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10余博士因未发论文被卡学位 教授称体制需改变--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

    毕业三年后才被授予学位     Three years after graduation is award degrees

  发生在南开大学教授李卫东和他的弟子之间的故事,起初是平凡无奇的,后来则成为令当事人“心情复杂”的极端事例。 Happened in nankai university professor and his disciples LiWeiDong between story,At first the mundane,Later, to become the parties“Mood complicated”Extreme cases。

  这位颇有声望的化学家7年前开始在南开大学招收博士研究生,然而迄今为止,10多名毕业生中没有一名能够正常获得学位。 The reputation of a chemist began seven years ago in nankai university dr recruit graduate student,So far, however,More than 10 graduates can not a normal get a degree。

  在争取了十几个月之后,30岁的白迎军6月底终于拿到了那本粉红色的博士学位证书。他将其放到一边,没向家人展示。 In the fight for ten months later,30 years old white meet at the end of June army finally got the this pink doctoral degree certificate。He will be its aside,To the family didn't show。

  “它代表了一段痛苦的回忆。”他对中国青年报记者这样形容。 “It represents a painful memories。”He said China youth daily reporter。

  这段回忆包括:他的父亲去世之前,没有见到这一纸证书。 This section includes memories:His father died before,Not seen the one paper certificate。

  白迎军是与其他4名同学同时获得学位的。他2005年师从李卫东,2010年博士毕业,截至今年6月,学位证书迟到了18个月。但与学长多维国相比,这些等待不算什么。 BaiYingJun is and other 4 students and get a degree。He LiWeiDong from 2005,In 2010, graduated from dr,So far this year June,Degree certificate late 18 months。But compared with the senior multidimensional countries,These waiting for nothing。

  2002年入学的多维国,2005年转至李卫东门下,2008年6月毕业,2011年12月才被授予博士学位。 In 2002 the multidimensional kingdom entrance,In 2005 LiWeiDong turns to the door,Graduated in June 2008,In December of 2011 to be awarded a doctoral degree。

  多维国等了3年半,他说,“就算再读一个博士学位,也该毕业了”。 Multidimensional kingdom wait 3 and a half years,He said,“Even if you read a doctor's degree,Also the graduate”。

  南开大学博士生的基本培养年限是3至4年,最长不超过6年,硕士-博士连读生的培养年限最长不超过7年。 Nankai university doctor's basic training fixed number of year is three to four years,The longest do not exceed six years,Dr master-even read the cultivation of the birth of the longest do not more than seven years。

  多维国一度担心,自己超过最后年限两年,恐怕丧失了学位授予资格。 Multidimensional kingdom once worried,Over the last two years of his,I'm afraid lose degree awarded qualification。

  事实上,他的学术水平并不逊色于人。在2008年5月23日博士论文答辩那天,来自北大、清华等校的5位答辩委员会成员,一致认为他完成了一篇“优秀博士论文”,建议南开大学学位委员会授予他博士学位。 In fact,His academic level not inferior to men。On May 23, 2008 Ph.D. Thesis on that day,From Peking University、Tsinghua etc of the five rejoin committee members,Agreed that he completed a“Outstanding doctor's paper”,Suggest nankai university degree committee awarded him the doctor's degree。

  可他只能黯然带着毕业证出了校门。 But he can only dim with graduation card out of the school gate。

  因为南开大学规定,博士生须有公开发表的科研成果,方能获得学位。为了“坚持高水平的学位授予标准”,该校自2002级学生起,要求博士生在学期间至少要在核心期刊上发表两篇论文,其中自然科学学科博士生至少要有一篇论文发表在SCI(美国“科学引文索引”)或EI(美国“工程索引”)的索引源刊物上。 Because nankai university regulations,Doctoral must have published scientific research achievements,Can get a degree。In order to“Insist on the high level of degree awarded standards”,Since 2002 a grade of students in the school play,Requirements at the doctoral student at least in core journals published two essays,Natural science disciplines of doctoral student should have at least one papers published in SCI(The United States“Science citation index”)Or EI(The United States“Engineering index”)The index of the source journal。

