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12名学生深夜翻墙过生日遭开除 用被单结绳跳窗--亲稳网络舆情监控室

12名学生深夜翻墙过生日遭开除 用被单结绳跳窗 深夜翻越围墙违反校纪,开除!CFP供图 Late at night over the fence am violation,fired!CFP for figure

  事发漯河四高,家长认为处分太重,恳请给孩子一个改过的机会 The luo river four high,Parents think punishment is too heavy,Will give the child a chance

  首席记者 刘广超 LiuGuangChao chief correspondent

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  12名即将升入高三的学生,为给同学过生日,翻越围墙被学校开除。“孩子坐卧不宁情绪很烦躁,如果真被学校开除了,阴霾肯定会笼罩他一生。想见校长恳请能给孩子一个改过的机会,但一直见不到校长且学校也不松口,我们该咋办?”昨日下午,漯河市第四高级中学(以下简称“漯河四高”)的几名家长和记者说起孩子的事,满面愁容。给同学过个生日就开除?学校为何“痛下屠刀”?记者就此事展开调查走访。 12 name is high to students,For students for my birthday,Go over the wall was expelled from school。“Children splutter mood irritable,If really was expelled from the school,Haze shrouded his life will certainly。Want to see the President would like to give the child a chance,But always see the principal and the school also don't let go,We do?”Yesterday afternoon,LeiHeShi fourth senior middle schools(Hereinafter referred to as“Luohe four high”)Several of the parents and the reporter speaking of children,scowl。Give students have a birthday is fired?Why do schools“Pain butcher's knife under”?Reporter investigating the issues, visit。

  12名违纪学生遭学校全除名 12 of those students who violate disciplines were removed from the school

  事件 events

  在事发地漯河四高西校区的一处公告栏内,一张大字报上的“通报”标题格外醒目:查高二年级2班、9班、16班、17班共有12名学生,于2012年7月3日晚10点后,从寝室跳楼翻越围墙外出。根据《漯河四高学生违纪惩处条例》第十八条第六款之规定,给予这12名学生转换学习环境之处分。 In the four high west campus of luo river in a bulletin board inside,A handwritten wall posters“bulletin”Particularly eye-catching title:Check grade school, class 2、9 class、16 class、17 class has a 12 students,On July 3, 2012 night after 10 o 'clock,Climbing over the fence from the bedroom jump out。According to《GaoXueSheng disciplinary punishment regulations four luo river》Article 18 6 of paragraph 1,Given this 12 students conversion punishment of learning environment。

  “所谓的‘转换学习环境之处分’,就是‘开除’的意思,连老师都这样解释。”家长们告诉记者。据了解,7月3日晚上,因有一名同学过生日,这12名学生中的一部分在晚上10时寝室熄灯后,欲翻墙出校给同学送生日祝福,没想到刚翻越围墙,就被“守株待兔”的老师逮个正着。 “The so-called‘Convert the disposition of learning environment’,is‘fired’mean,Even the teacher all so explained。”Parents told reporters。According to understand,July 3, night,Because there is a classmate for my birthday,This part of the 12 students in 10 at night bedroom after turn out the lights,To over the wall out of school to give students send birthday wishes,Didn't expect just go over the fence,is“Waiting for him”Teacher get busted。

  “被开除的12名学生中,好几个都是全年级的前几十名,学习成绩还不错。”学生家长们说,学生犯了错误,学校应该给予处分,但没想到却对孩子判了“极刑”,这让他们难以接受。“孩子们现在都追悔莫及,已充分认识到了错误,恳请学校能给他们一次改过的机会。” “The removed 12 students,Several is all grade scores before,Study result is good。”Students' parents said,The students made a mistake,The school should be punished,But never expected but to to the child“Capital punishment”,It makes them hard to accept。“The children are now regret,Has fully realized the mistake,Will the school can give them a chance。”

