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   年老得子大明星:有儿有女万事足 刘德华女儿出门打预防针,惊动警察维持治安。 Andy lau take my daughter to go out to be inoculated,The police moved to maintain order。


女儿像爸爸好福气 Daughter like dad good blessing


水均益19岁女儿照片曝光 Shui junyi 19 years old daughter photo exposure


recently,CCTV“jock”Still the birth of twins shui junyi news caught everyone's attention,A lot of people for years to the son BanBai near shui junyi teacher happy。In fact,And there is also a big shui junyi daughter,Named water poems,Has 19 year old,And with him was like long。All said her daughter like dad have blessing,The water poems not only name poetic,Grow also YouMoYouYang,'s beautiful,It's said,She also inherited his father's host genes。(The right for shui junyi and his daughter。)


And his current wife YangDi before marriage,Shui junyi and ex-wife wang jun got married in 1991,That 10 years of marriage but quietly over。2009 years,Shui junyi's wife has become a card-carrying CCTV YangDi sports reporter。


And his ex-wife and the daughter of shui junyi waters poems,This year just attend the university entrance exam and has got the admission notice。


57岁罗大佑老来将得女 57 years old to get female luo dayou will


45岁老婆下月剖腹产女 45 years old wife caesarean female next month


When most of luo dayou fans(right)ChengGuLi room has no hope,Full of thought、Once said no longer married he not only married,When will the father。Next month he 45 years old wife Elaine will cesarean section female luo dayou 57 years old, was a return to traditional,Have hurt wife、Take the child's family life。


It is reported,Of luo dayou“2100 time penetrating to type”The concert will be on 31 Hong Kong on the hung hom stadium,After the meeting he will concentrate on singing to the end of the daughter was born。


It's said,Once the luo dayou now with his wife, who is very close,A staff meeting in his house,Mrs. He can't help you called,Luo dayou run to told the wife:“You should lie,Don't walking up and down。”


In addition,Because he too is someone outside、And is also very low-key,So there has been no media could take her appearance。


王志文4岁儿子曝光 WangZhiWen 4 year old son exposure


与太太陈坚红温馨和睦 Mrs. Red sweet harmony with 23 Chen j


yesterday,Famous net friend“Changchun international”And in a blog。WangZhiWen 4 year old son photo are exposed,“Changchun international”Description way:“Cute little guys、Lively and active,Very attractive。”Can see WangZhiWen love have to add to the son,And he and wife、Famous red also is warm harmonious 23 Chen j。


On 1 April 2008 April fool's day,42 in Shanghai WangZhiWen low-key and small his teenage son be married in model 23 Chen j red,In the same year August 16,,Their son was born。


Excellent actress WangZhiWen I're low-key,After marriage will focus turned to the family,Even with the media also rarely talked about family,So after his wife、Son also very little exposure。


刘德华爱女 Andy lau girl


打针惊动警方 Shot up the police


“Four big black bodyguards”HuJia out the pictures


Andy lau recently to show their baby daughter went to Hong Kong central inoculated,Go out four black bodyguards,The whole with the embattled,Also at the police moved for its car saying。

  刘德华爱女降生以来,他一直不惜一切代价坚决防止女儿被外人拍到。但是,他女儿现在无疑牵动着无数看客的心。他老婆有本事,那么多年都没被拍到,不知此次,他们两公婆为了女儿能扛多久。话至此,刘德华为了家人,身上这股倔强很man、很感人! 本版文字 戴雨静

Andy lau since the birth of the baby,He has been determined to prevent at all costs daughter caught by strangers。but,His daughter is now affects countless tourists heart。His wife have skill,So many years have never been photographed,Don't know the,They LiangGongPo for a daughter can carry long。Words so far,Andy lau for the family,The very man on a stubborn、A very emotional! This text DaiYu static


(Source: guangzhou daily)