  类似标准并非南开大学独有。自上个世纪南京大学将SCI论文引入学术评价体系之后,这个英文缩写已在中国学术界耳熟能详。SCI论文成了教师评定职称、博士生申请学位的重要依据。 Similar standard is not unique to nankai university。Since the last century nanjing university will SCI paper into academic evaluation system after,The abbreviations has in the Chinese academic circles is familiar。SCI paper became a teacher evaluation titles、The important basis of doctoral student application degree。

  多维国就卡在了这上面。 Multidimensional countries will card in it。

  他毕业时,他与导师合作的论文没有投稿。2009年,李卫东将论文先后投给了两家化学界的著名期刊,均被拒绝。 When he graduated,He and mentor cooperation paper not contribute。2009 years,LiWeiDong will have cast in the paper two players in the practice of the famous journals,Were refused to。

  多维国多次向导师表示,自己不在意期刊的档次,只希望尽快发表,以便尽早拿到学位。导师则答复,研究工作仍在进行,一有新的结果,马上就投稿。2011年6月,论文刊发在美国的《有机化学通讯》上。 Multidimensional countries to tutor said many times,The class of the journal casuality,Only hope published as soon as possible,As soon as possible so that the degree。Advisor reply,Work is still on,A new results,'ll contribute。June 2011,In the United States published papers《Organic chemical communication》on。

  根据南开大学的规定,如因特殊情况论文未能发表,可以先毕业,待论文发表之后再行审批学位。 According to the provisions of nankai university,If because of the special circumstances't published a paper,Could start graduate,Stay papers published any degree after examination and approval。

  可多维国已经超期,2011年的这篇论文是否有效,他并不清楚。 Can be multidimensional countries had extended,2011 years of this paper are effective,He is not clear。

  而这是李卫东在南开大学指导的所有博士生发表的惟一一篇论文。 And this is LiWeiDong in nankai university of guidance published only all doctoral thesis。

   对于校方将学位与发表论文捆绑在一起,“我不是反感我是逆反” For the school will be published degree and tied together,“I'm not disgusted I was rebellious attitude”

  多维国之后,陆续进入毕业季的学生们,在学位压力下,都就发表论文之事催促过导师。 Multidimensional behind countries,Enter the graduation season students,In degree under pressure,All of the papers published urged a tutor。

  他们都通过了博士论文答辩。从评语来看,他们的毕业论文,要么是“高水平”,要么是“优秀”,最次也是“合格”。答辩委员会均建议校方授予他们博士学位。 They all passed the Ph.D. Thesis defense。From the comments to see,Their graduation thesis,Or is“High level”,Or is“excellent”,The most time is also“qualified”。Rejoin committee are suggested for the doctor's degree。

  “我认为我的学生完全达到了博士学位的标准。要不然我怎么会同意签字让他们毕业呢?”李卫东教授告诉中国青年报记者,“我拍着胸脯说,每个学生都非常优秀,我对他们非常满意为他们感到骄傲。” “I think my students had reached the standard of the doctor's degree。Or else how can I agree to sign let them graduation?”LiWeiDong professor told the China youth daily reporter,“I clap breast said,Each student is very good,I'm very satisfied with their very proud of them。”

  李卫东说,我国的学位条例从来没有要求博士生毕业要发表论文,各个单位自设门槛,这种做法是“丑陋的”。 LiWeiDong said,China's degree regulations never asked for doctoral graduate to publish papers,Each unit threshold sets up,This kind of practice is“ugly”。

  现行学位条例规定,博士学位的授予条件是,通过课程考试和论文答辩,在本门学科上掌握坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专门知识,具有独立从事科学研究工作的能力,做出创造性的成果。 The degree of regulations,Doctor's degree granting the condition is,Through the course exam and of the thesis,In this subject to the firm and broad basic theory and system in-depth expertise,With independent engaged in scientific research ability,Make creative achievements。

