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幼儿园菜发黑变烂 老师目睹孩子呕吐揭家短(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室

幼儿园菜发黑变烂 老师目睹孩子呕吐揭家短(图) 7月17日中午,长沙市金帆幼儿园的生活老师正在给孩子们分餐。 July 17, at noon,JinFan kindergarten teacher in changsha city life is for the children which。
幼儿园菜发黑变烂 老师目睹孩子呕吐揭家短(图)   菜是水煮黄瓜和水煮包菜,里面掺杂了少许肉末。老师说,“吃得太油,对孩子不好”。 Food is boiled cucumber and boiled cabbage,Inside a little doped with minced meat。The teacher said,“Eat too oil,Is not good for them”。

    记者暗访发现,孩子们的午餐清汤寡水、难见油花,储物间的蔬菜已发黑变烂     Reporter investigations found that,The children's lunch clear soup that water、Difficult to see YouHua,Store between content of vegetables has black is lousy

  记者 龚化 实习生 尹兴邦 王金星 Reporter GongHua interns XingBang WangJinXing Yin

    浅浅一碗米饭,浇上半勺碎包菜汤后,成了孩子们的一顿午餐,这是记者在长沙一家幼儿园见到的情景。     Be shallow a bowl of rice,Pour half spoon broken package after soup,Became the children's lunch,This is a reporter in changsha a kindergarten see scene。

  “我是看不下去了,他们可都是不到6岁的小孩呀。”42岁的吴老师是这家幼儿园的生活老师。在数次目睹孩子们午餐呕吐后,她拿起电话,向媒体举报了她的东家,位于长沙市开福区的金帆幼儿园。 “I can't go on,They are less than 6 years old children ah。”42, Mr Wu is the life of the kindergarten teacher。See the children in several times after lunch vomiting,She picked up the phone,Report to the media of her club,Located in the JinFan kindergarten kaifu district in changsha city。

   吃得太差,老师自揭家短 Eat so bad,The teacher from jie home short

  7月17日上午,开福区四方坪,记者首先找到了爆料人吴老师,在用工作证证实自己确为金帆幼儿园的老师后,吴老师便向记者介绍起了幼儿园的伙食情况。 The morning on July 17,,Kaifu district square square meter,Reporter first found a man Mr Wu,In labor has confirmed that he is really JinFan testimony after the kindergarten teacher,Mr Wu and introduces to the reporter up nursery school meals。

  据其介绍,金帆幼儿园的蔬菜全部来自马王堆菜市场,每周一上午会有人送货上门。“一次大概买300元左右,要吃一周。主要是萝卜、白菜、包菜、冬瓜这些市场上最便宜的菜,有些菜都已经发黑变烂了。” According to this,JinFan kindergarten vegetables all from miu markets,Someone will be Monday morning door-to-door。“A probably buy 300 yuan,Want to eat a week。Mainly is the turnip、cabbage、cabbage、Wax gourd these markets the cheapest food,Some dishes have been black is rotten。”

  吴老师说油和肉等价格稍贵的配料,幼儿园也严格控制了用量。“80多个小孩,连同10个老师在内,一瓶油要吃2周。” Mr Wu said oil and meat prices a little expensive ingredients,The kindergarten strictly control the also dosage。“More than 80 children,Along with 10, the teacher,A bottle of oil to eat two weeks。”

  一开始,吴老师只是觉得这家幼儿园过于“苛刻”,并未放在心上。直到今年5月,她才意识到问题的严重性。“隔壁班上,有两名小孩都在午餐后发生呕吐现象。” first,Mr Wu just think the kindergarten too“demanding”,Did not to heart。Until this year may,She was aware of the seriousness of the problem。“Next door class,Two children after lunch cause nausea and vomiting。”

  在金帆幼儿园门口,有居民反映,小区里确曾有家长因孩子在学校的伙食问题来幼儿园闹过,并向记者提供了其中一名家长刘小姐的联系方式。 JinFan kindergarten in the door,Residents have reflected,The community has really been parents as children in school meals problem to kindergarten make,And to the reporter provides one of the parents miss liu contact information。

  那是两个月前,刘小姐去幼儿园看望女儿,正好遇上了女儿午餐。“吃的东西清汤寡水,我看了直掉眼泪。但没办法,只有这里离家近些。不过那次之后,我们就不在学校报餐了。” That was two months ago,Miss liu to the kindergarten visit her daughter,Just a daughter lunch。“Eat of thing clear soup that water,I see the straight away tears。But can't,Only here near home some。But after the,We will not in school report meal。”

   “你看,这不是猪肝吗?” “You see,This is not pig liver?”

  为核实爆料的真实性,上午11时,记者陪同一名家长,以探园的名义,进入金帆幼儿园。 Check for leaks the authenticity,At 11 when,The reporter was accompanied by a parent,Ethan in the name of the garden,Enter JinFan kindergarten。

  这是位于金帆小区内的一家社区幼儿园,共5个班级,由私人开办。按儿童年龄大小,入学费用(含伙食费)在580-600元之间。在幼儿园的公告栏里,一张本周菜谱引起了记者注意:萝卜炒肉、西红柿炒蛋、青菜排骨汤……荤素搭配,看上去十分营养。 This is JinFan in the community is located in a community the kindergarten,Totally 5 class,Run by private。According to children's age,Entrance fees(Contain board)In 580-600 yuan between。In kindergarten bulletin,This week a menu caused reporter attention:Turnip fry meat、Tomatoes scrambled eggs、Green vegetables sparerib soup……Hun vegetable collocation,Look very nutrition。

