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  【编者按】 2012年第四季度,交通运输系统宣传部门围绕贯彻落实党的十八大精神的宣传,多角度、多层面的报道宣传交通运输发展成就、交通运输安全保障工作,让党的十八大精神深入到了交通系统各基层,深入到了港口、码头、车站、道班等。本期撷取部分单位比较有特色、有亮点的经验和做法介绍给大家,以相互借鉴、学习。

[Editor's note] The fourth quarter of 2012,Transportation system implementing the party's propaganda department around the eighteenth big spirit propaganda,angles/Multifaceted reports propaganda transportation development achievement/Transportation security work,Let the party's eighteen big spirits went to the traffic system each basic,Went to the port/terminal/station/Such as some.This part of the unit capture more special/Have window of experience and practice to introduce to everybody,To use for reference each other/learning.

The first quarter of 2013,Industry is the focus of the news propaganda work:Propaganda department of transportation around the implementation of the party's eighteen great spiritual practice;Do during the Spring Festival/Sessions as well as other key time transportation news propaganda work;To strengthen the public opinion monitoring analysis and judge,To improve the timeliness of consensus guidance/Authority and credibility/influence,To build transportation business and good and rapid development of the good atmosphere to provide public opinion support.



山西:行业热点舆论引导有力 shanxi:Industry hotspot strong public opinion guide

Shanxi transportation hall to increase management prohibitive/Traffic science and technology innovation/Energy conservation and emission reduction/Legal system construction/Construction of a clean and honest administration/Safety supervision and other aspects of specific work effective propaganda.In accordance with the key propaganda over short illegal overrun overload one hundred days special action,Shanxi to promote in-depth super,Consolidate and develop shanxi to super results,In recent years,Shanxi to super work to walk in the national front row,To super experience in the promotion.In 2012, continue to increase to super propaganda,To consolidate and development to create a good atmosphere for super achievements,Put out a series of measures.One is to play[China's transportation report · shanxi traffic]/Shanxi TV/China's transportation report and shanxi traffic network role,Highlight the governance over the propaganda.The second is actively cooperate with provincial capital super do carry out within the scope of the centralized media activities,Open column,Has to super news manuscript.The third is to actively guide social media increase to super propaganda,Coordination is the People's Daily reported planning for super experience.
江西:舆情监测程序不断完善 jiangxi:Public opinion monitor continuous improvement

Jiangxi transportation hall to do good[Jiangxi traffic propaganda reference]As an important task to grasp,The upper and lower time in detail,Timely to each big media about(jiangxi)Traffic reports of reform and development/comments/Experience of collect has,Concurrent hall leadership and hall authority responsible for the comrades refer to the office,Come every month 1) sent to various cities traffic transport/Roads and hall directly under the unit.Great and sensitive public opinion dynamic first time edit public opinion designed to send hall leadership/The office and related units,Coordinate and supervise and urge the relevant units to disposal in time.In 2012,,Jiangxi traffic public opinion hot distribution mainly concentrates in the following respects:One is to construct a rural cross wind up engineering,A few areas due to reasons such as money,Rural highway construction and cross to bridge engineering mop-up has not yet completed,Some people don't understand,To web site/Newspapers and other media complaints exposure.The second is highway management,Such as day price snag fee/Mark plate missing/Road closure/Collect tolls, etc.Three is the bad weather conditions the smooth highway work,Passengers should cause misunderstanding.The fourth is the engineering quality problem,Easy to cause the network media.Five is traffic reform work easy cause public opinion,Especially the asset disposal/Problems such as institutional reform.

福建:积极向社会各界通报发展成就 fujian:Actively to the social from all walks of life bulletin development achievement

Fujian province transportation hall to strengthen and the news media communication cooperation,Active use of the mainstream media interview/Press conference with other authoritative platform,To the social from all walks of life bulletin transportation development achievement.They actively contact xinhua fujian branch office,ShengTing promote with the branch office in transportation news propaganda in cooperation,Signed strategic cooperation agreement.And People's Daily/China central television/The China news service in fujian reporter station/Fujian daily/Fujian TV/Strait city newspaper in the province, such as major media keep regular interaction,Timely to provide them with news material/News clues,Expand the news propaganda effect.Invited 13 home in fujian central main media/In the mainstream media leadership discussion,Bulletin fujian transportation"11th five-year plan"Development since/"1025"Development goal task/Fujian transportation industry safety production overall situation and related conditions.
浙江:多管齐下推进新闻宣传资料收集工作 zhejiang:Multi-pronged approach.we propulsion news propaganda data collection work

     With the deepening of the propaganda work,News reports data collection work all the more important.Since this year,Zhejiang transportation hall, laying a solid foundation,Solid propulsion,Data collection at the beginning of the work has been in effect.Established the news propaganda data collection system.Accelerate news propaganda picture database construction,Establish and perfect the news propaganda picture information collection sorting and file use system,Form systematic traffic news propaganda image management system/process/standard,Start the news picture database platform,Established news photos administrator QQ group,The country at present already through the platform can realize image upload and download management function.To carry out the training work.Organized the news propaganda picture management business training,Training invite experts to news propaganda documenter carry on business training,To improve data collection and utilization level.Actively expand data collection channels.The organization carries out the traffic projects aerial work,Now 15 point shooting aerial work has been completed 13.    
安徽:行业热点舆论引导有力 anhui:Industry hotspot strong public opinion guide

