重要国省干线公路,重要节点公路和高速公路安全畅通运行,避免出现大面积、长时间的交通中断情况。

Report from our correspondent  (Reporter wang yuan with correspondent) January 3 in the afternoon,Zhejiang province to snow in most areas,Zhejiang province main road transportation system for important countries,Important node road and highway safety of operation,Avoid large area/The traffic situation for a long time.


Affected by the severe winter weather,By January 6, 7, 30 points,The operation of zhejiang province highway 31 there are still four implementation seals,Ordinary GuoShengDao eight(section)Traffic affected.Passenger aspects,In addition to the province line at present,Affected by the cold mountainous rural class line is still difficult to recover,Stop opening line 4397 in the province/Flight 37229.


Province transport department immediately start emergency response mechanism,Zhejiang transportation department and provincial industry bureau set up four special emergency command group,One group will province expressway monitoring center to strengthen emergency command,Three groups of hall/Bureau leader led,In snow resistance severe cases of eliminating the city traffic KangXue supervision work.


According to the meteorological department forecast,In the coming days,Zhejiang province will give priority to with low temperature rain and snow weather.For this,Zhejiang transportation office held the province transportation industry to deal with snow and freeze disaster weather work video will chamber of commerce,Put forward"Six in place/Six to ensure",The leadership in place,Ensure that all the mobilization;Personnel equipment in place/To ensure a smooth flow of highway;All measures in place,To ensure the safety in production;Management control in place,Ensure operation key;Emergency transport capacity in place,To ensure passenger transportation;Emergency duty in place,To ensure a smooth flow of information.


The meeting for each unit,Strengthen the collaboration with the public security traffic police departments linkage,As far as possible avoid highway sealing;Strengthen road waterway transport/Ferry ferrying/Cruise port station and other crowded places and engineering construction safety management,Defend great safety accidents;Strengthen urban public transport/Inter-city passenger/The airport passenger expedite transport,Security kerosene bread and fresh agricultural products transportation;To the station/The airport etc basic life safeguard work of the stranded passengers.

湖南:三级应急 全力抗雪 hunan:Level 3 emergency to KangXue

  本报讯  (特约记者 李剑雄 记者 邹立新 李银明) 1月4日起,受较强冷空气影响,三湘大地普降大雪,湖南省内多条高速公路和普通公路出现冰冻,全省公路水路运输、交通建设施工和港口生产受到不同程度影响。湖南省交通运输系统积极采取应对措施,抗冰雪,保畅通。

Report from our correspondent  (Freelance reporter LiJianXiong journalist ZouLiXin LiYinMing) January 4,,Affected by the strong cold air,Sansho the snow,Hunan province more than highway and ordinary highway to freezing,The province highway water transportation/Traffic construction and port production is affected by different degree.Hunan province transportation system actively take measures,Anti - ice and snow,The smooth.


Since 4 th,Hunan province transportation hall start level 3 emergency response,Require transportation departments at all levels/Eliminating the attaches great importance to and strengthen industry management institutions/The safety of the preventive measures,To ensure a smooth flow of highway and expedite transport of passengers and key material transportation safety.


4,,Hunan province transportation hall organize a project meeting,For low temperature rain and snow weather transportation security work to deploy,And issued an emergency notice,Transportation departments at all levels and highway management requirements/Transport management/Eliminating the maritime management institutions implementing responsibility and safety management responsibility,According to the division of responsibilities to pay special attention to each link.


Hunan expressway management departments should simultaneously,To ensure smooth highway safety.The province highway all these charges/Highway variable information sheet update traffic information release and safe driving.The maintenance department quickly assemble snow clearer/Tractors to key sections/bridge/The tunnel,Take laid sacks of hay/And snowmelt agent/Artificial removing ice shovel the snow etc,Ensure that the"The throat"Place and highways common line/Connections are;High-speed highway authorities insist on 24-hour patrol,Closely cooperate with high-speed traffic police at any time,Take the railway police saying/Cross search/The method of scientific shunt,Strengthen the search and density;The whole network unicom to strengthen information interaction between,Especially provincial interface section of strengthen the relationship with adjacent provinces,Master relevant traffic situation in a timely manner.


In ordinary highway,Since the New Year's day,14 in the province,(state)There are seven city(state)The GuoShengDao because frozen block to appear,Provincial highway administration starting level 3 emergency response,Implement the anti - ice bao tong,Normally within 24 hours restore the traffic.In the section/tunneling(Including the ferry)Will offer,And setting up warning sign.At the same time,To strengthen the contact with the local highway departments,Make a plan of go ahead,Once the clogging situation quickly shunt vehicles.