  但1995年《国家教育委员会关于进一步改进和加强研究生工作的若干意见》提出,“应要求博士生在学位论文答辩前已有在学习期间公开发表的论文或取得经过鉴定的科研成果”。 But in 1995《National education committee on further improvement and strengthening of the graduate student work some opinions》Put forward,“Shall require the doctoral dissertation had in study published papers or obtain after identification of scientific research”。

  李卫东称,他在哈佛大学做过3年博士后研究,只知导师同意、答辩过关,即可授予学位,这是“常识”,从不知“世界上还有第二种标准”。 LiWeiDong says,He in Harvard University done three years postdoctoral research,Know only teachers agree、Defense pass,Can award degrees,This is“Common sense”,Never know“In the world is the second standard”。

  学位与发表论文捆绑在一起的做法,令他“极其反感”。“我不是反感我是逆反。”他纠正自己说。 Degree and published in the practice of bound together,To his“Extremely antipathy”。“I'm not disgusted I was rebellious attitude。”He corrected himself said。

  在他看来,卡住自己学生的原因,大家“心知肚明”。只要校方相信导师,相信担任答辩委员会委员和论文评审专家的校外顶尖同行,依据学生的研究成果而不是论文发表情况,正常授予学位,同学们的烦恼就不会产生。 In his view,The cause of the students themselves stuck,everyone“Cried foul”。As long as the school believe that teachers,Believe that as a defense committee and the paper of evaluation experts outside the top together,According to the research results of the students rather than published papers,Normal award degrees,Students of the trouble won't produce。

  “我感觉到羞耻和尴尬的是,他们不相信我可以,不相信学生也可以,连我们国内最顶尖的同行也不相信,看都不看他们的意见!” “I feel ashamed and embarrassed is,They don't believe that I can,Don't believe that students can also,Even we of the top domestic peers also don't believe that,Look at their views!”

   学生的痛苦导师不曾经历 The pain of the students have known tutor

  “李老师不停地给我们希望。”一位不愿透露姓名的学生私下埋怨,他总是客客气气的,劝同学们耐心等待,论文总会投稿和发表。在学生们的印象中,李卫东教授从来没有表示拒绝投稿,然而希望一再破灭。 “Miss li kept give us hope。”One does not wish to disclose the name of the students complain privately,He always spoke,Urge students to wait,Papers will contribute and published。In the impression of the students,LiWeiDong professor never said refused to contribute,But hope has repeatedly burst。

  他们一再向中国青年报记者强调,并不愿意抱怨导师,不想对老师显得不敬,“不愿意给任何人带来伤害”。 They repeatedly to the China youth daily reporter emphasis,Do not want to complain that the teacher,Don't want to seem disrespectful to the teacher,“Don't want to give anyone hurt”。

  然而他们的压力太大了。 However their pressure is too high。

  “我们没有拿到学位,人家会以为是我们自身的原因是不是我们干了这几年没有任何结果?”一位同学说。 “We never got his degree,The somebody else will think is our own reason we did a few years this is without any results?”A classmate say。

  由于没有学位,多数博士的学术之路被堵死。几乎所有高校、科研院所招聘时都要看学位证,而且多数只招收应届毕业生,申请做博士后同样需要学位。很多人去了企业,然而在那里,又面临着拿不到博士补贴等种种歧视。 Since there is no degree,Dr. Most of the way is removing all academic。Almost all the university、Scientific research institutions for all to see when degree certificate,And most only recruits graduates,Apply for postdoctoral also need degree。Many people went to the enterprise,However, there,It is faced with the doctor can't get subsidies wait for a variety of discrimination。

  白迎军说:“因为学位,我们每个人的人生道路都改变了方向。” BaiYingJun said:“Because the degree,Every one of us life path are changed direction。”

  在他看来,更重要的是那种精神上的压抑,别人总是风言风语,猜测他们拿不到学位的原因。 In his view,More important is that kind of emotional distress,People always to box,Guess they get no degree of reason。