  恰好是午餐时间,园内的小朋友端坐在课桌前等待生活老师配饭菜。午餐由两名老师一前一后拿进教室,两菜一汤:一盆水煮白萝卜丝、一盆水煮黄瓜片。至于汤,则由碎包菜和水煮成,几乎没什么油花。 Just lunch time,The children sat in desks waiting for life with the teacher meals。Lunch by two teachers with tandem come into the classroom,Two vegetables a soup:A pot of boiled white shredded、A pot of boiled cucumber slice。As for the soup,The cabbage and boiled by broken into,Almost nothing YouHua。

  教室内实际摆上的菜品与公告栏公示的菜谱相去甚远。这不是欺骗家长吗?“怎么会?你看,这不是猪肝吗?”一名生活老师边说边耐心地用勺子在菜盆里翻出几颗切成碎粒的猪肝。 The classroom of the dishes and actual place on the bulletin board of the public far menu。This is not deceive parents?“How can?You see,This is not pig liver?”A life teacher, talking and patient with a fork in food bowl turn out a few star cut into debris liver。

  按金帆幼儿园的收费标准,孩子们每餐所缴纳的伙食费在6元左右,这一数字也得到了幼儿园园长的认可。而一名家长也请饭店的厨师为金帆幼儿园的菜谱算了一笔账,结论是不超过3元。 Press JinFan kindergarten fee standards,The children of the paid board each meal in 6 yuan,This number also got the head of the kindergarten has such approval。And a parents please hotel cook for JinFan kindergarten menu calculate a bill,Conclusion is not more than 3 yuan。

   藏在储物间里的烂蔬菜 Hidden in a closet of rotten vegetables

  孩子们吃进肚子里的食物,到底是否如爆料者所言,“发黑变烂”。记者提出要参观厨房,但被园长以卫生为由婉拒。无奈之下,记者只好亮明身份。打了一个电话后,园长领着记者进了厨房。 The children eat the food in my stomach,Whether such as the blog says,“Black become bad”。Reporter puts forward to want to visit the kitchen,But is the principal to health grounds declined。Helpless under,The reporter had to bright Ming identity。A telephone,The principal took reporters into the kitchen。

  厨房里锅台洁净,却显得空空荡荡。两名厨师一脸局促,园长则守着厨房通往储物间的过道,不让记者靠近。 The kitchen clean POTS,Was empty。Two cook a face of constraint,The principal is to keep the kitchen store between content of the corridor,Don't let reporters near。

  几经交涉,记者最终进入了储物间。在这间被煤饼和晾晒衣物挤满的小房间内,一筐筐蔬菜被小心藏匿起来。这其中,有开始变色发软的白萝卜,有长起了“黑斑”的胡萝卜,还有发蔫的卷心菜。 After negotiations,Reporter finally entered the store between content。In this is coal bread and air to bask in clothings packed with little room,Be careful, nets of vegetables in hiding。This one,Have started to color has become feeble of bai luobo,Have long played a“spots”carrots,And FaNian cabbage。

  “这里面是有烂菜,但我们肯定不会拿去给小孩子吃,只会选其中好的一部分来做菜,变质的都丢掉。”园长在一旁保证。 “There is a bad food,But we must not take to give the children to eat,Only one good part of will choose to cook,Bad all lost。”The principal at the side guarantee。

  记者 龚化 实习生 尹兴邦 王金星 Reporter GongHua interns XingBang WangJinXing Yin

   部门回应 Departments response

   家长可向食安办投诉 Parents can do to feed Ann complaints如属实将联合执法 Such as true will jointly law enforcement

  托幼机构食品采购有严格规定 Child-care institutions have strict regulations food purchasing

  “合格的幼儿园,需要在教育、工商、卫生、税务、消防部门办证,家长选择民办幼儿园时要看这些证件是否齐全,如果幼儿园存在食品采购安全问题,家长可以向开福区食安办举报,如果查明属实,食安办将联合工商等部门联合执法,对幼儿园进行惩罚和规范。”开福区教育局办公室李主任表示。 “Qualified kindergarten,Need in education、Industry and commerce、health、tax、The fire department rush,Parents choose to see these private kindergarten documents are complete,If the food safety problems existing kindergarten purchasing,Parents can do to feed Ann kaifu district report,If found true,Food Ann do will jointly industry and commerce departments joint enforcement of the law,To punish the kindergarten and specifications。”Education bureau, said li kaifu district office。

  今年5月,卫生部修订的《托儿所幼儿园卫生保健工作规范》中,对托幼机构食堂有明确规定: In may this year,The health ministry revision of the《The health care work rules nursery》in,The dining room to child-care institutions explicitly:

  必须取得餐饮服务许可证。儿童食品应当在具有《食品生产许可证》或《食品流通许可证》的单位采购。 Must obtain catering service license。Children with food shall be in《Food production license》or《Food distribution license》Units purchasing。

  禁止加工变质、有毒、不洁、超过保质期的食物,不得制作和提供冷荤凉菜。 Banned processing metamorphic、toxic、Not clean、More than the shelf life of food,May not produce and provide LengHun cold dishes。

  儿童食堂应当每日清扫、消毒,保持内外环境整洁。食品加工用具必须生熟标识明确、分开使用、定位存放。 Children's dining room shall be daily cleaning、disinfection,Keep the internal and external environment clean and tidy。Food processing instruments must be born cooked logo clear、Used separately、Positioning for。

  儿童膳食应当专人负责,建立有家长代表参加的膳食委员会并定期召开会议。记者 贺卫玲 Children's diets should the specialist is responsible,Establish a representative to parents of dietary committee and regularly for the meeting。Reporter HeWeiLing
