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辽宁营口8名幼女遭性侵 不从者被殴打强迫吸毒--亲稳网络舆情监控室

EF Ef T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:辽宁营口大石桥市发生幼女性侵事件,一名13岁女孩在卖淫组织者胁迫下被强奸并被逼卖淫,其同学也被控制,二人遭殴打并被逼吸毒,18天后才脱险。家长称受害幼女达8人。嫌犯均为企业主和基层干部。目前事件已过去10个月,检方仍未确定起诉罪名是强奸还是嫖宿幼女。 Liaoning yingkou municipal young women assault events happen,A 13-year-old girl in prostitution organizers stress raped and be forced into prostitution,The students were also control,Two people were beaten and was forced to drugs,18 days to escape。Parents say victims to reach 8 people's infant daughter。Suspects are business owners and cadres at the grassroots level。Current events in the past 10 months already,Prosecutors are still not sure the charges is rape or whoring。更多精彩新闻请进入搜狐教育>>>> More wonderful news please enter sohu education>>>>


“please,Let me go。”The little girl got down on my knees。“Beg me to it,Told me it doesn't matter,I have to spend money。”More than 50 years of the 14 men LiXue dragged him to bed。


The high heat through the lattice window curtain no cover,13 year old girl YangYun to nearly 170 of head and neotenous face,Living with a quilt wrapped tight,Submerged in the home of the cement build by laying bricks or stones on the bed。


Beijing the ze women's law consulting service center(Former Beijing university law school women's law studies and service center)The public LvXiaoQuan and ChenDong lawyer,A door,Or stay in。This is April 2012,Distance YangYun and good friends LiXue experience of the nightmare,Already happened eight months。


LiXue nightmare for 13 days,And YangYun nightmare continued for 18 days。In these days,Two girls was beguiled intimidation,Was forced by the drug after beating,By human invasion two patents,Determined to get a claim。


寻访过程中两家家长发现,受害的孩子,远不止2个,而是8个。8个女孩全都是辽宁营口大石桥市的未成年人。 Search found two parents in the process,Suffer children,Is far more than two,But eight。8 a girl is all liaoning yingkou municipal minors。

  今年2月,“老师组织学生卖淫”帖文一度网上沸腾,传闻所指地正是营口大石桥市。帖文称,大石桥地区富人阶层流传一种说法,与处女、幼女发生性关系就可以转运。于是,在大石桥发生了一起有组织、有策划、有场地的恶性强暴、强奸幼女事件。 February,“The teacher organizations students prostitution”For once, online boiling,Speculation in the very yingkou municipal referred to。1 article says,DaShiQiao area a statement from wealthy,And virgin、Maidens have sex can transport。so,In DaShiQiao happened with organization、A plan、Have the vicious violence、Rape removal events。

  目前尚未有证据显示,有学校老师涉案其中。此案5名犯罪嫌疑人已先后被批准逮捕。涉及两方面罪名,一为嫖宿幼女罪,犯罪嫌疑人均为当地企业主和基层干部。 There were no evidence,Have a school teacher of involved。The case five suspects already has been approved arrested。Two aspects involved charges,A whoring for sin,Crime suspicion for local business owners and per capita cadres at the grassroots level。

  另一罪名是组织卖淫罪。由于此案涉及受害者人数众多,且有未满14周岁的幼女,性质恶劣,情节严重,涉嫌强迫卖淫的22岁的林丽,将由上一级检察机关营口市人民检察院提起公诉。 The other charges of organizing prostitution of sin。Because the case number of victims,Under the age of 14 and removal,Nature bad,If the circumstances are serious,Allegedly forced prostitution 22-year-old li Lin,Will the level by the procuratorial organs yingkou municipal procuratorate prosecution。

  继、后,今年第三起重大恶性幼女性侵事件,在辽宁营口被揭开。 the、after,The third this year a major malignant young women assault events,In liaoning yingkou to be solved。

  18天的噩梦 18 days of nightmare


In YangYun memory,September 8, 2011 at school,YangYunGao than a grade on king stopped her:“You walk with me,Don't go with me,In school I saw you one,Play you a,No good life。”YangYun said:“I had to follow,On king drew a taxi。”


YangYun were brought to a top floor,See the is called“LinJie”Of li Lin。“She said to me,Later you listen to what I say,What are。Don't obey is no good fruit to eat。The king also said on,LinJie black and white and two way all someone,If I don't obedient,She will also spread in school I not serious,Let me later have no face to learn,Even the my house surfaced。”YangYun stunned。


