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On May 13,,Shenzhen yantian international container terminal water transport of dangerous goods technical support center(Hereinafter referred to as the technical support center)Was formally established.This is the first domestic enterprise to ports as the leading force,The background support for maritime administration,For shenzhen and the pearl river delta the technology center of dangerous cargo owners to provide professional services,Since its founding filled in the south China region has been lack of maritime dangerous goods transport of the professional services firm blank.
In 2012,,Yantian international container port container throughput of 10.68 million teus,Among them, 4771 cases for the dangerous goods container,Accounted for 0.0446% of the total.Dangerous goods container quantity seems not much,But the container transport of dangerous goods by sea and the professional particularity,The shipper don't know for dangerous goods transport,In the process of dangerous goods packing and declare will be casual or casual omission/Conceal behavior,For vessels carrying dangerous cargo container shipping security caused great hidden dangers.Happened in the past many caused by containers of dangerous goods dangerous goods leakage and explosion accident,The safety of the water transportation and local society.
To solve this problem,Maritime sector made various attempts,Including production line tracking the goods production/Transport process,For a battery company to provide professional maritime consulting services,Help enterprises to pass the goods shipment."But this model cannot last long,Government departments to do all the work time is over."The relevant person in charge of maritime affairs department in notes.
After a long time of communication,With ports and maritime sector units gradually formed the unified idea,Namely, through the government guidance/Enterprises to carry out the way,Lead the owner to comply with the relevant safety regulations,Ensure the safety of dangerous goods by sea transport,The idea for a technical support centre.
According to introducing,Technical support center will play a role of Bridges,Use the Internet to establish dangerous goods data exchange platform,Put into the/Export companies and transportation companies feedback problems and Suggestions in time passed to maritime institutions,At the same time把危险货物运输相关的法律规定和要求传达给企业,Timely solve problems about dangerous goods operation,To realize the safe operation of the terminal of dangerous goods transportation/efficient,Further enhance the competitiveness of the port of shenzhen.It is understood,This is shenzhen maritime safety administration efforts to promote maritime service level,To carry out the administration according to law requirement,Populace's important measures with ports and enterprises.
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