  这些年轻人已届而立之年。他们的痛苦是导师李卫东不曾经历过的。李卫东是教育部首批“长江学者奖励计划特聘教授”。受聘那年他31岁,是最年轻的长江学者。 These young people have 30 th。Their pain is teacher LiWeiDong never experienced。LiWeiDong is one of the first of the ministry of education“The Yangtze river scholars physics, award scheme”。That year he employed the age of 31,Is the most young scholars of the Yangtze river。

  44岁的李卫东1993年从兰州大学获得博士学位。他仅用4年时间就完成了硕士和博士学业,期间发表了许多篇学术论文。他的南开大学同事、兰大校友朱晓晴教授对记者回忆,他当年是“风云人物”。不过李卫东强调,自己的博士学位与发表论文无关。 44 LiWeiDong 1993 from lanzhou university for a doctorate。With just four years he can complete the master and the doctorate study,Published many articles during academic papers。His colleagues of nankai university、Professor to reporters ZhuXiaoQing alumni into memory,He that was“hero”。But LiWeiDong emphasis,His doctor's degree and publishing papers have nothing to do。

  当初,学生们也是冲着李卫东在学术界的口碑投到他门下的。 had,The students also blunt LiWeiDong in academia reputation to the door for him。

   校方破例颁发学位,李卫东停止招博 As an exception, the award degrees,LiWeiDong stop recruit bo

  在2011年之前,学生们一直希望“通过师生之间的沟通交流”解决问题。直到他们发现,从那时开始,未获学位的毕业生队伍扩大到了9人。 In the 2011 years before,The students have been hope“Through the communication between teachers and students”Solve problems。Until they found,Since then,The team did not get the degree graduates to its nine people。

  2011年5月,在又一个毕业季到来之际,“感到绝望”的9名博士生联名向校方反映了情况。 May 2011,And in a graduate of the arrival of the season,“despair”Of the nine doctoral joint from school reflects the situation。

  校方介入此事后,2011年6月,李卫东给学生发邮件表示,“相关学术论文发表的问题,我们有统一的协调和安排,随时还会和大家联系有关写作、投稿等事宜”,希望他们“能够理解和耐心些”。 The school intervention of the matter,June 2011,LiWeiDong to students E-mail said,“Related academic papers published,We have a unified coordination and arrangements,Will you contact at any time and the writing、Submissions, and etc”,Hope they“Can understand and patient”。

  这年9月,9名博士生给南开大学校长龚克及学位委员会委员的电子邮箱里发了一封联名信。他们表示,由于李卫东教授一直未将研究论文投稿发表,导致已毕业学生均未获博士学位,恳请校长及各位委员调查核实,破例颁发博士学位。 September this year,Nine doctoral to nankai university President GongKe and degree committee email sent off an signatories。They say,Because LiWeiDong professor has not will study published paper submitted,Lead to already graduate students in the doctor's degree are not won,Will the principal and fellow committee members investigation to verify,As an exception, doctor's degree awarded。

  在龚克校长的推动下,继多维国之后,其他5名濒临最后期限的博士生也重新申请了学位,并在2012年6月获得批准。 In GongKe the push of the principal,After the multidimensional countries,The other five on the deadline doctoral also to apply for a degree,And in June 2012 for approval。

  一位博士说:“这是学校下了很大决心推动的。”他们感谢学校解决此事。 A doctor said:“This is the school lot to promote。”They thanked school solve it。

  回顾这一事件,一名同学说,客观地讲,导致此事的因素固然有学位评定制度上的问题,比如对发表论文数量的要求等,但在现实国情下,这样的硬性要求对于博士培养的质量又是极其重要的。 A brief review of the incident,A classmate say,Objectively speaking,Lead to this matter is the academic degree evaluation factors in the system,For instance, in the number of papers published requirements, etc,But in the real situation,Such hard for the quality of the training requirements dr is extremely important。

  南开大学作出的另一个决定是,视事情进展,重新审核李卫东教授招收博士生的资格。 Nankai university make another decision is,Depending on the things progress,Review LiWeiDong professor recruit doctoral qualification。