I heard that I want to find a man was taken to the hotel,YangYun cry,She's not willing to go,But see Lin、WangErRen abuse their keep,And he said to her disfigured,Finally YangYun was dragged to the hotel room。


The men in the room made YangYun stripped naked,Cuddled YangYun。YangYun crying,Request open myself。“How old are you?”The man asked。YangYun said,12 years old。The man said 1,Is too small,went。


Until then to security authorities to public security bureau,The third time accept record asked before,YangYun always thinks of himself as this was raped。The 13-year-old girl sexual consciousness,“Stripped naked,The police asked is sex。”


The next day,YangYun and was sent to the hotel。YangYun said,The room has a man,And on the king looked at her,His being raped。


After come back,Li Lin let YangYun to call home for peace,As she play good draft must be read。Phone just finish,Phone card is li Lin break was broken。


Two days later,YangYun see good friends LiXue。LiXue is classmates and come to the king of the month“birthday”party。LiXueBen don't want to come,But students say,YangYun is there, too,LiXue went to the。


See YangYun,LiXue and said:“Let's go home,Your mother was looking for you everywhere。”Li Lin said in a side:“YangYun not to go home,I let her go her all don't walk,You accompany her for a few days bai,I can't hurt you。”Before LiXue know li Lin,Think about to come down。


After two days,LiXue put forward and go home。the,Li Lin fan her two mouth:“You want to go and go,Tomorrow I will copy your house,Tell the people you are sold。”


LiXueGu four mouth people,All by father worked at odd jobs to maintain。Think of copied home,Dad and I to do,LiXue dare not go。LiXue said,Li Lin also let the king month bought methamphetamine,Force her and YangYun suck。


Another few days passed,LiXue third puts forward to want to go home。The YangYun also said,“Let me go home。”Li Lin let the king month played LiXue a lesson,And let YangYun to fan friends box on the ear。Li Lin to YangYun said:“You don't play LiXue,I let her play you。”


The next day,Li Lin let LiXue put on her exposure to clothes and high heels。YangYun school uniform is also made the change。Li Lin warning 2 people,The other people start to ask,He said his 17 years old。


YangYun third is being brought to the hotel。After the event,In the face of the YangYun li Lin,Put another girl beaten out,YangYun threat not run。


LiXue led to the king of my own bath on said,“I'm afraid”,But the king month didn't spoke to her。In the hotel room,LiXue kneel to men,Also not。The man left,LiXue in the bathroom burst into tears。


LinLiGu back to when,LiXue LinLiXian said her hood up and turned over time,Then the king called on to another room,The king after coming out on,Give oneself 500 yuan。


The next day,LiXue and were asked to another hotel,LiXue said not to。Li Lin and on the head of the king LiXue hit the wall。“Li Lin lay their hands on the true malicious,A can play more than half an hour,Has been hit LiXue afraid,LiXue didn't dare to mention after home。”YangYun said。


LiXue head all bags,One night.the pieces,The knee is kneeling is broken。“I am going to。”LiXue cry。


8 YangYun no home that night,YangYun mother and relatives for a half a minute。The second day to call teacher,The teacher said YangYun didn't go to school,YangYun family and go out and find a day。


10 day,YangYun mother to report a case,The police said no signs of the fight,Go back to look for。YangYun mother has four times report to the police,Are not be put on record,Had to launch more than 20 every day looking for relatives。


Catch up with three day off during the Mid-Autumn festival,Until 13,,YangYun mother to find her daughter's teacher in charge。The teacher in charge said senior had a student looking for your children。The senior student,King is on,But on the king is not recognized。


YangYun aunt through a friend finally find out YangYun imprisoned address。September 25,,Yang's family came to YangYun more than 10 custody area,Called the police。


After 18 days,YangYun mother almost don't recognize daughter。The sight of the girl“Wearing enchanting,Facial hair white,shaking。”Back home,YangYun to mother cry to kneel down:“mother,I sold the。”


yingkou“whoring”In the case that the third of the victims of the prosecution's infant daughter,King is on。According to the king said in,Two years ago she was also li Lin threat,Was invaded the human nature,Then become li Lin's helper。Because on the king under the age of 14,,Was granted immunity from criminal prosecution。


 强奸,还是嫖宿? rape,Or whoring?


据悉,本案已再次由检察院退回公安机关补充侦查,起诉罪名是“强奸”还是“嫖宿幼女”,仍未确定。 It is reported,This case has again by the public security organ for supplementary investigation procuratorate return,The charges is“rape”or“whoring”,Is still not sure。


Yingkou whoring case,Is crime suspicion of 3 of the victims for removal,All is very beautiful,But family poor。


“Why not rape?Children so small,What all don't know,Too bad the。”YangYun mother think impassability,A daughter or a lively and advance the junior high school students,A few days after the accident,Others said daughter was a“Bad woman”。If the“whoring”prosecution,Mean that,Even the legal thought,His daughter is a whore?

