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冒着酷暑,家长排队为“小升初”的孩子报名缴费。 资料图 Take the intense summer heat,Parents queued to“after”Children of the pay cost。 Material figure
  为了给孩子提供最好的教育条件,一些家长提前向名校预缴了数万元的择校费,然而,因为各种原因无法就读时,校方却要收取择校费的一部分作为“手续费”。近日,网友“小妇人”将自己的经历发到重庆某社区,引起热议。这项“手续费”该不该收,是否如网友所说,有个别家长通过多处预缴择校费为孩子占名额?昨日,记者在调查中发现,多家学校都存在类似情况,事前学校和家长要签协议,退费要扣除手续费已是择校费的“明规则”,金额在择校费的10%~30%。 In order to provide your child with the best education conditions,Some parents to school in advance the advance payment of the tens of thousands of yuan ZeJiaoFei,however,Because all sorts of reasons can't attend,The school will charge ZeJiaoFei as part of“poundage”。recently,the“Little women”Will own experience to chongqing a community,Cause of hot debate。the“poundage”This shouldn't accept,Whether such as net friend said,Some parents through the many place for children ZeJiaoFei advance payment of quota?yesterday,Reporters in the survey found,Several schools are in a similar situation,The school and their parents have to sign before agreement,Refund to deduct charges already is ZeJiaoFei“Ming rules”,In ZeJiaoFei amount of 10% ~ 30%。


退择校费收1000元手续费 Back ZeJiaoFei receives 1000 yuan


recently,the“Little women”In chongqing a community to post says,Their children up primary school junior high school,In a school zone pay 38000 yuan after ZeJiaoFei,For various reasons children at the school can't read,In the ZeJiaoFei back when only back 37000 to him,And told parents to button up of 1000 yuan is handling charge。the“Little women”Said the school can't explain this:“No charge according to,And no documents back to ZeJiaoFei policy said receive poundage,With what want to accept。”the“Spoony spend words”Gentie also said“The charges may be too high”。


退款手续费最高上万 Refund charges the highest of thousands


yesterday,Reporter for zhuhai's 25 school had an interview survey,Shapingba district and dadukou district only each have a middle school said,As long as it is in the students apply for refund before ZeJiaoFei,It can be a full refund。And the rest of the 23 schools,All mean will be charged a refund charges。


survey,Nanan distract a famous school action do staff, told reporters,The schools to charge“after”ZeJiaoFei minimum 38000 yuan,If because of the reasons of the students ZeJiaoFei ask for a refund,Need to have 30% of pay cost cutting with as charges。This ratio is also a reporter survey among the highest in the school。Reporter calculate a bill,According to the school“after”ZeJiaoFei rock-bottom price 38000 yuan calculation,Refund collection the poundage of 30%,That's 11400 yuan,Whether the cost for the charge,The officials say,Make money when the parents and sign the related agreement,“If you can't accept not sign the agreement,Of course the school also won't take the money,But students also attend the school would not have achieved the qualification,So parents to consider”。


各方观点 Parties view


校方 防止家长多处缴费占名额 School officials in many of the parents prevent capture quota


There are parents in post commission also questioned the school,Also have parents hold another view,Think someone much place of pay cost quota,Cause he is holding the money to pay cost didn't school charge,Reason is the quota is full。


the“Small endowment of ma3 jia3”In the BBS post says,All schools are in charge ZeJiaoFei before admission,Their children this year rise primary school junior high school,“ZeJiaoFei pay when,Schools were required to sign an agreement,Some of them when the content of the refund commission,The school explained,In order to prevent parents more schools pay cost,Waste places。”


YuBeiOu beams of the lady told reporters,In order to ensure that kids can read up on school,His three school prepay the ZeJiaoFei,“Some schools quota is very nervous,Paid the fee is not know can be read,Many capture several school ZeJiaoFei is also with trepidation。These a few schools are clearly on the agreement,Unable to entrance and refund,Will charge a fee。”Ms leung said,The children up a junior high school,Only poundage is spent yuan。


When a reporter on the phenomenon to schools action do consulting,The area of a middle school teacher manages clear told reporters,Schools to charge a refund charges,In order to prevent individual parents is in ZeJiaoFei pay,Occupy other students the number of reading。


律师 属霸王条款但并不违法 Lawyer of the overlord terms but is not illegal


For net friend be charged ZeJiaoFei refund the fee,Chongqing LiDa lawyer of DuanQin think,Conspicuously unfair fee for a refund,Must be a tyrant terms,But because both parties in the case is voluntarily signed usual agreement,So about refund of fees on the contract content effectively,And not a breach of the law mandatory provisions,Will not belong to《Contract law of the People's Republic》Article 52 no contract about the definition of the category。


教委 退费问题自行协商解决 Education committee consultation solve problems refund on its own


yesterday,Nanan distract the family education teaching staff said,If is chongqing registered permanent residence,And in their own regions attended it,In accordance with the provisions of education obligations,With primary and middle school,Census register seat students enjoy obligation education related policy an exemption entrance,“We do not encourage yourself to select one school,The national related policy also gradually eliminate the situation in”。And for the school ZeJiaoFei refund charge some of the charges,The officials say,The school is the independent legal person unit,The commission is also a problem of prior agreement,If there is any objection to the parents should and school negotiation。And YuBeiOu education commission and education committee staff also related shapingba district said,If it was in voluntary agreement under the prerequisite of the refund,Parents and school fees will be to discuss。


物价局 对手续费暂无相关规定 For no fee of the bureau of relevant regulations

  昨日,重庆市物价局收费处相关工作人员在接受记者采访时说,严格来说,只有高中才有择校费,公办普通高中招收择校生的收费标准为:市属市级重点高中或市级示范性高中,每生每期不高于5000元,区县属市级重点中学(含企业办市级重点中学)每生每期不高于4000元,其他普通高中每生每期不高于1500元。他同时表示,在9年义务教育阶段只有捐资助学费,对于退款时收取的手续费,并没有相关规定,“不过,按照《教育法》规范的范畴,捐资助学费必须坚持自愿原则,不得与入学挂钩”。记者 王璐瑶 实习生 严华

yesterday,Chongqing cashier's bureau of relevant staff, told reporters,Strictly speaking,Only a high school to have ZeJiaoFei,Public ordinary high school recruit ZeJiaoSheng fee standards for:Under the municipal key high school or municipal model high school,Every life is not higher than 5000 yuan each,Districts and counties of municipal key middle school(Including enterprise do municipal key middle school)Every life is not higher than 4000 yuan each,Other ordinary high school every life is not higher than 1500 yuan each。He also said,In the nine year compulsory education phase only donate funding tuition fees,For a refund charges fees,And no rules,“but,According to《Education law》Standard category,Donate funding tuition must adhere to voluntarily,Shall not and entrance hooks”。Reporter WangLuYao interns YanHua