  目前来看,这件事情已经没有必要。李卫东已经停止了在南开大学的招生,在读的博士生已经转到其他教授名下,他自2004年年底开始组建的研究组正在瓦解。一些学生给李卫东发邮件说,虽然很喜欢他的研究方向,但因为毕业太难,吓得不敢报考。也有同行告诉他,“你这样坚持,其他人不一定这样坚持”。 So far,It has no need to。LiWeiDong has stopped in nankai university admissions,Reading of PhD has turned to other name professor,Since the end of 2004 he began organizing's team is to collapse。Some students to LiWeiDong E-mail said,Although very like his research direction,But because the graduation too difficult,Scared to dare not to enter oneself for an examination。Also have peer told him,“You kept this,Others insist is not necessarily the case”。

  事实上,2011年5月起,李卫东已担任重庆大学创新药物研究中心副主任及该校化学化工学院教授、博士生导师。尽管还没离开南开大学,他对记者表示,自己将来可能只在南开大学兼职。 In fact,Since May 2011,LiWeiDong already served as chongqing university medical innovation, deputy director of the research center and the university chemical engineering professor、Doctoral tutor。Though not yet from nankai university,He told reporters,Their future may only in nankai university part-time。

  他表示自己很清楚,“发表论文才能毕业”不是南开首创,也不是南开特色,但无论在哪里任教,他都将坚持自己的主张,不向这“不合理的制度”妥协。 He said he is very clear,“Published to graduate”Not the nankai,Also not nankai characteristics,But wherever the teaching,He will stick to my guns,Not to the“Not fair system”compromise。

   鼓励学生“做文章”还是“做课题” Encourage students to“Make a fuss about the”or“Do subject”

  南开大学元素有机化学研究所教授、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者朱晓晴对记者说,学生拿不到学位,不是李卫东不给,他已经签字同意他们毕业,卡住他们的不是导师。李卫东有自己的见解,有自己的追求,人也非常耿直。在治学上,他的刻苦、执着,他的学术水平,都是同行公认的。 Nankai university element institute of organic chemistry professor、National outstanding youth science fund gainer ZhuXiaoQing told reporters,Students can't get the degree,Not LiWeiDong don't give,He has already signed agree they graduate,Stuck their not tutor。LiWeiDong have their own opinions,Have their own pursuit,People also very straight。In the research on,His hard work、persistent,His academic level,Is recognized as one of the counterparts。

  对于目前的结果,朱晓晴表示惋惜。 For the present results,ZhuXiaoQing say sorry。

  “这个问题不是个案。”他对中国青年报记者说。“对于学校的规定,我也不能说是极力反对,但是我肯定是不赞成的。” “The problem is not the case。”He to the China youth daily reporter said。“For the rules of the school,I also cannot say objected to,But I was sure I do not approve of。”

  今年,朱晓晴有4名博士生毕业,其中3位没有拿到学位。迄今为止,他已有七八个博士毕业生没有拿到学位。 This year,ZhuXiaoQing have four doctoral graduate,3 of them don't get a degree。So far,He has never got his degree graduates dr seven or eight。

  朱晓晴告诉记者,拿到学位的学生未必优秀。能力较强的学生往往啃硬骨头,不容易发表论文,反而啃软骨头的学生,发两篇无足轻重的“小文章”,顺利毕业。 ZhuXiaoQing told reporters,The degree of the students is not necessarily good。Strong ability of the students tend to chew hard stuff,Not easy published,Instead of eating crura students,Hair two articles unimportant“Small articles”,graduate。

  他认为,将发表论文与博士学位挂钩,激励人们从事科学的动机是好的,但是,这样的制度也把那些愿意做真科学的路给堵死了。“做文章”的人会捕捉同行和期刊的胃口写论文,做短平快的课题,碰到难题马上就转方向。“做课题”的人一旦瞄准了重要领域,会花很多年研究,百折不挠。 He thinks,Will be published papers and doctor's degree hooks,Inspire people engaged in scientific good intentions,but,Such a system that would like to do is also the way to more scientific。“Make a fuss about the”People will capture counterparts and periodical appetite writing the thesis,Do DuanPingKuai subject,Difficult problem turns immediately direction。“Do subject”People once took aim at the important fields,Will spend many years research,indomitable。

