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  因担心细菌传染,不少市民对此议论纷纷 Fears of bacterial infections,Many citizens to this comment in succession公共绿地人畜共嬉的场景随处可见。杨眉 Public green land a scene of both human beings and livestock everywhere。YangMei
Sorching summer,In the landscape within the fountain is recruit“intruder”。He saw a white poodle on hydrolysis is cool,The other side is in the pool,A 5 years old boy socks off his feet into the pool will rotate back and forth。recently,The tianshan road on a residential area of the dogs and children play with a pool of scene,Cause village residents dispute。

  看到喘着热气的爱犬Jack贪恋池水的清凉,起初还牢牵着狗绳的犬主不由松了手绳,Jack见状,整个身子都泡进了池子,双脚不停地做浮水畅游状,溅起一阵阵水花,类似“狗刨”的泳姿,引来不少居民的驻足围观,人们发出啧啧惊叹,其他遛狗的居民人开始放任狗狗亲近水池。几分钟后,另一端的男童家长紧蹙眉头,连忙将戏水的儿子拖回岸边。人群中开始议论起来。 “狗和小孩子一起在里面玩,多不卫生呀。”“狗有各种细菌,传给孩子怎么办?”不少年轻妈妈说,大夏天里,小朋友就喜欢下水池玩一玩,如果狗也来凑热闹,就不敢带孩子靠近水池了。

See out of hot air of the cool and refreshing pool water dog Jack lust,At first also prison with dogs on a leash rope of the dog by the Lord's hand on the rope,Jack sees,The whole body all bubble into the pool,Feet kept do submersed cruise shape,Splashing water waves,similar“GouBao”stroke,Many residents from the stop looking on,People click a surprise,Other residents of the dog people begin to indulge the dog dog close to pool。After a few minutes,The other end of the boy parents frowning brows,Hurriedly will the son of water towed to the shore。The crowd started talking about it。 “Dogs and children playing in there together,Not more health ah。”“Dogs have all kinds of bacteria,To their children how to do?”Many young mother said,summer,Children like to play with a sink,If the dog also come to join in the fun,Can't take the children away from the pool。

  孩子家长质疑,宠物狗身上细菌可能会通过水池传染给小朋友。但在养犬居民看来,凭什么狗就要遭到驱逐呢,小孩子要玩水可以去游泳池。部分居民向物业和保安反映这一情况,希望能禁止小狗继续进入水池畅游。但物业直言无奈,因为对于小区这浅浅的水池,并没有明确规定,“夏天这么热,居民的心情我们也理解,其实最好都不要进去,这样皆大欢喜。 ”

Child parent questioned,The pet dog bacteria may through the pool to infect the kids。But in raises the dog residents looks,With what the dog will be expelled,The young child to play water can go swimming pool。Part of the residents to the property and security reflect the situation,Hope to ban the puppy continue on into a pool。But property the truth but,Because this shallow pool for the community,Did not make clear a regulation,“Summer so hot,We also understand the mood of the residents,In fact had better not go in,So happy。 ”


Not only is the pool,Public square area also both human beings and livestock in a scene。Reporter discovery,Some citizens with their own pet often dog to public pools the heat,With spring for bathe the dog。Last Sunday,Reporters on xuhui riverside plaza to see,Many residents in the evening to the pool swims the chair stool the heat,And the most striking is the pet gens。These residents with the puppy in the grass chase、In the fountain pool scenes,Very not pleasing。Every day residents and small dog chihuahua come here to the heat,Love is the activity of the chihuahua project into the water play,Pennies to reporters explanation is,“May be it is very hot in summer,The dog also need to cool and refreshing”。And the original leave children play play water parents began to watch children。


In the way of vision finance department square of tianshan mountain,Vegetation and pure and fresh,Mall air conditioning blown out the air conditioning bring a cool and refreshing,This area had become the feng shui treasure-house of dog party。Every evening,Residents of the nearby village with a pet to a hot solution。Excited now dogs chase scenes,Everywhere and leave,On the edge of the bed is the bench in evidence,Will the inhabitants of shade of into the square。Citizens told reporters,Almost every day they brought the dog to come here,When a day can amount to several dozen,The square was just a pet home。

  一些养犬市民认为,宠物和人一起纳凉消夏,两不相扰,还能给小区和公共场所带来更多“生机”,只要在安全限度内,应该让宠物也有享受纳凉的一席之地。但更多市民认为,应该做到文明养犬,比如出门要牵狗绳、戴口罩,如果带宠物去公共场所和小区水池,不能纵容宠物随意下池,因为无论是从环境卫生还是人身安全角度来看,都存在一定隐患。记者了解到,在海富城市花园等小区,宠物戏水的行为已遭禁。发现宠物狗戏水,保安会要求狗主人立即将狗带上岸。在汇金百货广场,商家也专门贴出“文明养犬告示”,劝阻养犬居民不要再聚集遛狗。(记者 王海燕)

Some people think that raises the dog,Pets and people together in shade,Two compartmentalize,Still can give community and public places has more“vitality”,As long as in the security limits,Should let pets can also have a place to enjoy the shade。But more people think,Should do civilization raises the dog,Such as go out to his leash、Wear a face mask,If take pet to public and community pool,Pets can not be tolerated the pool at will,Because no matter from environmental health or safety Angle,Have some hidden trouble。The reporter understands,In the rich city garden area, etc,The behavior of the paddle pet has been banned。Found that pet dog paddle,Security will require a dog owner immediately will dog ashore。In huijin department square,The businessman also is special post“Civilization raises the dog notice”,Residents don't gather to dissuade raises the dog walking dogs。(Reporter WangHaiYan)
