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西藏书记:引导学生从小感党恩、听党话、跟党走   7月14日,自治区党委书记陈全国先后来到林芝地区第二高级中学、贡布乳业有限公司和林芝地区社会福利院调研。这是陈全国在贡布乳业有限公司了解前来公司送牛奶的养殖户卓珠的家庭收入情况。 本报记者 旦增 青阳 摄 July 14,,Autonomous regions party committee secretary ChenQuanGuo has come to the second senior middle school nyingchi area、Kampot dairy Co., LTD and Lin zhi area social welfare institute survey。This is ChenQuanGuo in kampot dairy Co., LTD. To understand the milkman farmers ZhuoZhu family income。 Our correspondent DanZeng qingyang perturbation 西藏书记:引导学生从小感党恩、听党话、跟党走   7月14日,自治区党委书记陈全国先后来到林芝地区第二高级中学、贡布乳业有限公司和林芝地区社会福利院调研。这是陈全国在地区社会福利院了解孤寡老人及孤儿的生活情况。 本报记者 旦增 青阳 摄 July 14,,Autonomous regions party committee secretary ChenQuanGuo has come to the second senior middle school nyingchi area、Kampot dairy Co., LTD and Lin zhi area social welfare institute survey。This is ChenQuanGuo in area social welfare home understand the childless old orphans and the life。 Our correspondent DanZeng qingyang perturbation

  本报讯(石磊 李成业)7月14日,自治区党委书记陈全国先后来到林芝地区第二高级中学、贡布乳业有限公司和林芝地区社会福利院调研。他强调,要认真贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记“七一”重要讲话和关于西藏工作的一系列重要指示精神,贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记参加十一届全国人大五次会议西藏代表团审议时的重要讲话精神,贯彻落实中央第五次西藏工作座谈会和习近平副主席出席西藏和平解放60周年庆祝活动时的一系列重要讲话精神,贯彻落实中央西藏工作协调小组会议和中央维护稳定工作领导小组会议精神,着力推动经济社会又好又快发展,让各族群众共享改革发展成果。

Report from our correspondent(Shi lei LiChengYe)July 14,,Autonomous regions party committee secretary ChenQuanGuo has come to the second senior middle school nyingchi area、Kampot dairy Co., LTD and Lin zhi area social welfare institute survey。He stressed that,To conscientiously implement the general secretary hu jintao“1”The important speech and about Tibet a series of important instructions work spirit,To implement the general secretary hu jintao to 11 th National People's Congress, 5 times the conference Tibet deputies of the important speech when spirit,Implementation of the fifth time working conference of the central Tibet and vice President xi jinping to attend the peaceful liberation of Tibet 60 anniversary celebrations of a series of important speech spirit,To implement the central Tibet work coordination group meeting and the central maintenance stable work leading group meeting spirit,Strive to promote economic and social development quickly and well,Let all people share in the fruits of reform and development。


The vice President's autonomous region with achish research。


The second senior middle school in nyingchi in April 2011 formally built,Existing 29 teaching classes,1674 students。ChenQuanGuo walked into the classroom building、Dining room、The school supermarket,To inspect the school education reform development。higher(five)Class in the classroom,The students are on political lesson。ChenQuanGuo came to the students and everybody kind of conversation,He good-natured asked sat in the first row of ZhuoGa classmates:“Home is where?A have a few course?enjoy‘3 packets’Policies have not?Home support you have any difficulty in school?”ZhuoGa answered and said:“I'm ChaYuXian,The school opened the Tibetan language、Chinese language、English、mathematics、Geography 10 courses。Because there are‘3 packets’policy,Each month home doesn't spend much money,We study here live very happy。”ChenQuanGuo encourages students must study hard,Learning skills,exercise,Improve quality,Firm faith,After grow up for the construction of socialist new Tibet and the great motherland for contributions。


ChenQuanGuo turned to stand on the platform of the LiuNa teacher said:“The teacher is the engineer of the human soul,I represent the autonomous regional committee、The government of the hard work to everyone expressed heartfelt thanks,Hope you love the job、Rigorous DuXue、Strenuous enterprising,For building a socialist new Tibet training more qualified builders and successors。”