  在朱晓晴看来,像南开大学这样的名校要求博士生发表两篇论文,这个要求“一点不高”。如果只是让学生毕业,“搞几篇文章是小菜一碟”。问题在于,这类规定不能一刀切。目前,各高校之间攀比论文,这些指标转嫁到教师和学生身上,成了“学术界的GDP”。潜在的指挥棒迫使学生“逼”导师做一些容易出文章的课题,而不是可能失败的探索性课题,而且急于求成,容易出现造假等学术不端行为。 In ZhuXiaoQing seems,Like nankai university school of such request doctoral published two essays,This requirement“Point is not high”。If just let students graduate,“Make a few articles is a piece of cake”。Problem is,This kind of regulation not one size fits all。At present,Each college paper between themselves,These indicators passed on to the teacher and the student body,became“The GDP of the academic circle”。Potential baton forcing students“force”Teacher do some very easy to get in and out of the subject,Not likely to fail's exploratory task,And eager to hope for success,Prone to fraud of academic misconduct, etc。

  朱晓晴记得,自己刚从教时,为了评教授,“拼命发文章”,一年多达10篇,结果“哪篇都不满意”。 ZhuXiaoQing remember,He just when teaching,The professor in order to,“Try very hard to send articles”,A year as many as 10 articles,The results“Which article are not satisfied”。

  如今,这位教授的兴趣点转移后,有时写一篇论文要花上一年多时间。毕业拿不到学位的学生也多了起来。他心里对这些年轻人过意不去。“这是我的一块心病。”他说。 now,The professor's interest points after the transfer,Sometimes write a paper to take over a year。Graduation can't get the degree students than it。His heart to these young people feel sorry。“This is a trial to me。”He said。

  本报天津7月12日电  自从2004年年底从兰州大学调到南开大学,李卫东发表的论文寥寥无几。在此期间,他的十几名学生因为论文没有发表,而拿不到博士学位。这为他招来了质疑。 The tianjin July 12-since the end of 2004 from lanzhou university transferred to nankai university,LiWeiDong published the paper that very few。In this period,He's more than a dozen students because paper was not published,And the doctor away。He hailed the questioning。

  李卫东告诉中国青年报记者,很多人表示不理解,“有成果为什么拖着不发表”?包括他的学生在内,陆续有人督促他发表论文。而他认为,自己的研究是一系列的,时机不成熟时,自己不会投稿。这是自己作为学者的权利,“不需要其他人来指手画脚”。“宁坐板凳十年冷,不写文章半句空”。 LiWeiDong told the China youth daily reporter,Many people say don't understand,“Results why drag not published”?Including his students,,Continuously someone pushed him to publish papers。And he thinks that,Their research is a series of,No time when mature,Not contribute。This is the right as a scholar,“Don't need someone else to hand painting feet”。“Better on the bench ten years cold,Do not write a word of empty”。

  “做学问的人就不能淡定一点吗?”他说,目前各高校攀比论文数量,论文发表期刊的“影响因子”越高越好。学校设有鼓励办法,教师每发表一篇论文,就按照影响因子乘以一定的系数,以此计算和发放奖金。与之相应的是,作为科研的主力,博士生不发表一定数量的论文就不能获得学位。 “A scholar couldn't be calm about it?”He said,At present various universities comparisons publications,Paper presented at the journal“Impact factor”, the higher the better。The school sets to encourage,Each teacher published a paper,According to the impact factor of certain coefficient multiply,This calculation and bonuses。And the corresponding is,As the main research,Doctoral not published a certain number of papers cannot get a degree。

  “这些土政策非常丑陋,把我们看成叫花子一样。”他说,我“宁可去要饭”,也不会去拿这样的奖金。 “These TuZhengCe very ugly,The us as beggars。”He said,I“Would rather go begging”,Also won't get such a bonus。

