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5月7日,国内首例涉外海上交通肇事案在浙江舟山中级人民法院进行一审宣判,两名缅甸籍被告人犯交通肇事罪分别被判处有期徒刑4年和3年。二人被诉在任新加坡籍集装箱轮“KOTA NEBULA”轮的二副、船长期间,导致该轮与“浙普渔75185”船碰撞后逃逸,造成渔船沉没,船上4名船员死亡、3人失踪。
On May 7,,The first domestic foreign-related maritime traffic accident case in zhoushan, zhejiang province intermediate people's court of first instance verdict,Two Burmese nationals accused offender traffice offences was sentenced to four years and three years respectively.Two men accused of sitting round container from Singapore"KOTA NEBULA"Wheel of the second officer/During the period of the captain,Lead to the wheel and"Zhejiang PuYu 75185"After the escape boat collision,Caused by fishing boats sank,Four sailors on the ship/3 people are missing.
2012年4月2日下午,从上海洋山港开往浙江宁波港的“KOTA NEBULA”轮在途经舟山东福山东南海域时,由于二副在海面起雾能见度极差、周边作业渔船密集的情况下,违反没有及时判断碰撞危险、未使用安全航速驾驶船舶、避让措施不当等国际海上避碰撞规则的相关规定,导致该轮与渔船“浙普渔75185”发生碰撞。事后二副和船长均没有采取任何救助行动,也未向相关主管机关报告,反而毁灭部分证据,全速前行逃逸。
On the afternoon of April 2, 2012,From the ocean to zhejiang ningbo port of yangshan port"KOTA NEBULA"Wheel in via boat area southeast of shandong fukuyama,Poor visibility due to the second officer of fog on the surface/Around the fishing vessel under the condition of intensive,Violation of failing to determine risk of collision/Don't use safe speed to drive the ship/Avoid the improper measures, etc. The related provisions of international regulations for preventing collision at sea,Lead to the wheel and fishing boats"Zhejiang PuYu 75185"A collision.After the second officer and the captain did not take any rescue,Also did not report to the relevant competent authority,Instead, some evidence destruction,Move forward at full speed to escape.
接到事故报案后,浙江舟山海事局立即组织力量排查肇事船舶,通过各种技术手段逐一核查事发时航经此水域的船舶,初步将肇事嫌疑目标锁定为新加坡籍集装箱轮“KOTA NEBULA”,并于当晚指令该轮到舟山某锚地接受调查。调查人员连夜登轮,封存了该轮海图、航海日志、船载航行数据记录仪等证据资料,对该轮船体进行勘查,发现船艏两侧有明显划擦痕并附着油漆,但在询问船长及事发时段值班的二副及值班水手时,均遭到一致否认。在随后的驻船调查期间,调查人员又通过技术手段完成了对该轮船载航行数据记录仪的解读,查明事发时段船舶航行动态及驾驶台值班的相关情况。面对大量的客观证据,该轮二副和船长相继承认了碰撞事实。
After receiving the accident report,Zhejiang zhoushan maritime bureau immediately organized forces trying to identify the ship,Through a variety of techniques at the transit through the waters of the ship,Preliminary escorted the suspected target container wheel for Singapore citizenship"KOTA NEBULA",Instructions that zhoushan turn a anchorage and presented to the investigation.Investigators embarkation overnight,Seal up the chart/In the logbook/The evidence materials such as the ship voyage data recorder,Exploration on the ship hull,Found on both sides of ship bow has obvious scratch and adhesion of paint,But before ask the captain and the time when the second officer, and the sailor on duty on duty,Was denied.In the following to ship during the survey,Investigators and completed by technical means of the ship voyage data recorder of interpretation,Find out the ship dynamic navigation and bridge on duty during the incident.In the face of a lot of objective evidence,Round the second officer and captain admits the collision facts.
Given the LunChuanChang and second officer in the case of knowing that a collision accident is neither help nor report to the competent authority,To leave the scene,And in the maritime sector hide collision when the preliminary investigation,Its actions have obvious hit-and-run characteristics,Zhejiang maritime safety administration to make to the foreign-related maritime traffic accident case decision,The first in the country.
The court said,Two of the defendant in violation of the Marine traffic transportation management regulations,To four people were killed 3 missing major water safety accidents,Their behavior constitute traffice offences.Prosecutors accused guilty.Defenders put forward two escape the defendant does not constitute and shall be deemed to be surrendered,Do not tally with the facts and the law,Will not be adopted.C - the two defendants have certain performance is put forward,Understanding and got killed,Requirements as appropriate punishment opinions shall be adopted.
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