贵州:武警交通抗冻保通 guizhou:Armed police traffic antifreeze bao tong

  本报讯  (记者 李黔刚) 截至1月5日,贵州省贵阳市已连续10天遭遇严重雨雪凝冻天气,道路大面积凝冻结冰。武警交通第三支队二大队在接到贵州省交通运输厅应急办请求支援的通知后,迅速启动应急响应机制,出动武警官兵50名、车辆4台,前往贵阳绕城高速公路南环线路段凝冻严重地点,支援抗冻救灾。

Report from our correspondent  (The reporter LiQianGang) By January 5,,Agitation for 10 days, guiyang city guizhou province suffered heavy rain and snow weather,Road area and agitation to ice.Traffic police detachment 3 received in guizhou province transportation hall emergency to do the notice of the request for support,Rapid start emergency response mechanism,Out armed police officers and 50/The vehicle four,To guiyang city highway south ring road agitation serious place,Support frost relief.


Traffic police officers and soldiers after more than seven hours of hard work,Altogether clear road snow of 9050 square meters,Shop and industrial salt 20 tons,To ensure a smooth flow of the way.

江西:重点值守 昼夜不停 jiangxi:Need the clock

  本报讯  (记者 练崇田 张永康) 1月3日晚至4日,江西全省普降雨雪,对高速公路安全通行造成一定影响。江西交通部门迅速行动,积极采取应急措施,铲冰除雪保畅通。

Report from our correspondent  (Reporter lian chung field ZhangYongKang) January 3 to 4 days later,Jiangxi province following the rain and snow,Cause certain influence to highway traffic safety.Jiangxi traffic department rapid action,Actively take emergency measures,Ice snow shovel the clear.


Jiangxi province transportation hall at 4, 8 started anti freezing rain and snow tertiary prevention emergency response,Each unit entered into a state of emergency response plan as required,To prepare related work.Scheduling leadership hall 24 hours,Each unit the leadership by command,Each key link management unit leadership need 24 hours at the scene,Coordinate with emergency events.Especially on the"The three key",That is easy to freeze/Traffic long slope/Steep road,Easy to freeze/Traffic jam of the bridge/Extra large bridge,Easy to freeze/The interchange of traffic jam.outstanding"Six key areas",Namely chang nine leads gateway and miles away day spread viaduct/Zhang road, chang medicine lake bridge/Nine poyang lake landscape road bridge/Johnson LuJunShan lake bridge/Thai LaiPing jiangxi road viaduct and 10 km long downhill/WuJiLu north dushuhu bridge on sections,defend.


Jiangxi province highway department do it"Three clock",Except the ice shovel snow team around the clock,All kinds of emergency equipment for snow removal/Troubleshooting vehicles around the clock,Shift leaders and traffic patrol around the clock.Highway authorities in key areas/Special sections layout in advance enough rescue rescue personnel and equipment,take"man-to-man,People with cars"Zero distance supervision mode,Regulate the behavior of rescue rescue them.

广西:提前部署 有效应急 guangxi:Deploy effective emergency response in advance

  本报讯  (记者 王秋霞 特约记者 彭闽翔 通讯员 黄锡春) 2012年12月下旬以来,受强冷空气影响,广西壮族自治区柳州融水,桂林全州、资源、龙胜、兴安、灌阳,河池环江等地出现雨雪冰冻天气,部分公路路面结冰。由于各级交通运输部门和相关企业提前准备,反应迅速,高速公路结冰路段在交警、路政人员的疏导下缓慢通行;断通公路正在全力抢通中,目前尚未发生因公路设施原因造成严重拥堵和旅客滞留,也未发生旅客滞留在客运站的情况。

Report from our correspondent  (Reporter WangQiuXia freelance journalist PengMin xiang correspondent HuangXiChun) Since late in December 2012,Affected by the strong cold air,Liuzhou meltwater guangxi zhuang autonomous region,Guilin state/resources/longs/am/Irrigation Yang,Co. luocheng FM, etc in freezing rain and snow weather,Part of the highway road is icy.Because of the transportation departments at all levels and relevant enterprises to prepare in advance,To respond quickly,Highway frozen section in the traffic police/Highway personnel under the guidance of the slow traffic;Broken links are struggling to repair the road,At present has not yet happened because of highway facilities cause severe congestion and gigantic passenger backups,Stranded in the bus does not happen.


By the end of January 6,,In addition to guilin mei road resources HuGuTian/Dragon gorge door line information resources/The maple line resource birds/State luo jiang village four sections in road is icy,The vehicles are impassable,Guangxi the icy road open to traffic has been restored.


According to the characteristics of the changes in the weather,The guangxi zhuang autonomous region transportation hall issued in advance[On further strengthening the work of production safety and emergency transportation emergency notification],The deployment of frozen rain and snow weather emergency work ahead of time,And send out three emergency working group respectively responsible for guilin the highway/Co. highway/Guilin ordinary highway of ice bao tong.Organizations around highway law enforcement personnel more than 400 people,Through setting warning on the icy road/Tap symbol,To ease shunt blocked vehicles;Emergency rescue organization highway 2200 and snowmelt agent/Wood chaff, etc,Speed up the melting of the frozen road,And out of emergency vehicles on the road to clean up.