  “你要是钻进你的课题里,你就会很有乐趣。”李卫东说,做学问是一件令人高兴的事情,自己老老实实做学问,做得很有意思。与自己相比,学生们的压力更大。他们通过了博士论文答辩,也得到了论文评审专家的认可,却没人关注他们真正的水平,而是依据发表论文与否来决定是否授予学位。 “If you into your topic,You will have a lot of fun。”LiWeiDong said,Knowledge is a great feeling,Your own honest scholar,Do very interesting。Compared with their,The students more pressure。They passed the Ph.D. Thesis defense,Also get the papers of evaluation experts recognized,But no one pays attention to their real level,But according to published or not to decide whether or not to award degrees。

  “对的和错的,其实大家都很明白。”他说,导师遇到这样的情况,只有两条路,一条是像自己这样坚持,另一条是顺从规则。但如果所有的教师都能坚持,教师就不会被学校绑架,学校也不会被指挥棒绑架。 “Right and wrong,Actually we are well known。”He said,Teacher met this situation,Only two road,One is like yourself this persistence,Another is obey rules。But if all the teachers can persist,The teacher won't be school kidnapped,The school also won't be baton kidnapped。

  “我问心无愧。”李卫东对记者说,“需要改变的不是我,而是这个制度本身。”  南开大学长江学者李卫东所带的10多名博士生因没在学术期刊上发表论文毕业时无法获得学位,引人深思。无独有偶,北京一所高校某学院规定,硕士研究生要在业内“核心”期刊上发表研究论文方可毕业,同样难住了不少学生。 “I have a clear conscience。”LiWeiDong told reporters,“I don't need to change,But the system itself。”Nankai university Yangtze river scholars LiWeiDong had with more than 10 doctoral because no academic journal published in the graduation can't get a degree,thought-provoking。similarly,A Beijing university a college regulations,Master graduate student to in the industry“core”The journal research papers before graduation,So many students also。

  早在上世纪90年代,上海财经大学便率先实行硕士学位与发表学术论文“挂钩”,我国不少科研单位和高校相继效仿,要求硕士、博士研究生在校期间必须在公开发行的学术期刊上发表一定数量的学术论文才能获得学位。 In the early 1990 s,Shanghai university of finance and economics and take the lead in implementing a master's degree and the published papers“hook”,Our country many scientific research units and universities have to follow suit,Requirements master's、Ph.D. Students during the period of school must publicly issued in academic journals published a number of academic papers to get a degree。

  多年来,关于“取消研究生必须发文章才能毕业”规定的呼声一直很高。全国各大高校也根据自身情况放宽了发表论文的要求。时至今日,对硕士生毕业需发表学术论文的要求已经比较少见了,但是对博士生论文发表的要求依然较高,基本为在中文核心期刊上发表2至3篇不等。 For many years,about“Cancel the graduate student must send articles to graduate”The voice of the regulation has been very high。The national universities according to oneself circumstance also eased the papers published requirements。today,To master graduate to publish academic paper request has been relatively rare,But for doctoral paper was published requirements remained high,Basic for in Chinese core periodicals published 2 to 3 article before。

  那么,“论文发表与学位挂钩”是否合理呢? so,“Paper presented and degree hooks”Whether reasonable??

  21世纪教育研究院副院长,著名教育学者熊丙奇教授表示,“研究生需发表论文”是国内根据现实利益因素所确定的标准,并不符合人才培养规律。“国外的大学在培养研究生的时候更加在乎的是学位论文,而不是强调在学术期刊上发表论文。” The 21 st century, vice President of the education research institute,Famous education scholars XiongBingJi professor said,“Graduate students to publish papers”According to the actual benefit is domestic factors have certain standards,Does not accord with talent cultivation regularity。“A foreign university in the cultivation of the graduate student's time, more care about is degree thesis,Not emphasized in the academic journal papers。”