Anhui transportation hall further perfect news release work,In, a total of three times held a news conference,Major holidays respectively from mini-bus tolls policy/Governance overrun overload"thunder"Special action/Traffic key project starts and opened to traffic(navigation)Situation response to public concern,To satisfy the public,Play to local media and industry media their respective advantages,Comprehensive interpretation of policy.According to the social public and media attention highway charges/Dangerous bridge reconstruction/Road to super/Road passenger transportation accident/The traffic law enforcement penalties hot issue,Strengthen the monitoring of public opinion,Active use of news forums and other forms,Positive response to public questions,Timely questions.Increase public opinion monitoring analysis of dynamics,According to the partial and false reports,To choose the news media,To send out a sound authority,The correct guidance of public opinion.
陕西:强化交通新闻发布体系建设 shaanxi:Strengthen traffic news release system

Shaanxi province transportation hall constantly improve traffic news spokesman working system,Gradually establish and perfect the shaanxi traffic news spokesman system and working mechanism,To strengthen the construction of news release system,News release subject more and more close to the party committees and governments concerned/Close to the social public concern/Close to the news media attention,Traffic news release session/personnel/Participate in government departments and the media present increasing trend year by year,Effectively guide the media attention and public opinion.One is in the provincial party committee propaganda bureaus and foreign affairs offices care help,Actively participate in provincial government organization's press conference.The second is the provincial government information office by organizing traffic special release.The third is to reach release conditions,But must advertising information,To the provincial party committee WaiXuan running after prepared,Take the news ventilation or invite reporter collective interviews, independent issue form,Will not only satisfy the different media for different information needs,And to strengthen the unity of the traffic information release/Concentration release,Maintain the government authority.
湖南:做好细节化宣传 hunan:To change the details propaganda
  湖南新闻宣传中心对交通人的日常工作和奉献精神采取细节化宣传,让受众更深切的了解、理解湖南交通。湖南省正在大力建设“智慧交通”,很多人可能不懂什么是“智慧交通”,厅新闻宣传中心在湖南日报上刊登的《“智慧交通”惠民生》报道,用“汽车通过ETC只需2秒,而通过人工收费的最快也要10秒,并且今后还将启动无人值守收费系统和移动手机交费系统”,就让“智慧交通”显得通俗易懂了;在今年1月组织中国新闻网采写的一篇“除夕湖南大部白雪皑皑 5000高速人春节一线保畅”报道,短短的233个字,一个小小的故事,就将交通人的奉献精神展现得淋漓尽致。

Hunan news propaganda to the center of traffic people daily work and dedication to take details change propaganda,Let the audience understand more deeply/Understand hunan traffic.Hunan province is vigorously construction"Wisdom traffic",A lot of people probably don't know what is"Wisdom traffic",Hall news propaganda center in hunan daily published["Wisdom traffic"Born we]reports,with"Car through the ETC just for 2 seconds,And through the artificial charge the fastest also want to ten seconds,And the future will also start unattended charging system and mobile phone fee system",let"Wisdom traffic"Is the easy to understand;In January of this year China's news organization concludes the a"New Year's eve most people in hunan province with high speed 5000 Spring Festival a line the chang"reports,Just 233 words,A little story,Will the traffic of dedication incisively and vividly.

直属海事系统:舆情监测动态每日一报 Directly under the maritime system:Public opinion monitoring dynamic daily a newspaper

In 2012, under the maritime system further increase public opinion monitoring analysis of mechanism construction,And PRC public opinion monitoring platform mutual cooperation,Specialist is responsible for the implementation of,Custom professional maritime information platform,By monitoring report regularly,Public opinion guidance work put forward Suggestions.Basically achieved the maritime system public opinion monitoring dynamic report for the day,events/For sensitive topic for the public opinion monitoring work pattern.

In 2012,,complete[Maritime daily network public opinion]A total of 194 period;complete[Maritime system network public opinion special report]55 period,respectively[China's air patrol aircraft designed to east China sea cruise public opinion],["DE ripple"Wheel and"Daqing 75"Wheel collision public opinion special report]Two phase,[Suspected of illegal dredge Korean by cargo ship for public opinion only],[Hire teachers college students' hackers fake seaman's book designed for public opinion],[simulate"Athena"Wheel in shanwei nearby sea area sunk public opinion only quote]7 period,[Japan arrested two Chinese crew public opinion only quote]Stage 3,[Anhui ma on shan Yangtze river section ferry sank accident only to public opinion]6,["Sea patrol and wheel"To visit the United States public opinion only]11 period,[The east China sea 2012 civil aircraft distress joint search-and-rescue manoeuvres designed for public opinion]and[The preparation and maritime system reform for public opinion only]etc.
中国交通报社:推出服务民生系列报道 China transportation newspaper:Launched a series of reports serve the livelihood of the people


    China transportation newspaper in the fourth quarter of 2012 reported propaganda work mainly around"Eighteen big"reports/Traffic work reports and the people's livelihood service reported that a few aspects.One is to carry out daily travel unsafe habits survey.recently,"Chinese across the road"Triggered a public attention.In fact,In the daily travel,Many neglected bad habits in every stage/And the serious influence safety,if:Walk while on your cell phone/Improper interior decoration/Window parabolic/Scenic drive sailed the lack of safety training, etc.China transportation the editor through the Internet and telephone surveys,Collect daily travel in common unsafe habits;Invite relevant personage analysis,Management experience at home and abroad for reference,Puts forward to improve and improve safety travel method.The second is the end of focus on migrant workers salary.China transportation newspaper guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people with the development of the industry an important theme,Report transportation industry to promote employment/To increase the income of the results,And various security wages not default practice/experience.3 it is winter traffic service --"Warm travel"reports.In the eighteenth big put forward to improve the people's livelihood and innovation management of strengthening the social construction,Traffic as a service industry,Social services/Serve the livelihood of the people work a lot,Topic also many,Winter transportation how to let passengers more safe/More comfortable,can"Warm travel",From the city public traffic to long-distance passenger transport/Aviation services all the way.

交通运输部新闻办新闻中心 提供

The traffic department of transportation information office provides news center