  代理人吕孝权和陈栋答不上来这个问题。 Agent LvXiaoQuan and ChenDong couldn't answer the question。

  根据刑法规定,奸淫未满14周岁的幼女,最高可判死刑;但如果是和幼女间存在自愿性交易,且伴有金钱交易,则往往会被认定为嫖宿幼女罪,最高刑期15年。 According to criminal law,Under the age of 14 pet of adultery,The highest can be sentenced to death;But if it is to exist between the removal and voluntary transactions,And with the money,Then often can be maintained for whoring sin,Maximum sentence 15 years。

  由于近几年幼女性侵事件频发,且犯罪嫌疑人多涉及公职人员,社会公众一种普遍倾向是,“嫖宿幼女罪”事实上成为有权有势者逃避法律重责的“免死金牌”。 Because in last few years young women invade frequent events,And criminal suspects involved more public officials,The public is a kind of common tendency,“Whoring sin”In fact become influential persons from the law of the reason“From death gold medal”。


The judicial practice in a practice that the judge,If cancel whoring sin,Love in the MaiChun's infant daughter,Very likely QingPan instead。Because rape is 3 years at the punishment,Less than five years of sin whoring the punishment。Scholars ChuHuai plant also think,Existing law of the legal punishment whoring sin,It is already quite heavy。“Practice rape also not exactly such a heavy sentence。”


But China women's university professor of women's studies SunXiaoMei think:“Whoring the establishment of sin,The girl is to distinguish:But removal and prostitution's infant daughter。”Beijing youth legal aid and research tong lihua, director of the center for that,People will think“rape”Is heavy,and“whoring”Is light,Whoring weakens the sin of the social behavior understanding of the consequences。


“I live in the countryside,The matter is discrimination to rural areas。Usually my neighbor's daughter with kids are both good。Kids would go home,Rumours that a bad,Look for these children play with her daughter,The child to hide her。The school the teacher also say to the student,She is a bad kid,Less and to play with her。”YangYun mother said,YangYun home his wept。The YangYun don't want to go out now、Don't want to talk,Can only out of school at home,More and more close to,Will also want to commit suicide。YangYun judicial authentication conclusion is,People with mental disorders of stress,And this case a direct causal relationship。


LiXueZe faces more than YangYun embarrassing situation。If the case ended in public prosecution whoring sin,His is not of criminal victims of this case。Because the time of the crime,LiXueGang reach 14。This means that,In the criminal sexual assault case,She might even the victim is not。


LiXue father said to angry,Would raising daughter back while remaining detection、Silting green to agents look。Aside LiXue silently,Eyes no focus,Cry out all the time。


“The tragedy of,The school also has an unshirkable responsibility of supervision。”Legal disputes outside,LvXiaoQuan also specifically mentioned,Removal of the psychological aid victims afterwards,And matching the legal aid is very important。“Now the criminal suspect charged when investigation is often to whoring charges against and not on rape charges,Related social assistance problems like future medical expenses、Continue to learn、employment、How to solve the problem of marriage,We now supporting measures do not very good。”


In the 18 days of nightmare,“Bad woman”More than the beat and scold li Lin,Buy toys for children to bear,Was the age of 12 in the dark YangYun the only warm。


Now is。“mother,I can get back the bear?”This is now the teacher mouth at the age of 13“Bad boy”YangYun,After days of being saved,In addition to want to study,Mother asked the most a problem。


(Should be the interviewer requirements,LiXue、YangYun、Li Lin、The average monthly king for aliases)


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Expert analysis,Even if the girl accept goods,Voluntary betray body,Because the mind is not mature cannot afford coerced,In this case,Designed to protect the mental and physical health of the girl law should first mandatory adults abide by the moral bottom line,Or let a minor share the blame?"Whoring sin"The legal recognition of the original is"rapist"Become patron,And by sexual abuse has become the pet of female prostitution,Those who commit adultery's infant daughter criminals,Can use"Don't know each other age"or"On a voluntary and compensatory"alibi。


According to the current《Criminal law》provisions,Removal of the rape as adultery legal heavier plot,According to the rape conviction,The highest punishment to the death penalty;Whoring legal punishment for sin shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 5 years,Concurrently impose a fine,The highest average of 15 years imprisonment penalty。From the legal provisions and see,Whoring sentencing obviously less than rape's infant daughter。【detailed】