  “我国高校往往以论文发表数量来考察整个学校的学术水平,所以对导师、教师、研究生都提出发表论文的要求。另外,高校认为学生质量在下降,博士生与导师的交流不多,所以提出发表论文的要求。表面上看可以提高学生水平,但是也带来了一系列问题:第一,很多学生把关注点都放在发表论文上,博士生阶段刚开始学习便急于炮制论文,托关系、交版面费发表,完全处于急功近利的状态,真正潜心做研究的学生反而越来越少;第二,学校规定只要发到了相应期刊上,发表到了规定数量就可以毕业,对于论文本身的质量学校反而不是特别关注。” “In a paper published in China universities often number to examine the entire school academic level,So the teachers、teachers、Graduate students all put forward the papers published requirements。In addition,College students' quality in that decline,Doctoral tutor and communication is not much,So put forward the papers published requirements。On the surface can improve students' level,But also brought a series of problems:The first,Many students to shift in the published,Doctoral stage just began to learn will rush to paper processing,Relationship"、/ layout fee published,The state of the quick in completely,With real research students but less and less;The second,The school rules as long as hair to corresponding journal,Published in prescribed quantity can graduate,For the quality of the paper itself is not pay special attention to school instead。”

  中国人民大学新闻与传播系博士生导师陈阳在接受笔者采访时表示,在人大,硕士生阶段不要求发表论文。很多国外的大学都是宽进严出,他们的社会学科博士的毕业年限长达7年,但是在国内,三四年基本上都可以毕业了。国外的大学对于答辩的要求十分严格,甚至有高达50%的淘汰率,但国内的某些高校一些专业的答辩是100%的通过率。不能只看到他们不要求发表论文,却忽视了他们对答辩的严格要求。 Chinese people's university press and the department ChenYang doctoral tutor in an interview with the author said,In the people's congress,Master's stage does not require published。Many foreign universities are wide into severe out,Their social science of dr. For seven years of graduation,But in the domestic,Three or four years or basically can graduate。A foreign university for the defense is very strict,Even the attrition rate of as much as 50%,But some of the domestic universities some professional plea was 100% passing rate。Can not only see their don't ask to publish papers,But are blind to rejoin the strict request them。

  “其实要求博士生发表论文并不过分。毕竟他们读博士的目的就是要做学问”。在陈老师看来,发表一两篇学术论文对博士生来说并不是难事。然而一些高校,对学生的评价标准“一刀切”,却有些不妥。“比如更多的去关注学生发表文章的数量而不是论文的质量,或者习惯性的认为在一级期刊发表就一定比二级期刊发表的论文水平更高,这些都是不合理的。” “In fact, published a paper not request doctoral too。After all, they read doctor purpose is to scholar”。In Chen opinion,Two papers published an academic paper it is not difficult to doctor。However, some universities,To the students' evaluation standard“One size fits all”,But some wrong。“Such as more students to focus on the number of published articles and not the quality of the thesis,Or habitual thought in the level of periodicals published just must be better than level 2 journal published the paper that higher level,These are not reasonable。”

  在熊丙奇教授看来,真正想要提高研究生质量,应该从完善导师制着手,让导师与研究生共同研究,让学生从导师那里学到研究方法与学术精神,完全可以保证学生的学术水平。 In XiongBingJi professor looks,Really want to improve the quality of graduate students,Should start from perfect system,Let the mentor and graduate study together,Let students learn from teachers research method and academic spirit,Can ensure that students' academic level。

  中国青年政治学院的一位教师同样表示,博士生已经具备了一定的研究能力,发表论文不是苛求,但是没必要将论文数量与学位挂钩。博士生只要发表一两篇可以看出学术研究水平的高质量论文即可,毕竟做出一篇高质量论文,是需要花费很多的时间以及精力的。 The China youth political college a teacher also says,Doctoral already have a certain amount of research capacity,Published papers is too demanding,But no need to link up with degree thesis number。As long as a doctoral student published two article can see the level of academic research of high quality papers can be,After all, make a papers with high quality,Is the need to spend a lot of time and energy。