  家长欲“申诉”,恳求给孩子一个机会 Parents to“appeal”,To give the child a chance

  调查 survey

  “我们想见见校长,恳求他给这些孩子一个机会,但始终联系不上。”家长们说,他们还多次向该校西校区负责人求告,希望能收回成命,哪怕给改个“开除留校察看”的处分也行,但多日来的奔波无济于事,学校一直“躲猫猫”不松口。 “We want to see the headmaster,The pleading for his child a chance,But always can not contact。”Parents say,They also many times to the school of west campus called upon,Hope can take back backed down,Even if to change a“Fired in detention”Punishment to also go,But for many days of no help to travel,Schools have been“peek-a-boo”Don't let go。

  西校区负责人表示,这12名学生先是从学校寝室楼的窗户跳出来,后在翻越学校围墙时被值班老师发现。经过校方商议根据校纪校规,遂对12名学生做出了全部开除的决定。“不会因为某个学生学习好,违纪了就不处理他。学校的纪律对每一个学生都是平等的。既然学校已经做出了决定,就按决定执行。” West campus officials say,This 12 students from the school bedroom floor of the first jump out the window,In school after climbing over the wall were on duty the teacher found。After the school took counsel according to violated either,Said to 12 students made all the decision of the fire。“Not because the student study well,Discipline not deal with him。School discipline to each students are equal。Now that the school has made his decision,Press the decided to execution。”

  律师 lawyer

  做法“欠妥”,不应“一棒子打死” practice“inaccurate”,Should not be“A bonzi killed”

  面对学校对违纪学生“一棒子打死”的做法,这12名学生的家长在苦求未果下,遂决定要采取法律手段为孩子们维权。昨日傍晚,记者采访了河南长风律师事务所的刘文奇律师,以及漯河市另外一所高中的负责人。 School students to face discipline“A bonzi killed”practice,This 12 students of parents in the desired not if really,He decided to take legal action for children rights。Yesterday evening,The reporter interviewed henan changfeng lawyer office of LiuWenJi lawyer,And LeiHeShi another person in charge of the high school。

  “漯河四高的在校学生,仅仅因为在休息时间跳墙外出就被学校开除,明显处罚过重。”刘文奇表示,“根据《教育法》相关规定,公民有受教育的权利和义务,学校应本着教育为主、惩罚为辅的原则,可对学生采取其他处分。学生可以向教育行政部门申诉。” “Four high school students of the luo river,Just because during the rest time go jump wall be expelled from school,Obviously excessive punishment。”LiuWenJi said,“According to《Education law》Related provisions,Citizens have the right and obligation by education,The school shall give priority in education、The principle of subsidiary punishment,Can take other sanctions for students。Students can education administrative department to appeal。”

  “根据教育部有关规定,学校无权私自开除学生,必须经上级主管部门同意,而且还得经听证会通过,其做法首先在程序上是违法的。”漯河市另一高中的负责人表示,“在这件事上,开除1个学生也不妥,开除12人更是荒谬,对他们还是应该以教育后认错就行。” “According to the relevant provisions of the ministry of education,The school has no right to expel the student without,Must be approved by the competent department agree,But through the hearing,The practice in the first program is illegal。”LeiHeShi another top of head says,“In this matter,Fired a student also wrong,Fire 12 people is ridiculous,They should be in education or to admit after it。”

  昨日下午,记者见到了漯河四高校长王敏甲。“这次受到处分的12名学生中,有些人早前已经有违纪处分,他们在跳窗时还损坏了窗户。”王敏甲说,这些学生是用被单结绳跳窗的,其行为有重大安全隐患,不严肃处理不行。“我们也可能根据不同学生的情况,会‘高高举起、轻轻放下’,但现在这个处分还在生效,他们不能真正意识到错误,我们就不能松口。” 线索提供 万先生 Yesterday afternoon,The reporter saw the luo river four high principal WangMinJia。“The disciplined 12 students,Some people have been earlier disciplinary,They jumped in when the window is damaged the window。”WangMinJia said,These students are jumping rope with sheets ",Their behavior has a major security hidden danger,Don't deal seriously with no。“We also may according to different students,will‘Lifted high、Gently down’,But now the sanction is still in effect,They can't really realize error,We can't let go。” Provide clues to Mr. Wan
