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湖北孝感公务员竞争人数过少 头名失去考试资格--亲稳网络舆情监控室

[提要] [abstract]肖华参加过几次公务员考试,6月初他接到通知,去孝感市人社局参加面试。然而后来孝感市发出通知,部分职位没有达到报考比例,需要调剂,肖华报考的职位需要调剂两个人。根据相关规定,已经取得面试资格的人无法自行调剂职位。肖华此时已通过了面试前的资格复审,拿到了面试证。7月9日,他得知,他所报考的职位因达不到1:3的面试比例而被取消...[我来说两句] XiaoHua participated in several civil service examinations,He received a notice in early June,Go to XiaoGanShi people club bureau for an interview。But then XiaoGanShi issued a notice,Part of the position to enter oneself for an examination no proportion,Need to adjust,XiaoHua enter oneself for an examination of the two positions to adjust。According to relevant provisions,Have made the people can't for interview to adjust position。XiaoHua now through the qualification review before the interview,Get the interview card。July 9,,He learned that he,An examination of his position was less than for the interview was 1:3 proportion cancel...[me 2]     7月9日,看到孝感市人事考试网公布核减职位公告的肖华(化名)发现,这一次,自己的公务员考试可能白考了。     July 9,,See XiaoGanShi personnel test nets announced the XiaoHua announcement and subtract position(aliases)found,This time,Their civil service exam may here......。

  2012年,湖北孝感公务员考试在面试前核销了17个乡镇干部的职位,包括笔试成绩第一名和第四名在内的34名考生均失去了考试资格。而这17个职位都是定向考录“四项目”人员(指服务期满的大学生“村官”及“农村义务教育阶段学校教师特设岗位计划”、“三支一扶”计划和“大学生志愿服务西部计划”项目人员)。 2012 years,Civil service examination xiaogan rather than before the interview cancel after verification 17 towns cadres position,Including written examination scores the first and fourth, 34 candidates are lost exam qualification。And this 17 position are directional KaoLu“The four projects”personnel(Refers to the college students of service“Village officials”and“Rural compulsory education phase school teacher AD hoc positions plan”、“Three teams up a”Plan and“College students volunteer service western plan”Project staff)。

  2009年毕业的肖华今年已经完成大学生“村官”3年的服务期。2012年,省里下发了“千人计划”,拿出近2000个职位定向招录“四项目”人员,此前,这种优惠岗位只有500个左右。 Graduation in 2009 XiaoHua has been completed college students this year“Village officials”3 years of service period。2012 years,Province issued a“One thousand people plan”,Take out nearly 2000 jobs ZhaoLu orientation“The four projects”personnel,after,This favorable position only 500 or so。

  肖华参加过几次公务员考试,这次考得最好。6月初,他接到通知,去孝感市人力资源和社会保障局参加面试。 XiaoHua participated in several civil service examinations,The exam is the best。In early June,He received a notice,Go to XiaoGanShi human resource and social security bureau for the interview。

  然而6月21日,孝感市发出通知,部分职位没有达到报考比例,需要调剂,肖华报考的职位需要调剂两个人。根据相关规定,已经取得面试资格的人无法自行调剂职位。肖华此时已通过了面试前的资格复审,拿到了面试证。7月9日,他得知,他所报考的职位因达不到1:3的面试比例而被取消。 However, June 21,,XiaoGanShi issued a notice,Part of the position to enter oneself for an examination no proportion,Need to adjust,XiaoHua enter oneself for an examination of the two positions to adjust。According to relevant provisions,Have made the people can't for interview to adjust position。XiaoHua now through the qualification review before the interview,Get the interview card。July 9,,He learned that he,An examination of his position was less than 1:3 interview for the percentage was cancelled。

  《孝感市2012年度遴选选调生和考试录用公务员取消或核减部分招录计划的公告 》显示,“ 《XiaoGanShi 2012 annual selection XuanDiaoSheng examinations and civil servants to cancel or part of the ZhaoLu plan and subtract announcements 》shows,“职位调剂后,招录计划与报考人数仍达不到1∶3竞争比例的,需取消、合并或按比例核减招录计划 Adjust position after,ZhaoLu plan and enter oneself for an examination still cannot reach the number 1:3 of the proportion of the competition,Need to cancel、Merger or according to the proportion and subtract ZhaoLu plan。我市职位调剂后,仍有17个招录计划达不到1∶3竞争比例,根据上述规定,应取消或核减达不到竞争比例的招录计划。” 。Adjust the position,There are still 17 ZhaoLu plan of less than 1:3 competition proportion,According to the above provisions,Should be cancelled or and subtract can not reach the proportion of the competition ZhaoLu plan。”