Coming out of the classroom,See the playground the students are physical education classes。ChenQuanGuo treadmills to all the middle,And they kindly dozen hello:“The classmates good,Home is which?”“I BoMi is the,I was the rule is,I'm ali's……”Schoolmates strived to answer them。“We are here to learn to live well?Autonomous region on the introduction of the Tibetan book of the employment of college graduates the policy to know not to know?”“In here to study the life is very good、Very happy,The employment of college students by Tibet policy, we all know that,Very encouraging。”ChenQuanGuo said:“Must cherish now opportunities,The knowledge study well,The physical exercise,To be integrated to the overall development of beauty, good students,Efforts to become a pillar of the country,Is contributing countries、Parents and return。”


临行前,陈全国叮嘱学校负责同志,一定要高度重视学校党建工作,积极发展学生党员,建好建强基层组织,教育引导学生们从小感党恩、听党话、跟党走,筑牢反对分裂、维护稳定的思想防线。 Before I leave,ChenQuanGuo told schools responsible for comrade,Have to pay high attention to the school party construction work,Actively developing student party members,To build JianJiang grassroots organization,Education guide the students from the DangEn feeling、Listen to the words、Follow the party go,Prison built against division、Maintain stable mind line。


Lin zhi area social welfare institute is a orphans、Support the childless old social welfare institutions,Now adopt a 26 orphans、The childless old eight。ChenQuanGuo came to welfare agencies,Into the kitchen、Into the dormitory,Check menu、Touch bedding,Concerns about the old man and the children's life。On the second floor of the indoor activities,ChenQuanGuo and everyone sat together intimate conversation。“How old are you?Living here?”“I 59。”“I this year is 81 years old。”“Welfare facilities very complete,Staff service also considerate。”Old people NiYiYan I tell ChenQuanGuo a language,Here eat well、Look good、Live well。ChenQuanGuo heard very happy,He said:“See you in here are well taken care of,Live a comfortable,I trust。”


ChenQuanGuo picked up in one side of the small cering,Love to ask:“Several year old?Life here is it well?”“I 6 years old,Here the uncles and aunts are very good,Life here is very happy。”ChenQuanGuo passionately said:“The children,Though you from the lost parents、Lost home,But you are not alone。Welfare is your house,The party and the government will put you hang in my heart,You will like the world all the children happy and healthy growth。”


ChenQuanGuo for old people and children also sent WeiWenPin and the condolatory gold。parting,Old people kept waving arms,The children struggled cried out, Chen grandpa goodbye。ChenQuanGuo and everybody had a witness,Told the old people to take care of health,Bless their longevity and health;Encourage children to live a good life、Good good study,thrive、To achieve。


ChenQuanGuo said the head of welfare,Your job is hard,Both be good daughter,And be good mother。Hope you keep up the good work,All our work fine do do real done sweet,Let the old people health、Mood is good,Let the children live better、Study well,Make them what they really feel the warmth of the socialist motherland。


Lin zhi area kampot dairy Co., LTD,Is a production of the milk、Fermentation milk and milk beverage dairy products enterprises,Designed capacity of fresh milk processing, 42 tons。In the company's ShouNaiChe rooms,ChenQuanGuo concern ground ask are selling milk cows ZhuoZhu breeders:“At home there is a few cows?A catty of milk much money?”“My home have a cow,Produce milk a day 20 jins,A catty of 3 dollars。”One side of enterprise controller introduces said,In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the cow farmers,They are higher than the market price of the offer。ChenQuanGuo said,A leading enterprise can drive a industry,The rich party,To actively foster and strengthen characteristics leading enterprises,To promote“Leading enterprise + + farmer cooperatives”Business model,Continuously improve farming and animal husbandry industrialization level,Realize enterprise development and increasing the income of farmers and win-win situation。


ChenQuanGuo also visited the enterprise production workshop、Checkout room、Lab, etc,Detailed understanding of enterprise production ability、Market sales、Quality guarantee, etc。He encouraged the responsible person of the enterprise,Must strictly follow the national quality standards,To the quality of survival,Production to ensure that people trust of products;To further expand scale,Brand ring,Expand market,To enhance the driving force of radiation,For the development of Tibetan special advantage industries、All the masses' income for rich and to make new greater contributions。
