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孕妇列车临盆 护理院校学生电话请教老师帮接生--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  万永平抱着她刚刚接生的男婴。15日凌晨,上海发往图们的K2084次列车上,一位孕妇即将生产。来自泰山护理职业学院的两位毕业生万永平和丁雪“临危受命”。没有接生经验、害怕自己不行的万永平,在大家的鼓励、实习时医院老师的指导和丁雪的帮助下,顺利接生。(网友供图) WanYongPing held her baby boy just delivery。At 15,,Shanghai to send to the K2084 TuMen train,A pregnant women to production。From mount taishan nursing professional college graduates and two of all DingXue peace“Was on the”。No deliver experience、Fear of not WanYongPing,In everyone's encouragement、As an intern teacher's guidance and DingXue hospital under the help of the,Smooth delivery。(The figure for)

电话问老师,列车上紧急接生 Phone to ask the teacher,On the train emergency birth


(山东)泰安一护理院校两名应届毕业生,被誉为“最美护士姐” (shandong)Taian a nursing colleges two graduates,Is known as“Best nurse elder sister”


Pregnant women give birth,wait,Nursing graduates WanYongPing resolutely to lend a hand,Well under the birth of a baby boy;Young into the,wait,The driver haven't come out LiDeTao mobile phone,Will leap into river rescue,Feet leave a wound。Ordinary people,At key moments make extraordinary things。


At 15,,By the Shanghai to send to TuMen K2084 time of the train running to nanjing to bengbu paragraph,A woman is about to production。danger,From mount taishan nursing professional college of two fresh graduates stand out,Under the guidance of teachers in the phone,To help pregnant women under the birth of a baby boy。


孕妇临盆 列车员挨个车厢找医生 Pregnant women give birth the conductor place get car call the doctor

  一则“实习护士列车上帮吉林孕妇接生 被称最美护士姐”的微博,短时间内得到众多网友的转发回复。17日,记者联系到当时车上的列车长王阳,他介绍说,当时是15日凌晨一点多,7号车厢乘务员说一名孕妇要生了。王阳赶紧往7号车厢赶,并挨个车厢找医生,在13号车厢遇到了万永平和丁雪。

a“The trainee nurses on the train for jilin birth was the most beautiful nurse says pregnant women elder sister”Micro bo,A short time get the forwarding of many users to reply。17,The reporter at the time of the contact WangYang conductor,He said that,At that time is 15, at one o 'clock in the morning,7 car attendants said a pregnant woman to life。WangYang diligent to carriage number 7 drive,And turn car call the doctor,In 13 cars met all peace DingXue forever。


“We learn is clinical nursing professional,But no birth experience,Just in gynecology and obstetrics and maternity ward in practice。”This year, at the age of 22, WanYongPing said,She and DingXue huaian is jiangsu,Mount tai is nursing professional college graduates,Also didn't test the nurse card,At that time is to ride back to school brought diploma。


Pregnant women a lot of sheep water flow,Emergency situation。The train was next station bengbu distance and close to an hour,But there have been signs of childbirth pregnant women。


老师电话指导 护理专业女生成功接生 The teacher call girl guide nursing professional success in birth


WanYongPing immediately give yourself in gynecology and obstetrics practice of hospital teacher a call。“The teacher let me to calm down,Memories learned and obstetrics and gynecology practice in the scene。”WanYongPing said:“I'm afraid I can't,The teacher said,Now is not said no,I believe your ability。”WanYongPing told the husband LiuJian pregnant women,His no nurse card。LiuJian paused said:“Together we come on。”This let WanYongPing pluck up your courage。


Train staff open the compartment lights,Find first-aid kit and gauze、scissors、gloves、Goods such as water,The sheet and bedding bag simple set up a temporary“Maternity ward”。Worry about pregnant women catch cold catch cold,Workers turn off the air conditioner。Everything is ready,WanYongPing in DingXue under the help of the students,For pregnant women deliver。15, 55 points 1,A baby boy born smoothly。The train to bengbu stations,Flight attendants contact good 120 the ambulance have waiting outside。


男婴小名叫“车生” 女生被赞最美护士姐 Little baby boy named“Car was born” The girl was the most beautiful praise nurse elder sister


“The train stopped a,The baby had been sent to the first aid,Have no time and baby close a shadow。”WanYongPing feel a little sorry。WanYongPing said,She attended this year the nurse licence test,The result was not released,Hope to get the nurse after card,To apply for the hospital to be a nurse。


This scene,At that time the car was the net friend“Metal was buried”recorded。In July 15 3 when 34 points of a micro bo,“Metal was buried”Says WanYongPing for“The most beautiful nurse elder sister”。

  17日中午,记者与孕妇的丈夫陆剑先生取得联系。陆剑告诉记者,自己是江苏人,妻子郭慧是吉林人。郭慧的预产期是8月16日,陆剑准备带妻子到她的老家吉林生产,但没想到儿子在火车上就出生了。“现在母子平安。”陆剑说,为了感谢所有好心人,他给儿子起小名叫“车生”。(记者 刘来)

At noon on 17,Journalists and pregnant women's husband LiuJian contact Mr。LiuJian told reporters,He is jiangsu,Wife GuoHui is Korea。GuoHui due date is on August 16,LiuJian ready to take his wife to her hometown jilin production,But I didn't know son born on the train。“Now both mother and。”LiuJian said,In order to thank all the good intention,He gave his son was about“Car was born”。(Reporter liu to)