  根据孝感市人事考试网公布的笔试成绩公告,肖华所报考的乡镇公务员职位只有他一人的笔试成绩。这不是个别现象,根据整个孝感市这次公务员考试公布的成绩,共有61个职位的笔试人数没有达到最低竞争比例,其中56个职位属乡镇机关职位,有14个乡镇机关的职位仅有1个人通过了笔试资格审查。 According to XiaoGanShi personnel test results of written announcement released nets,An examination of XiaoHua township positions he is the only one written test results。This is not the individual phenomenon,According to the XiaoGanShi the civil service exam results released,A total of 61 jobs written examination did not reach the minimum number of competitive proportion,One of the 56 position township authority position,There are 14 towns of the organs of the position only 1 individual through the written exam qualification examination。

  按照正常程序,当报考这些职位的考生通过笔试环节后,他们只有等待别人调剂或者直接放弃这场考试。 According to the normal procedure,When enter oneself for an examination of these positions candidates through the written examination after the link,They only waiting for someone else to regulate or just to give up this exam。

  往年,为了避免这种情况出现,主办方往往都会在报名结束后就初步制定一个开考比例,没有达到开考比例的职位在笔试前就会进行核销。《湖北省2010年度遴选选调生和考试录用公务员公告》就规定,在报名结束后,“各招录机关职位计划数与报考确认人数不足1∶3比例的,原则上按比例减少或取消该职位计划数,并由各地、各招录机关负责通知考生退还缴纳的报名费。” ever,To avoid this kind of situation,Organizers often will end on the registration after the preliminary make a KaiKao proportion,Not to KaiKao proportion of position in the written test before you can to cancel after verification。《Hubei province 2010 year XuanDiaoSheng selection and civil service examinations announcements》With respect to the regulation,After signing up,“The ZhaoLu authorities plan to enter oneself for an examination and confirmation number position less than one: 3 proportion,In principle in proportion to reduce or eliminate the position plan,And all over the、The ZhaoLu authority responsible for notifying the examinee of pay of refund application fee。”

  而参加过多年孝感公务员考试的考生也告诉记者,此前三年的孝感公务员考试都会在报名后进行职位核减,今年却没有这样做。 And in many years xiaogan civil servants candidates also told reporters,The previous three years of xiaogan civil servants in the exams will after the position and subtract,This year it didn't do that。

  因报名人数不够,报名结束前一天的3月29日,湖北省委组织部等部门联合下发文件,把“四项目”人员的要求由服务期满放宽为“基层服务满两年”。 For registration number is not enough,The day before the end of the March 29,,Hubei provincial party committee organization department and other departments jointly issued documents,the“The four projects”The requirements of the service personnel by expiration for relax“The primary service is 2 years”。

  因笔试前的职位核销没有进行,部分高分考生陷入了尴尬,如果他们的岗位需要调剂,他们之间可能还会有场硬碰硬的竞争。 Because the position before written not cancel after verification,Part of the high score candidates in the embarrassing,If their jobs need to adjust,They may also have games between head competition。

  一些地区为了避免这种情况,选择将职位打包合并到县级市,不具体到乡镇。如黄石下属的大冶市,只招“大冶市乡镇公务员职位1”和“大冶市乡镇公务员职位2”两个职位,每个职位招10个人。这样就保证了不会出现部分职位遇冷的情况。 Some areas in order to avoid this kind of circumstance,Choose to pack the cities at the county level position merger,Not specific to the town。Such as Yellowstone affiliate DaYeShi,Only recruit“DaYeShi 1 township civil service jobs”and“DaYeShi towns 2 civil service jobs”Two positions,Each position recruit 10 people。That ensures that will not be part of the position of the encounter cold。

  记者电话询问了孝感市组织部综合干部科的工作人员,对方表示自己不分管这方面工作,所以对情况不熟悉,分管人员因为忙于面试工作所以不在办公室。但他同时表示,孝感的公务员考试都是按规定进行的。 The reporter asked XiaoGanShi telephone organization department of comprehensive GanBuKe staff,The other party said they don't work for that,So for not familiar with,Responsible for personnel for busy job interview so is not in the office。But he also says,The civil service exam xiaogan all is according to the regulations。
